Sunday, August 25, 2024

The only miracle Sri Aurobindo performed in public

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Theoretical astuteness and sagacity

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006) & President, Savitri Era Party

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

The story of how and why India achieved Independence on Sri Aurobindo's 75th birth anniversary can never be told by historians. This is the only miracle he performed in public the significance of which is yet to be understood by Indians. The Mother & he are the one Supreme Divine. 

Apart from Odisha, Delhi, UP, and WB, where I have stayed, I have visited J&K, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Chandigarh, Haryana, Rajasthan, MP, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, TN, Puducherry, Andhra, Telengana, Assam, Meghalaya, Trpura, and Andaman. Similipal and Daringbadi are in the wishlist. 

Congress was responsible for keeping Sri Aurobindo out of the public knowledge in the last century and nothing much has been done to reverse it till now. I'm highlighting it since 2005 and notice with anguish how indifferent our intellectuals are. Hindutva has corrupted thinking.

August 15 is Sri Aurobindo's birth anniversary. Youth of the county should recognise the greatest philosopher and poet of the world and feel proud about it. Understanding that following him & The Mother is the only way for solving various problems faced by humanity is essential.

It's laudatory to stick to an empiricist attitude but what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have said with regard to occult dynamics are also a historical fact. Whether one believes in them or not is immaterial but faithful reporting and contextualising them is the job of the scholars.

Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational religion without the tyranny of any mythology or rituals. Believing in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine and surrender to them sparks collaboration with evolution for descent of the Supramental consciousness.

India has been dependant on West even after Independence but NRIs facing the heat shout about decolonisation. It has become a career opportunity too. Sri Aurobindo's vision doesn't conceive making a clean break with the West. A more collaborative approach is the need of the hour.

As they cover diverse subjects, reading The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books provides amazing intellectual stimulation. Discovering limitations of University education, being equipped with self-management techniques, and graduating from religion to spirituality are the biggest gain. 

Volume 31, The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga-IV, Part IV-Difficulties in the Practice of the Integral Yoga

Section I-Difficulties of the Path

Section II-Overcoming the Difficulties of Yoga

Section III-The Opposition of the Hostile Forces

There's no solution. There can be only endless discussion. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo undertook creating a new synthesis way back in 1914. They are available online now

Reading them will provide a new foundation for building a secure shelter for the future

Savitri Era Religion is free from mythology, rituals, and priests. It's a direct relationship between the devotee and The Mother & Sri Aurobindo who are the one Supreme Divine. Reciting Savitri spurs inspiration and invocation of aspiration for Immortality

Political turmoil in Bangladesh having repercussions in Odisha might seem hilarious but it's a fact due to domestic political divides. No occasion is spared from deriving political mileage and atrocious comments flood social media. Religion relating hatred of course is perennial!

Prevailing geopolitics is tied to religions and in the event of old religions being dissolved as predicted by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, a new world order is likely to emerge. #FiveDreams broadcast by Sri Aurobindo on August 14, 1947 foresees a #WorldUnion and India should lead.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo met each other for the first time on March 29, 1914 whereafter the first issue of a monthly magazine, Arya came out on August 15 of the same year wherein The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, and The Secret of the Veda appeared.…

There's nothing more paradoxical than expecting morality from the politicians or the govt. The only way for inculcating morality among the public is by following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. All other recourse are full of falsehood and deception. Savitri Era Religion is the answer. 

There's a wide gulf between how Hindutva looks at the future of India and what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have predicted about it in #FiveDreams. It's a question of the direction evolution is likely to take and it's certainly not interested in aggrandisement of individual nations. 

Sri Aurobindo's birthday is being celebrated today in thousands of Centres in India and abroad. It's one of the four Darshan days which hold immense significance for The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's devotees. Odisha has the largest number of Study Circles, Relics Centres, and Schools. 

Protests are being held at different places demanding justice but reciting Savitri is a more potent tool for invoking higher consciousness for transformation of human nature. Relying on psychological armament in addition to the legal and punitive measures should attract attention. 

Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational religion which worships The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises. It's free from mythology, rituals, and priests having no connection with other religions or philosophies. 

