Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Sri Aurobindo is the most precious brand

  Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: The Secret of the Veda is the greatest contribution of Sri Aurobindo


Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006)

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Believing in divinity of someone is the most contentious affair but doubting an authentic manifestation of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is better than blindly believing in traditional sources of falsehood or superstition. Critical scrutiny of their writings and actions can convince. 

Diversity obtaining in our country promotes sympathy and respect for plurality in the matter of philosophy and religion. The Constitution of India, too, encourages a similar attitude. But following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo ensures cut the clutter for identifying the right goal.

There's no need to labour the point that India benefitted immensely from development of science during Colonial period. Education system was based on a sound framework which hasn't been replaced by Hindutva. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's insights however are yet to be implemented.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo foresaw the transformation of human nature. Reforming the present conditions is not the solution. They recommended Integral yoga by way of aspiration, rejection, and surrender. They also reminded that these will succeed only with intervention of grace.

Blaming someone for some problem or exploitation is easy but how or why it features in the overall ontology is interesting to speculate. Taking a cue from the playwrights, it can safely be conjectured that racial or colonial oppression are part of an evolutionary plan for harmony. 

Devotees lack courage to announce their allegiance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine and hence Savitri Era Religion fails to gain publicity or popularity. Hypocrisy for deriving social and entertainment benefits from the old religions is also a major factor.

Apart from education system and entertainment industry, people are being constantly manipulated by contesting discourses and narratives. Savitri Era Party is trying its best to popularise the Vedic evolutionary philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo that was inaugurated in 1914. 

Savitri Era Religion steers clear of mythology and rituals. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have enunciated the most coherent metaphysical framework in consonance with the Vedic evolutionary paradigm. No other philosophy or theology comes anywhere near in authenticity or applicability. 

All organisations are active through their IT Cells but devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have gone into their shells. Social media platforms are meant for communication at large but most are behaving in a too personal way. Lack of deep conviction is the reason for confusion. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo worked for descent of the Supramental consciousness upon earth with the potential of ushering in a new human race thus fulfilling the Vedic dream of Immortality. As the one Supreme Divine, they are always present in their three poises and lead evolution. 

Sri Aurobindo published his philosophy month after month from 1914 to 1921 which hasn't been surpassed as yet. Besides philosophy, his writings cover psychology, aesthetics, hermeneutics, historiography, pedagogy, and cultural anthropology. Between 1926 and 1950 he wrote on yoga.

Apart from savitriera.blogspot.com I tend more than a dozen sites like selforum.blogspot.com, seof.blogspot.com, auroramirabilis.blogspot.com, feelphilosophy.blogspot.com, marketime.blogspot.com, and evergreenessays.blogspot.com. They carry collated info & links to varieties of topics. 

Leading a life of morality is a challenge for everyone and it's one of the basic assumptions of yoga. Pasting quotations of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can be virtue signalling but real life situations are the real test. Further, avoiding intellectual dishonesty is also important.

Spirituality is perceived as a means for some personal achievement and salvation but The Mother & Sri Aurobindo provide a different picture. They insist that it's the only solution to all our social, political, and economic problems. So, following them is the best course in life.

I have been reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo since the age of eight. From 1964 to 2024, it has been a long journey as a devotee. Social media opportunities since 2005 have been a morale booster. I have the firm belief that Sri Aurobindo is the most precious brand.

There are many admirers of Sri Aurobindo who don't give much value to The Mother. Nothing wrong in it but understanding him in all dimensions necessitates her being indispensable. Further, one should focus on his life after 1914 instead of being excited about what went before it.

The Future Poetry is an outstanding book by Sri Aurobindo. As a lover of poetry, and a poet himself, his critical appraisal of major English poets is profoundly insightful. His impression of Blake and Coleridge can be compared with profit to his assessment of Nietzsche elsewhere.

Modern living privileges freedom of the individual which is also highlighted in the yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. But, the crucial difference is the goal of developing a sense of universality which entails fraternity or feeling intrinsic unity with other members of society.

Seth Zuihō Segall's Seven Universal Virtues

Benevolence, Courage, Truthfulness, Justice, Temperance, Equanimity, and Conscientiousness.

The Mother's 12 tasks

Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress, Courage, Goodness, Generosity, Equality, and Peace.

People spend their lives learning and practicing various art and skills which have their own utility. But knowledge or philosophy is for whole of life. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo inaugurated a new outlook towards life and the world in 1914. Getting acquainted with it is necessary. 

The philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gets inundated by myriad competing and contesting schools of thought. Thus it's not easy for any lay person to cut the clutter. Yet a sincere and honest search for quality and authenticity can lead one to the threshold of their wisdom.

Savitri Era Religion has the potential of ending conflicts, exploitation, and suffering by spreading the message of universality and harmony of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Reading their books has the transformative power and amounts to collaboration with the evolutionary forces.

The body has its own habits, routine, and urgencies. Imposing additional compulsions or rituals on religious or health grounds is, obviously, burdensome. The yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo involves being conscious of the physical consciousness and how it can be a willing tool. 

