Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Savitri Era Religion can disrupt Hindu Rashtra

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Be a soldier of harmony

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, President, Savitri Era Party (2007), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and Director, SELF (2005).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Many are accusing Modi and BJP of not doing enough for Hindu causes. Those who are so concerned about Hindu issues should unite under a separate banner and run the organisation democratically so that clarity is there on different demands. Lambasting on social media is pointless.

I felt happy to read The Rise of Hyper Hindus by Makarand R Paranjape. Election results is prompting many to recalibrate strategies. 1992 was definitely a negation of what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo had embarked upon in 1914. Savitri Era Party has been consistently reiterating it. 

Modi supporters are begging for unity and keeping mouth shut within their ecosystem. This is a panic situation. Politics and democracy, however, run on different rails. This is understood very well when seen against the backdrop of Emergency's anniversary which I remember vividly. 

Savitri Era Religion promotes worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine instead of other gods, goddesses, or gurus so that people are liberated from the influence of mythology, rituals, and superstitions. Savitri is a poem based on Vedic aim of Immortality.

Future Shock was an influential book in the last century and the situation today is not very different. But the way The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have crafted the path to the future is absolutely unique. Once in a while one can be tempted towards activism but the route is Aspiration. 

You didn't mention how Indira Gandhi had undermined various institutions.

All kinds of opinions float here but my intention is to use my experience of last sixty years to instruct young generation. I was born and brought up midst the deprivation of an Odisha ଓଡ଼ିଶା village, but had received the highest riches of knowledge of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

The hold of religions on human mind is something phenomenal. So much so that, even great scientists or philosophers don't escape from their overpowering influence. Savitri Era Religion seeks to introduce the new knowledge of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the bedrock of education.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gave new knowledge in 1914 which remain largely unknown, today, in 2024. I keep on repeating many things because there's no better thing to repeat than the significance of their divine appearance on earth and contribution to the intellectual tradition.

There are close to one thousand schools in Odisha bearing the names of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and there seems to be no outward sign of their students following the ideals they were taught. Spirituality, of course, is about inner living.

I heard about the book for the first time. Education surely can come from diverse sources and turning points do arrive in life. Further, something is already sown into our lives which blossoms at the appointed hour. But the tragedy is, a turn towards the evil path is also common!

By the grace of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo the election results indicate that the Modi menace is on the wane and Hindutva's appeal is receding. Many devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have been misguided during the last two decades and let's hope that they realise the mistake. 

What The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have revealed in 1914 can't be subordinated to Western philosophy or Indian mythology. It's the responsibility of the devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to show the supremacy of this knowledge and yoga. Opposing anti-evolutionary forces urgent.

Savitri Era Party is against AAP, BJP, & Congress. We follow the universality of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and aspire for the descent of Supramental consciousness as outlined in the #FiveDreams broadcast of August 14, 1947. We demand returning ownership of Auroville to devotees.

Indira Gandhi was responsible for subverting democratic ethos in the country. But, how does that justify Modi doing exactly the same now? Erasing shameful episodes from school textbooks won't change the consequences of Karma. Higher powers are always there to enforce retribution.

No representation from Muslims in the Govt proves that the Constitution of India has become dysfunctional. Same would have happened to SC/STs had there been no reservation. It's the responsibility of the political parties to give shape to the letter and spirit of the Constitution. 

Debate is on whether BJP losing the 2024 election amounts to a defeat for Hindutva or not. But the analysts are intellectually crippled without any orientation on Sri Aurobindo. Savitri Era Party has been boldly claiming for the last two decades that Hindutva is anti-evolutionary. 

As a child, I disliked mythology and rituals and got to know The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in 1964. The course of my life changed without much effort on my part. This also saved me from being attracted towards other gurus and traditions. What happened to me can happen to anyone else. 

As Director of Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) since 2005 I have been observing that people are suffering from ideological confusion. High level of prosperity and education is not able to salvage the situation. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have devised a very safe and secure path

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo assure that things will change under evolutionary pressure. What's happening right now, in Punjab or elsewhere, is a transitional stage. But, a few individuals can drive change in thinking through their sincerity and persistence.

Distortion by Leftists and Hindutva enthusiasts has left history mauled. Savitri Era Party has a different take on events on the basis of Sri Aurobindo's insights. Like we don't respect Vivekananda, Tagore, Subhas, or Gandhi as much. We don't admire the present Prime Minister too. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings are enormous. Besides the books by disciples are many. No University can provide this much knowledge

36 volumes

19 volumes

13 volumes

36 disciples

Savitri Era Religion is a modern and rational alternative with the most coherent philosophical framework. What The Mother & Sri Aurobindo revealed in 1914 hasn't been superseded. All must follow for fruition of the #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947.