Just like someone can be interested only in the stick and not the ice cream candy it holds!

When the focus is on Sri Aurobindo, some have written articles on The Mother's independent role and pioneering efforts.

Mirra Alfassa, the Mother of Integral Yoga - N Kuchuk

Mirra Alfassa: Completing Sri Aurobindo's Vision - P Beldio

Worlding Encounters - RD Bajpai and S Parashar

Indians are not interested in what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were striving for. Prosperity and technology has deluded people. Everything is being judged on materialistic or militaristic terms. But the evolutionary Vedic imperative is different. Aspiration for Immortality is key.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have created an alternative paradigm for political, intellectual, aesthetic or entertainment spheres. These are in consonance with evolutionary push for higher consciousness and harmony. Despite present unwillingness and resistance, they are inevitable.

The Veda Suktas

Litmus test: If you have even an iota of admiration for any other person or tradition, then you have not been able to understand Sri Aurobindo sufficiently. This transitional stage is a dangerous phase in which whole life may pass. Savitri Era Religion bypasses this slippery way.

Those who are trying to start reading Sri Aurobindo, it's a long journey. Hindutva approach is to confine it to Uttarpara speech or some portions of India's Rebirth. No patience even for The Renaissance in India, let alone The Human Cycle. But, The Secret of the Veda is the best.

Expressing our exclusive allegiance and loyalty to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the most preliminary aspect of Integral yoga. The word sincerity derives from sine cera which means the marble statues wouldn't have wax fillings in olden days. So unalloyed love and devotion is must. 

Must be related to DJ Wale Bass Badha De! 

BJP has negligible presence in South but thanks to some of its erudite supporters from the South in the social media its influence seems to be sizeable. At least people hear about something about the South which is otherwise forgotten territory. No one is talking about crutch too. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo created a theological alternative way back in 1914. Savitri Era Religion is the only option for getting rid of the old religions. Its evolutionary philosophy is backed by science and they have declared that collapse of old religions is an inevitability.

Political parties, as modern organisations, are expected to reflect modern values and promote ethical behaviour but unfortunately in India they are engaged in all sorts of obscurantist activities like religion and castes. Savitri Era Party is guided by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Almost all cities and towns have Centres dedicated to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo but people in general don't take the benefit of their activities. These are public places with facilities like library and meditation hall. Many devotees run such services from their own homes, too.

Despite overwhelming hold over intellectual discourse in the country, the Left failed to gain confidence of the people and Hindutva is in power, today. But, this is also a transitional phase and, ultimately, the evolutionary philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo will reign.

Many people born in India are constantly receiving the message that they are less equal than others on various considerations. Following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only way for driving out all hegemonistic ideologies. Tomorrow is #WorldUnion day, a part of the #FiveDreams.

I have been active in the social media since 2005 and my feeling is that Sri Aurobindo's writings haven't been analysed properly by the intellectuals in the country. He might have very limited role in history from 1910 to 1950 but his philosophical output is massive to be ignored. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo inaugurated a new era in 1914 by launching the monthly magazine, Arya in which epochal books like The Life Divine, The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, and The Future Poetry were published in the course of next seven years.

It's difficult to ascertain the right evolutionary approaches in the light of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's future vision. Nevertheless, I have been writing against Hindutva as being obscurantist and regressive. Similarly, Reservations militate against the principle of fair play.

While most of us are concerned about the social, economic, and political problems of the day, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo grappled with the deeper existential issues like death, disease, and suffering. The Vedic evolutionary perspective, basically, is an aspiration for Immortality. 

Many intellectuals are blaming Modi instead of openly recognising the futility of Hindutva. An impression went around that the temple will solve everything but it turned out to be a dud. Mythology has existed for thousands of years. It can't solve anything. So, jettison Hindutva!

Sri Aurobindo's writings cover almost the whole of Humanities but focusing on one book gives a lopsided picture. There are many books like Reading Sri Aurobindo by Gautam Chikermane and Devdip Ganguli which undertake a mapping exercise and reading them can provide a good overview. 

