[It is not female but male surrender to the Divine that we see in it. The quality of the surrender of Aswapati is masculine, lofty, wonderful, full of knowledge and power, more spiritual than psychic. RYD on Mon 14 May 2007 02:09 AM PDT Profile Permanent Link]
An innocuous and well-intentioned comment by RY Deshpande in his ongoing meditations on Savitri at SCIY is likely to ruffle the sentiments of the gender-sensitive. Especially when we see Sri Aurobindo’s life long endeavour to endow the women of his poems with enormous light as well as might.
One another character created by Sri Aurobindo is Maheshwari. Modeled on Varuna, She is absolutely unique and has no affinity with any name in Indian mythology. Now, Maheshwara must be having a tough time in approaching and measuring up to her! [TNM] 7:11 AM
One another character created by Sri Aurobindo is Maheshwari. Modeled on Varuna, She is absolutely unique and has no affinity with any name in Indian mythology. Now, Maheshwara must be having a tough time in approaching and measuring up to her! [TNM] 7:11 AM