[Since 1971 Sri Aurobindo Society has ceaselessly published All India Magazine (AIM) to bring forth the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother...

In keeping with times, the current issue of All India Magazine is NOW available online every month for free at]

Whatever literature in Odia I had read during my school and college years, I have mostly forgotten them. I, generally, use Odia, Hindi, English, and Bengali. I also read Sanskrit when required and can understand Punjabi to an extent. But I'm not confident in any of the languages.

There should be sincere effort to read different books of Sri Aurobindo instead of trying to justify pet political theories through random quotations from him. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are not confined to an India or Hindu-centric worldview. So widening own horizon is important. 

Savitri Era Party & Savitri Era Religion are the best alternatives in the present condition of India. Recognising the significance of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's future vision is necessary for all educational institutions so that people turn conscious of their evolutionary roles. 

Sri Aurobindo restores the primacy of the Veda and emphasises that later texts like Upanishads or mythological literature indicate degeneration. By assigning symbolic interpretations to various Vedic deities, he delegitimises the rituals. Understanding this basic fact is crucial.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present and lead the evolution. I'm not much aware of political situations elsewhere, but in India, it, certainly, looks like a watershed moment as old debates relating to the 20th century seem to be giving way.

A lot of debate goes on around castes and securing votes on their basis is a major concern. We know Sri Aurobindo's position but that may not be applicable in the current situation. Migration, marriage, and modernity is breaking the caste barriers and castes purity is vanishing.

Savitri Era Religion ushers in freedom from mythology, rituals, and superstitions. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo insist on inner living but don't encourage occult practices. Holding on to a rational bent of mind is essential to "fight successfully the great battle of the future...".

Many people are in the habit of mentioning Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo interchangeably or jointly but thankfully, the practice seen in the photo of CJI in RKM, doing the rounds, has no relevance in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry. Individual autonomy and dignity are paramount.



Worthy is the world: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo (1972) by Beatrice Bruteau

Anybody can become an influencer today but only those who are conversant with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings have a greater claim to credibility. I don't find many on this platform to be qualified but learning is a lifelong process and due humility and sincerity is pivotal. 

Hatred on the basis of castes and religion is being fanned constantly. Here the role of Savitri Era Party is very important. We believe in universality and human unity as per the #FiveDreams broadcast by Sri Aurobindo on August 14, 1947. We are not bound by any ancient scripture.

Many gain self-satisfaction by quoting a couple of lines from The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings. But the task is a little more complex.

1) Accept them as the one Supreme Divine

2) Surrender all works and thoughts to them

3) Aspire for descent of the Supramental consciousness.

I started Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005 for disseminating the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in response to interdisciplinary environment. Integral movement of Ken Wilber was a rage at that time and many Westerners were aware of Sri Aurobindo to some extent.

Success and personal achievement have a limited role. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo aver that understanding the Veda is far more significant. The Life Divine lays bare the ladder of consciousness that is embedded in the Veda. How the forces of evolution rush for next rung is heady.

Social science took pride in materialistic analysis, and history ignored all occult indications. The Independence of India was chronicled as having nothing to do with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. This is the greatest folly we have been living with for the last seventy seven years!

That was before the World War I. Sri Aurobindo had thought of the term Arya as title of his new journal. He has written on its significance at several places. These days many people feel ecstatic just by using the word Dharma. They forget the kind of hatred and bigotry they spew!

Election results in Odisha has fermented doubts about the EVMs. It's unfortunate that democracy in India has come to be bugged by this nagging suspicion. It's not a question of who wins but why should the ruling party be stoutly defending it. Why to be so certain over technology?

If you are satisfied, it's fine. But the doubt lingers in the public mind. Modalities of democracy should be above suspicion.

I don't think only I and Elon Musk have expressed doubts on EVMs. Thanks for giving me that much of importance!

No scope for being worked up. Every citizen is entited to his fears and concerns, narratives and mythologes. I don't know why should I be deprived of them. Have mercy!

To say that human values don't operate where humans are involed seems to be a bit reductionist. To feel that one can change the course of events on his own, isn't totally true. To be aware of the larger picture and evolutionary trajectory is the challenge.…

Savitri Era Party is only party which demands a new Constitution purged of all references to castes or religions. There should be complete equality without any discrimination or preferential treatment to anyone. All sorts of affirmative action should be left to political parties.