World Union day today. Sri Aurobindo was emphatic about #WorldUnion in his #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947. It involves all dynamics of geopolitics and yet the real propelling factor is aspiration and consciousness. New website and new ejournal at

The greatest achievement of Modi is to expose how much benefit one can derive from publicity and propaganda. His defeat showed the limits. So talent and quality matters. Right ideology will win at last. Savitri Era Party believes Sri Aurobindo as the best brand. So no compromise.

The other side of river in the picture is Konnagar which has the parental house of Sri Aurobindo. He must have spent a few years there in his own home as a child. Uttarpara is nearby and Chandannagar, not very far. Srirampur is also near where William Carey had founded a college.

Savitri Era Religion is about worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises. There is no fixed ritual except remember and offer. It's not connected with any other religion or philosophy. Books

Sri Aurobindo's personality is truly multi-faceted. His writings are equally diverse. Any scholar can discover this in a handful of days. What he can't decipher easily is why such a huge number of people are worshipping him and The Mother even without reading their books properly. 

It's not without significance that The Mother has Mediterranean roots and Sri Aurobindo spent his formative years in the West. This lethal combination is the only concoction which will save the world. Savitri Era Religion worships them as the one Supreme Divine who are ever here.

Reading one or two books of Sri Aurobindo, or compilations like India's Rebirth can misguide. Further, without being conversant with his collaboration with The Mother will give an incomplete picture. Finally, looking at him as merely a revolutionary won't reveal his yogic powers.

Indian democracy is undergoing deep churning, although the deserved intellectual interrogation is yet to be initiated. Elections and Bangladesh have accentuated the seriousness. 1947 was imposed by the British but India as a mature nation must redraw the blueprint for the future.

Books should be written examining different prospects by downplaying current dominant sentiments. Sovereignty to the States is one such proposal since autonomy can work wonders for local creativity and self-determination. Plus issues like reservation wll have regional variations.

Thanks to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, we are not overly dependent on Western philosophy or science. Similarly, despite their admirable sophistication, we have scant respect for Buddhist or Indian philosophy. Further, our appreciation for mythology doesn't extend beyond literature. 

Influencers are advising to earn money. Nothing wrong in that. The Mother book by Sri Aurobindo is very clear about that. But the more important aspect is how that money is put to use. What attitude one should have in owning the wealth or while spending it. All these are crucial.

The problem is that those who are steeped in traditional systems and philosophy misrepresent the teachings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo due to lack of proper orientation. Their notion of yoga is entirely different from what the established yoga schools teach. Discernment needed.

Many Hindutva adherents are active in the guise of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's devotees whose love for Modi turns their perspective on current affairs warped. Let it be known that they have avoided making any definite prediction about the future as evolution is facing resistance. 

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is an indispensable condition for Integral yoga as their grace is essential for progress in personal as well as cosmic evolution. Allegiance to other gods and goddesses or prophets and gurus is an assured hindrance.

Inauguration of Auroville by The Mother in 1968 signalled a dilution of Integral yoga leading to humanisation of the spiritual aim. Savitri Era Religion too intends to make the teachings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo more accessible to the general public. This is a pioneering job. 

People from all nations and all religions have been influenced by the teachings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Savitri Era Religion seeks to make it formal for building a solid base for human unity and fraternity. From the intellectual resources angle, its appeal is unparalleled.

Theory of various hues is mounting but Savitri Era Party keeps its faith on Sri Aurobindo's Vedic evolutionary paradigm. There's no scope for any speculation or amalgamation. Westerners are fond of their own thinkers but those who are aware of The Life Divine understand its worth. 

Books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are available online at

Books of their disciples and other sadhaks can be read at

Publications of Overman Foundation can be found at

The Veda Suktas

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Theoretical astuteness and sagacity

 Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Savitri Era Religion is a viable alternative

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006) and President, Savitri Era Party

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Nehruvian ethos was ruling in the last century and everyone tried to be tolerant and accommodative but with the rise of Hindutva in this century, fanaticism and insolence has become common. But when it comes to scholarship due humility and respect for alternative voices essential. 

