Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Savitri Era Party possesses ideological muscle

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Twenty first century was thought of as ushering in widespread progress but unfortunately, the ideology of hatred of Hindutva has vitiated the atmosphere in India. Followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have this responsibility to disabuse people of their attraction for Hindutva.

80 - 20 would give a more authentic look!

History tends to paint its players as black or white but Homer used to be more sympathetic by drawing attention to the gods who were acting from behind. The Mother too dubs Hitler as being a tool in the hands of hidden evil forces. The occult is a fact even in Hegel or Heidegger.

Conflict is the basis of biology which expresses itself in various forms in society. But virtues like liberty, equality, and fraternity are also real insofar as they are seen as achievable goals. Sri Aurobindo explains it in evolutionary terms since creation emanated from harmony. 

India has been facing a vociferous challenge from Hindutva since 1990. 2024 election results demonstrate that some resistance has been offered by the combined force of casteists and atheists but Savitri Era Party, driven by Sri Aurobindo's philosophy, possesses ideological muscle. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the greatest contribution of 20th century. It's not just coincidental that World War I broke out after Arya was launched by them in August 1914. I got to know their teachings in 1964. Investing my life in studying their philosophy has been rewarding.

There are many facets for understanding The Mother & Sri Aurobindo
1) Story of their lives
2) Their writings
3) Story of the Ashram and Auroville
4) Writings of their direct disciples
5) Scholarly books and articles
6) Activities of local Centres and Schools
7) Podcasts and videos.

The Ashram was a laboratory as The Mother & Sri Aurobindo used to put it and hence it doesn't exactly represent their philosophy. Auroville was created to be a more faithful reflection but it's still struggling. In any case, the world at large is the real field. All life is yoga.

Many are posing as experts on Sri Aurobindo but they should disclose their exposure. Admitting ignorance is the first step to knowledge. Proceeding to learn systematically is better than bluffing as reading just one or two books is not enough. Lastly, surrender to The Mother is key. 

The Foundations of Indian Culture has been renamed as The Renaissance in India Many have been misled by this book to be avid followers of Hindutva and its muscular nationalism. It's crucial to remember that Sri Aurobindo wrote it in different circumstances. 

Peter Heehs showed that Sri Aurobindo had almost no connection with Hinduism. After reading his speech, it occurred to me that the way Sri Aurobindo has reinterpreted the Veda, the gods and rituals have no validity. Since then I have been campaigning against mythology and rituals. 

Beyond Man (1997) by Georges van Vrekhem (Beyond the Human Species in American edition) is an outstanding book which highlights the divinity of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. The same is also found in his other books like Patterns of the Present (2002) and Hitler and His God (2006).

A lot of debate was going on on whether Integral yoga is turning into a new religion. Then, I read in The Penguin Sri Aurobindo Reader (1999) edited by Makarand Paranjape that though they repeatedly warned against a cult, "Sri Aurobindo himself deified The Mother and vice versa."

I was volunteering at different book fairs at Pragati Maidan from 1996 to 2008. The stall was organised by Gyanchandra of Sri Aravind Chetana Samaj. Sunlit Path by The Mother and Living Within series by A. S. Dalal were selling the most. Ved Rahasya used to attract Hindi readers.

Books by Rod Hemsell like The Philosophy of Consciousness, The Philosophy of Religion, The Philosophy of Evolution, and Sri Aurobindo and the Logic of the Infinite are excellent introductions to Western philosophy and psychology. His The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo reveals rare insights.

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