Life is nothing but a congeries of memories some of which get erased every now and then to make room for fresh inventory. It's impossible to be at different places simultaneously, and hence physical location is the source of most memories which are sequential but inconsequential.

Savitri Era Party is opposed to AAP, BJP, and Congress. We draw inspiration from the theory of evolution as enunciated by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. The core of Indian wisdom is Veda and they have proposed the yoga of self-perfection. Overcoming castes and religion is the answer. 

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the first step. Loyalty, devotion, and surrender are indispensable for yoga. Understanding their writings is impossible without their grace. Participating in evolutionary adventure depends on these prerequisites.

Savitri Era Party is driven by the new knowledge The Mother & Sri Aurobindo revealed in 1914. The #FiveDreams broadcast by Sri Aurobindo on August 14, 1947 clearly enunciates the road map for the future. Jaded and geriatric thinking needs to be jettisoned for evolutionary journey. 

BJP won a landslide victory in Odisha but a second rung leader was imposed as the Chief Minister. There were at least half-a-dozen popular aspirants for the post who were prevented due to infighting. But remote control works. Granting Sovereignty to States can solve this problem.

Having undergone the trauma of COVID in 2021 and CABG the next year I'm not very hopeful about spirituality at 68. But the basic existential questions of old age and death are absolutely relevant in the yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. The dream of an ideal society too entices. 

Savitri is the modern-day Veda for the devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. As a gospel of Immortality, its regular recitation is normal for many. Apart from the beauty and power suffused in its lines, the occult significance of Mantra is very much palpable, even for scholars.

Savitri Era Religion, with its elaborate intellectual reservoir, has an edge over older rivals. Sri Aurobindo's original works in English serves as an ideal connecting link among devotees spread all over the world. The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs

RSS and BJP owe their existence to Muslims and to a lesser extent, the Christians. Conversion and appeasement etc are mere alibis and euphemisms but the real intent is a Hindu Rashtra where people of other faiths have no place. But Savitri Era Religion can disrupt this neat plan.

My voice doesn't have any appreciable reach but I have been emphasising that historians and journalists shouldn't ignore what happened in 1914. Puducherry was under French rule where The Mother & Sri Aurobindo met and brought out the Arya monthly magazine to set the future agenda. 

Current political issues pertain to a juvenile mentality. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo draw attention to basic problems that the Veda is concerned with. 121 people died yesterday, whereas Immortality is our birthright. AI is not the only avenue of superior wisdom. Consciousness is.

A case of "bad money drives out good".

ଗୀତଟି ଶ୍ରୀଅରବିନ୍ଦଙ୍କ ପ୍ରସିଦ୍ଧ ହୁ କବିତାର ଅବଲମ୍ବନରେ ଲିଖିତ।

[In the blue of the sky, in the green of the forest,

Whose is the hand that has painted the glow?

When the winds were asleep in the womb of the ether,

Who was it roused them and bade them to blow?]

କିଏ କହେ ଜୀବନଟା ଶୂନ୍ଯ ଆଉ ବ୍ଯର୍ଥ

ଶ୍ରୀଅରବିନ୍ଦ ଶୁଣାନ୍ତି ରହସ୍ୟ ଓ ଅର୍ଥ

ନାଶି ଯୁଗ ଯୁଗର ଏ ସନ୍ଦେହ ଓ ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତି

ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣାଙ୍ଗ ଜୀବନ ତତ୍ତ୍ୱ ଓ ଯୋଗ ବତାନ୍ତି।

ମୁଁ ତ ୧୯୮୮ ମସିହାରୁ ଓଡ଼ିଶା ଛାଡ଼ିଛି। ଖାଲି ଜମିବାଡ଼ି ଯାହା କିଛି ଅଛି। ତେଣୁ ବିଶେଷ କିଛି ଦାବି କରିବାର ଅଧିକାର ବି ନାହିଁ। କିନ୍ତୁ ଜୀବନର ଯେଉଁ ତିନି ଦଶକ ମୁଁ ବିତାଇଛି ତାହା ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଷା ଓ ସଂସ୍କୃତି ପାଇଁ ଅତୀବ ମୂଲ୍ୟବାନ। ସେହି ପରିପ୍ରେକ୍ଷୀରେ ସଞ୍ଜୟ ପଟ୍ଟନାୟକଙ୍କ ସମ୍ପାଦନାରେ "ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସିନେମା @ ୯୦" ଏକ ଉପାଦେୟ ସଙ୍କଳନ।

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