Bande Mataram was written for undivided Bengal and its full implications have not been realised till date. Why should religion or any other geopolitical factor be responsible for dividing a well constituted linguistic and cultural nation is difficult to understand. Rethink needed! 

Why and how Sri Aurobindo left politics is well documented, but one handle is constantly accusing him for that. He is not willing to appreciate his achievements either. Real reason seems to be Sri Aurobindo disapproves Subhas Bose aligning with Hitler. So, he has to be denounced.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were absolutely confident about humanity moving in its evolutionary journey towards a sublime future. Although education is harnessed for inculcating morality in the society a change of consciousness lifting mankind to a higher state is the ultimate way

Savitri Era Religion requires unalloyed allegiance towards The Mother & Sri Aurobindo which is essential for collaboration with the evolutionary forces. It also necessitates getting rid of narrow identities which bind and limit consciousness. Integral education is geared for this. 

Savitri Era Party is of the opinion that the Constitution of India in its true spirit can be implemented only if the country follows The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. High ideals enshrined in it can not materialise without a genuine upward evolutionary push in collective consciousness.

I avoid canvassing for spirituality or yoga in relation to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Even, personal growth seems to me to be bordering on some sort of false promise. Reading their books leads to acquiring philosophical knowledge from which varieties of benefits can be derived.

The Human Cycle is the most important book of political theory, of the last century, in India but scholarly works are meagre in which it has been referred to. It's pitiable that many are following Ambedkar, Periyar, or Savarkar instead of the evolutionary vision of Sri Aurobindo.

Each person is a tip of the iceberg as poets and writers portray the psychological depths. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo reveal much more dimensions to it leading to their divine origin. Savitri is replete with descriptions of such nature where the esoteric and the factual converge.

Writings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo cover diverse subjects like philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, history, religion, education, management, English literature, Sanskrit literature, Bengali literature, cultural studies, journalism, and futurology. 

Odia is certified as the only classical language in the whole of north India apart from Sanskrit which is pan-Indian. ସଂସ୍କୃତ (ଯାହା ସର୍ବ ଭାରତୀୟ ଅଟେ) ବ୍ୟତୀତ ସମଗ୍ର ଉତ୍ତର ଭାରତରେ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଏକମାତ୍ର ଶାସ୍ତ୍ରୀୟ ଭାଷା ଭାବରେ ପ୍ରାମାଣିକତା ହାସଲ କରିଛି। Beauty of its script and pronunciation, great.

India and the world are facing myriad problems and these can't be solved unless there's conscious consent to follow The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Their writings are available in seventy volumes which have transformative power. It's a task for all those who are involved in education. 

Savitri Era Religion is more concerned about cosmic powers and evolutionary forces than personal welfare in consonance with the Vedic aspiration for harmony and Immortality. Surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is an essential condition for accelerating descent of Supramental.

Many think of Sri Aurobindo for quotable quotes, but reading his books and appreciating his prose should be a common practice for any educated person. Besides, the kind of emancipatory thoughts he teaches can be a life's turning point for many individuals.

Culture and education impart many misconceptions and prejudices. Even, philosophy is full of false theories. Writings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the only secure route to discover genuine knowledge about the world and one's own life. It has also transforming effect of yoga.

Physical, vital, mental, and psychic; these are the broad four levels of consciousness of which we are composed of, according to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. These are reflections of the Sat, Chit, Ananda, and Vigyana layers of consciousness which are part of the Divine existence.

Just noticed that Savitri Bhavan, Auroville is not mentioning the name of Sri Aurobindo in the description of its YouTube videos as a result of which search results are not showing them. I regularly collate new info in my many blogs like Aurora Mirabilis.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo conceive yoga as practical psychology without relying on any religion. Emotional refinement and modulation is suggested as a means for climbing up the ladder of consciousness. But grace is indispensable for progress and hence surrender to them is a must. 

People of India are suffering due to a huge joint family. Any small incident anywhere keeps 1.4b people stressed. Granting Sovereignty to States can solve many problems including reservations. #FiveDreams of Sri Aurobindo foresees a #WorldUnion and India should turn a federation.

