Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sri Aurobindian Trialectic

[Mistakes in Class, or Herrschaft und Knechtschaft from The Joyful Knowing by Mike
A very wise professor today asked the class to define what Hegel means by the master and slave dialectic. I started to respond (with little attention to my words) that it is about two "subjectivities" that confront each other in a relationship where what is at stake is their self-sufficiency. She stopped me there and said, "the master-slave dialectic is not about two subjectivities. It is about the dialectic."
And she's right, and not just because--as I too quickly concluded--that she is of the school that reads the section on mastery and slavery in a Derridian way and not in a Kojevian way. I was stupid for saying "subjectivity," right off the bat. That is where she was correcting me, and this is where the Derridian way of reading it (along with Heidegger and Hyppolite, though Heidegger may take this too far in this direction) is really useful.
"Subjectivity" is a really misused word in general. I meant something like "self," but even that is not what is at stake in the master-slave dialectic. Nothing like it even appears or presents itself there throughout the whole passage. What presents itself is, as she said, the dialectic, but also and more specifically, self-consciousness. And what gets staked--that is, either lost by the master-slave relationship or relieved/superseded by it-- is life.]
[TRIALECTICS - LOGIC FOR NEW MILLENNIUM The existence of problems is one of the main reasons why people think life on this planet is difficult. What makes it difficult are the events and processes that seem unavoidable, but cause disharmony, dissatisfaction, resistance or a feeling of helplessness. The situation where we are not able to instantaneously find a simple and easy solution can cause us to create negative thoughts and emotions. They can create a negative attitude and unnatural forms of behavior which eventually always results in mental disbalance or physical illness. However, spiritual science has developed so much in this century that there are systems of thought and practical technical means that enable people to solve most of their problems.
One thing that surely cannot solve problems and makes them even more difficult is rejecting and denying their existence. This is usually the result of not understanding the basic natural principles of human existence and what its purposes are based on. We are, for that reason, going to deal with some of the most characteristic and important principles ruling the manifested universe. The model I am going to use while explaining these principles is a type of contemporary logical thought very suitable for Westerners. The creator of this model, called trialectics, is Oscar Ichazo - a spiritual teacher from Arica, Chile.
Trialectics is a synthesis of basically the same systems of thought that appeared in the 20th century under different names, such as "ecology of mind", "unitary thought", "general systems thinking", "cybernetics" or "synergetics". Trialectics is the third essential current of the logical thinking that evolved from Aristotle's formal logic and Hegel's dialectics. Therefore, we are first going to explore the basic axioms of formal logic and dialectics and then compare them with trialectics. ©Tomislav Budak (1995)]
Sri Aurobindo brings in the triads: Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, and Individual-Universal-Transcendent that explains the subjectivities and the dialectic both without any exclusivity. [TNM]

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