What happens, including politics, is dictated by evolution. It's not its whims or caprices. It, as Sri Aurobindo shows, has a definite plan and a peculiar system of execution. Therefore, the happenings seem to lack symmetry or rationality. But, it's the return journey to harmony.

Philosophy has been consigned to a remote corner by the Universities but banishing philosophy from life would be catastrophic. Historians conspired to banish Sri Aurobindo from text books but his philosophy marches with flying colours even after 110 years.

Ontology of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo lays down that the psychic being of a person determines his or her destiny irrespective of any reward or punishment owing to karma. This is to acquire varieties of experience over different lives. So to be sad or happy for fate is immaterial. 

This century has seen Indians reaching new heights in every field but somehow something is preventing them from accessing superior knowledge of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Books are available free online and videos are being uploaded everyday but a formidable resistance operates.

Congress and the Left conspired to keep Sri Aurobindo out in the last century and in the current century, Hindutva on the one hand and Ambedkar/Periyar on the other can be blamed for scant reception of him. Savitri Era Party is trying to convince people of his political relevance. 

Writing in the Indian Express on March 21, 2002, Mangesh V. Nadkarni had identified several reasons for Sri Aurobindo’s Opposition. Although they seem to be true even today, lack of adequate publicity by institutions dedicated to him, also, is responsible.

A was supporter of BJP but now he is against and being trolled. B and C were doing podcasts together but now they don't see eye to eye. D was publisher and E was writing coloumns. Today they fight like cats and dogs. The RW is in a terrible state but it's wholesome entertainment!

The Meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy by Sisir Kumar Maitra is available online.…

The first chapter deals with Value-centric Outlook of Indian Philosophy as against Western Philosophy is Existential and Theoretical, Intellectual

Savitri Era Party demands that two terms should be maximum for anyone occupying Constitutional office. Beyond that survival instinct develops and sycophancy creeps in. To assume that no one is capable of replacing a person who already has ruled for ten long years flouts democracy. 

Their books are physical symbols of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and reading them amounts to collaboration with evolution. Visiting Centres and participating in collective meditation can enhance aspiration, but one should be cautious against too much of socialisation or attachment.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present and are in charge of the evolution. Current affairs are working out of ignorance from out of millions of probabilities floating in Hiranyagarbha and hence, some parochial pet wishes may not be fulfilled.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a protest against all old religions and allied rituals and mythologies. Rejecting past conventions is indispensable for ushering in a new future. Conscious collaboration with evolution can accelerate descent of Supramental consciousness.

Savitri Era Religion doesn't recommended any kind of alternative knowledge system or healing procedure so that devotees don't fall prey to the growing empire of quackery. Reading The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings and drawing the right lessons on scientific basis is necessary.

Hindutva adherents seem to be on overdrive for spreading misinformation about The Mother & Sri Aurobindo vis-à-vis recent happenings. Savitri Era Party doesn't believe in any India or Hindu-centric scenario since The Life Divine doesn't foresee such a prospect. So, caveat emptor!

Auroville was mentioned in Lok Sabha for wrong reasons. It's strange that complaints against it are being treated so casually when its administration is directly under the govt. Savitri Era Party however demands that Auroville be returned to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's devotees.

Very few like Tara Jauhar are present today who received direct guidance and love from The Mother. Her father, Surendra Nath Jauhar, is the founder of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch. His book, My Mother contains many interesting anecdotes apropos various facets of The Mother.

Apart from English, there are many books relating to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in other Indian languages. When Ke Ei Ma by Pashupati Bhattacharya was published in Bengali, it became very popular and was translated into different languages. Nama-Japa by Ramkrishna Das is another.

K.D. Sethna (Amal Kiran), Arabinda Basu, and Jugal Kishore Mukherjee received Auro-Ratna Award in 2010. Robi Gupta, Kireet Joshi, and Prithwindra Mukherjee for 2011. Prema Nandakumar and Shraddhavan for 2012. Ananda Reddy 2013, Shobha Mitra 2014, Manoj Das 2015, Chitra Bose 2016.

Tara Jauhar 2017, Aster Patel 2018, Ardeshir S. Dalal 2019, R.Y. Deshpande and Shyam Kumari 2022 received the Auro Ratna Award instituted by Overman Foundation (founded by Anurag Banerjee) in 2010.

It also awards Bulbul Mukherjee Smriti Puraskar for women.

Modernity and democracy won't sustain with hypocrisy. Morality is essential, and therefore The Mother & Sri Aurobindo exhorted for following the path of yoga. Understanding their philosophy of evolution provides the necessary conviction for adhering to right norms and principles.

Instead of Gita which is, mostly, derivative, it's much more beneficial to read The Secret of the Veda where Sri Aurobindo offers symbolic and psychological interpretation of various deities and other terminologies. Knowing that helps understanding new meanings of Sanskrit words.

Imbibing the insights of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo by studying their books regularly is absolutely necessary. Believing in them as the one Supreme Divine and surrendering to them is essential for receiving their grace. Being proactive for spreading their future vision is crucial. 

Prevailing geopolitics is tied to religions and in the event of old religions being dissolved as predicted by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, a new world order is likely to emerge. #FiveDreams broadcast by Sri Aurobindo on August 14, 1947 foresees a #WorldUnion and India should lead.

Rescuing Sri Aurobindo from this irritating Kshatriya business is critical for appreciating how Sri Aurobindo has accomplished the “transfer of the leadership in philosophy from the West to India” as was observed by Sisir Kumar Maitra in 1942. Savitri and The Life Divine are gems. 

Mukul Kesavan once called Sri Aurobindo the worst poet of Bengal. Those who find his philosophy formidable would attack his poetry to belittle him. The records of P. Lal and Nissim Ezekiel, on this score, is legendary. Every effort has been done to ignore his eminence and genius.

The appeal to authority fallacy and the circular reasoning fallacy need to be avoided but when The Mother announced descent of the Supramental consciousness, in principle, on February 29, 1956, it has to be accepted and believed in in toto as Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy came true.

Most people seem reluctant to accept The Mother being of some consequence. General ignorance about her status and contributions lead to this. It's necessary to know how integral she is to the life and achievements of Sri Aurobindo as both are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine.

Savitri Era Religion is the future of the world. As more and more people read Savitri and The Life Divine, the Vedic aspiration for harmony and Immortality will accelerate the evolutionary forces for descent of Supramental consciousness. Let's pray to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo!

Neither history nor current affairs can indicate the shape of the future with accuracy. Those conversant with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings understand how incredibly unpredictable is the situation. " is the hour of the unexpected, the incalculable, the immeasurable."

The Veda contains the highest aspirations for emancipation from the human condition. Each word of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a restatement of those Vedic yearning for perfection, harmony, and immortality. Believing in them amounts to collaboration with the evolutionary forces.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo warn against ignorance and falsehood which are always trying to capture us in their captivating snares. Aspiring for truth and light is the constant Vedic imperative. All life is yoga basically means that which needs to be secured by surrender to TM&SA.

Political means may not be successful for creating an ideal society. Those who feel by uniting on the basis of castes or religions all problems can be solved are mistaken. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have analysed all these aspects threadbare. Savitri Era Religion is the only way.

Watching videos is certainly convenient but reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in original is much more beneficial with long term rewards. Allusions to other authors and philosophies are like tendrils which help expand intellectual horizon and comparative perspective. 

Let's hope that the new book co-authored by Rajiv Malhotra apropos Ken Wilber generates fresh interest in Sri Aurobindo. It needs to be clearly understood that no one has been able to surpass his philosophy even after 110 years. His insights in political theory too stand supreme.

Democracy in India will complete 77 years in another 7 days. Constitution of India is a document of lofty ideals but unfortunately it has been facilitating corrupt people to rule over the public. It's a travesty of justice that Arvind Kejriwal is in jail without any proven crime.

Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872 and as devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo we believe that India got Independence on his 75th birth anniversary due to their grace and spiritual power. Even he was present after adoption of Constitution. His #FiveDreams speech is vital. 

Nice analysis vis-à-vis democracy and the outlook is despondency. But thankfully we have the future vision of Sri Aurobindo which can be taken as a morale booster. In his The Human Cycle, he talks about evolutionary forces guiding society towards a sublime future. Pascal's wager! 

Mr. Tilak's Book on the Gita appeared under The News of the Month in the very first issue of Arya: A Philosophical Review dated 15th August 1914 in which Sri Aurobindo briefly reviewed the commentary. It is also believed that he had an unseen hand in writing of the book, swiftly.

Savitri Era Religion is universal and devotees are spread across continents. It has no fictional mythology or fixed rituals. Aspiring for descent of the Supramental consciousness by surrendering to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the task. Also, reading Savitri and The Life Divine.

All such victims should be released before Independence day.

Some scholars and devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo exhibiting subservience to Hindutva is turning their teachings topsy-turvy. Savitri Era Party has been urgining for maintaining integrity of their vision intact. Savitri Era Religion worships them as the one Supreme Divine.

Along with how Ken Wilber misrepresented the ontology of Sri Aurobindo, it's also necessary to expose how Hindutva champions belittle him and ignore The Mother too. As a devotee since 1964 I have been writing on this 2005 onwards. Let there be theoretical astuteness and sagacity.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Savitri Era Religion is a viable alternative

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Sri Aurobindo is yet to be accommodated by Universities

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, SELF (2005) & Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006)

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Echo chamber and ecosystem is damaging many brains since people are refusing to be exposed to alternative ideas. This is the opposite of what a technology-enabled environment was expected to ensue. Reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, however, can redeem the situation. 

It's important to understand that different religions are responsible for war and discrimination on this planet. What is not realised is that religions are defended as being irrational in nature. Savitri Era Religion worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the most rational one. 

So much of discussion goes on on development and economic disparity but consulting Sri Aurobindo on civilisational issues is totally absent. Understanding the evolutionary intention vis-à-vis geopolitical equations is necessary without being tied to superficial ideological furrow. 

Apart from New Words of the Mother, Sabda has several new publications including new edition of Poets and Mystics by Nolini Kanta Gupta, Savitri: Its Profound and Magnificent Significance (Vol Three & Four) and Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga (Vol VI & VII) by V. Ananda Reddy. 

Both Schelling and Hegel are considered to be restatements of Christian theology but Sri Aurobindo who is also likened to them can't be painted in the same brush since he draws from the Veda. He is rather more close to physics, biology, and psychology by integrating them together. 

If the reported trend in Iran is true then Savitri Era Religion has a better chance of turning a viable alternative. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's Devotees are scattered all over the world but suffer from several confusions. Coming together under one banner can increase visibility. 

Settling the debate between liberty and equality isn't easy, but no one does it better than Sri Aurobindo. It's unfortunate that the elite in our country choose not to read him but the loss is theirs. Indicating fraternity as the real solution, he hastens to add their Vedic root.

Savitri Era Party keeps on repeating that the power of evolution is all pervading as asserted by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. What used to be known as zeitgeist can be better understood under a much vaster and vibrant phenomenon of evolution which also has a scientific connotation. 

Reducing the teachings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to sadhana or yoga is flawed. The name Ashram also strengthens such an impression. But the basic thing associated with them is philosophy. It's a rational and intellectual path for reconfiguring one's mental makeup by reading.

Reading constitutes collectively gyana, bhakti, and karma. It's also an occasion for mantra when done aloud. The physical presence of a book carrying the words of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can mean their presence. Reading or reciting mechanically without understanding has effect. 

The Life Divine is not a religious, spiritual, or mystical text. It's a book of pure philosophy and sociology. One shouldn't be misled by the terms, Divine or Supramental consciousness. Sri Aurobindo explains the functioning of the universe and each category has to be understood.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine in Savitri Era Religion doesn't involve any ritual or fixed routine. Remembering them and expressing gratitude for their grace that is being constantly showered upon us is all that is required. Sole loyalty is crucial.

Inner contractions of Hindutva are coming to the fore as it's being interrogated on touchstone of modernity. Sri Aurobindo examined all these and his verdict is clear. Savitri Era Religion and Savitri Era Party are trying to popularise his insights and prophecies like #FiveDreams. 

Some have expressed many misconceptions about Odia. It may have some affinity with Assamese, Bengali, & Bihari languages but it's also quite different in terms of script and pronunciation. Schwa in Odia is one of its distinctions. This of course is not true for Sambalpuri dialect. 

The Integral approach is to overcome the sacred-secular divide so that even lifestyle matters like food or sleep can be transformed into volitional evolutionary ventures or yoga. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo offer endless guidance on personal growth or negotiating with inner forces. 

Just downloaded the metadata of a new book titled, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh: Modernity and Practice, edited by Dr. Parimal Sarkar, Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, and Mr. Amit Adhikari. It contains 24 chapters contributed by various authors centering around his educational and social philosophy.

August is here. Sri Aurobindo was born in Kolkata on August 15, 1872. He was educated in England and returned in 1893. He wrote a few articles in Indu Prakash criticising Congress. Later, the editor asked him to tone down his stance. He also wrote a series on Bankim Chandra in it

Devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are not accustomed to the idea of a separate religion, and hence Savitri Era Religion is facing opposition. But the way religions and castes are being exploited for political purposes, putting up a united existence is very much a compulsion.

Sri Aurobindo has been out of dominant consciousness of the nation for over a century. Now that all other claims to intellectuality have collapsed, he is gradually getting deserved attention. But mastering his oeuvre is a daunting task. I thank myself for investing my life in it.

It's a complex world as we are bombarded with conflicting views on different subjects like foods, medicines, or climate change. Consumers can hardly fend for themselves when experts themselves are fighting. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo surely provide an oasis amidst this cacophony.

Congress used to corrupt minds and the Left made it an industry. Ambedkar and Hindutva continue to corrupt minds and the media does it in its own way. Reading The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books is the only means for correcting both defective historical and philosophical wordview.

Despite knowing the Veda, Upanishads, and other scriptures in depth, Sri Aurobindo went on to write The Life Divine because he had to say something different and epochal. Learned men who overlook this elementary fact and choose to ignore him are incurring heavy intellectual loss.

Each of us is socially and politically embedded but the challenge is to rescue individuality for freedom and fulfilment. "To be and to be fully is Nature’s aim in us" says Sri Aurobindo in the last chapter of The Life Divine and stresses the need of an inward and Integral living.

As more and more institutions connected with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo come under the influence of the party in power and its ideology, it's very difficult to find people who really represent their teachings. Savitri Era Religion, in such a scenario, is the only secure shelter.

I'm a devotee since 1964 and before getting the opportunity to write on the web as Director of Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005 I had acquired sufficient acquaintance on the wide literature on and by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. My paper of 2015 at…

Integral yoga demands surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo apart from aspiration and rejection. They are in charge of evolution and it's by their grace Supramental consciousness will descend. Those worshipping other gods and goddesses or gurus are not entitled to this benefit.

Savitri Era Party has been demanding purging the Constitution of all references to castes and religions so that a genuine universalist society is allowed to take shape. Clinging on to old divisions can't be the sign of a modern and rational mentality. Let's follow Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo spent his formative years in England and understood its people and culture well. He knew that liberty is valued there and India will achieve freedom. So when some initiative came in the form of Cripps Mission in 1942 he immediately lent his support to it but in vain.

Sri Aurobindo had supported the British as he was against Hitler. After his Contributions to Allied War Funds, he had publicly supported Cripps Proposal, Wavell Plan, and Cabinet Mission Proposals. There's a general impression that all these could have prevented the partition.

Between 1914 and 1921, Sri Aurobindo wrote epochal books like The Secret of the Veda, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Isha Upanishad, Kena and Other Upanishads, Essays on the Gita, The Renaissance in India, The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, The Human Cycle, and The Future Poetry.

That impression was due to the novel, Ghare Baire by Tagore. Later, Netaji also popularised the same impression. Sri Aurobindo, however, was guided by his own intuition and everything about the journey of his life is duly documented.

One side of the picture may seem paradoxical but when one sees the whole picture, the anxiety vanishes. Sri Aurobindo himself has explained the reasons for various turning points of his life.

Sri Aurobindo's political interventions are well documented. So, no scope for any speculation or insinuation.