The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs (2008) is banned in India as a result of which people are deprived of knowing many factual details about him. Sri Aurobindo: Life and Times of the Mahayogi (The Pre-Pondicherry Phase) by Manoj Das (2020) also covers many interesting facts. 

Yoga, put simply, is to feel connected to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Many hold them as teachers but they are the one Supreme Divine under Savitri Era Religion. This unique ontological formulation differs, significantly, from the philosophical framework explained by #SriAurobindo. 

Dr. Ramesh Bijlani has compiled a new book from the writings of Sri Aurobindo titled The Diary Divine: Daily Dose of Timeless Wisdom. With 366 passages on different subjects, it has been conceived in such a way that "if one reads one page a day, the book would be over in a year."

The lives of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were extraordinary even without their occult dimensions. The depth of their writings itself is superhuman. So comparing them to other thinkers or teachers is erroneous. Worshipping them as the one Supreme Divine is the most appropriate way.

Your purpose seems to be to enjoy life and power by inciting others through phrases like blood-curdling.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, at many places, have said that the age of religions is over and the future belongs to spirituality. They have also said, categorically, that it's not their intention to start any new religion. Yet they have left enough indications as to their divinity.

Philosophy is not merely philosophy in the context of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. It's also yoga which is transformative in nature. Similarly, work is not merely work; it's also yoga. Discussing socio-political problems, too, should be considered as part of aspiration for harmony. 

Each book of Sri Aurobindo is a universe. One can spend whole life researching it. But for drawing accurate insights from multiple books, including the letters, one has to be a dedicated scholar. Further, it's hazardous to justify one's pet theory or narrative with his quotations. 

Universities aren't allowing Sri Aurobindo's philosophy to be taught as a result of which undue eminence is bestowed upon Western philosophers. Students are learning junk knowledge instead of being exposed to life transforming Vedic evolutionary paradigm. They should raise voice!

Technology and commerce have transformed the world and social situation forcing modifications in human relations. It's difficult to understand which way the family structure is headed. The new human race envisaged by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is, certainly, not tech-orientated.

All religions are products of human imagination and Savitri Era Religion is no different. But unlike ancient religions it has substantial material as evidence and rational justification. Writings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are well-preserved and their lives are well-documented. 

One section of people call themselves as Hindu and the other half identify themselves as Indians. It's difficult to reconcile the mentality of these two groups. It's a battle between uniformity and plurality, totalitarianism and democracy. Following Sri Aurobindo is the way out.

Sri Aurobindo wrote Savitri till the very end of his life. Not many people have read it and hence, virtually no discussion on it. It's an epic around a slender narrative but contains meditations on diverse philosophical concepts and existential conundrums.


Admiring a political leader, a revolutionary, a philosopher of politics, a poet, or a philosopher and a seer is quite usual for people. But having all these and also lessons on life and psychological exploration is possible if one follows Sri Aurobindo by slowly reading his books. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are guiding India and the world since 1914. The trajectory of evolution is spiral and hence, resistance is there from time to time. It also amounts to working out of ignorance in its entirety. Believing in them as the one Supreme Divine is the only way.

Savitri was the most ambitious project of Sri Aurobindo. In The Future Poetry, and many of his letters, he talks about mantra which he tried to give the material shape in this epic. Savitri, the princess, became the poetic representation of The Mother and her occult expeditions.

Sri Aurobindo is known for contextualising the theme of Mother India for Freedom struggle. But he has also written several poems and plays highlighting the strength of the women characters. His yoga too demands unreserved surrender to The Mother. Death concedes defeat to Savitri.

Any assessment of Sri Aurobindo without The Mother in the picture is inchoate and anomalous. They were and are one consciousness who hewed a new path for the future of humanity. Savitri Era Religion worships them as the one Supreme Divine without any relation with past religions.

Books and videos of very high level intellectual discussion on Sri Aurobindo's contributions are available at their fingertips and yet most people are suffering from lack of basic knowledge on him and his legacy. Savitri Era Party has been spreading clarity on many misconceptions. 

Ashram and Auroville generate diverse impressions in the minds of the visitors. Since most have not read the writings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, confusion lingers. Many get repelled by yoga and spirituality. A standard syllabus for their manifold teachings should be created.

Leftist and secular ideology were hindrance to spirituality in the last century, and technology and prosperity play the same role in this century. Although development is not against evolution, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have developed a very nuanced approach towards it for yoga.

Reading The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books with an open mind, without trying to justify traditional concepts, is necessary to appreciate their revolutionary potential. Savitri Era Religion further enjoins worshipping them as the one Supreme Divine and to surrender to them for grace. 

Philosophically, Sri Aurobindo has been able to bridge the chasm between the spiritual and the secular world. Consciousness is a seamless whole extending from Sat-chit-ananda to the material domain. But surrender to The Mother is critical for evolutionary leap which is religion.

Although The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have written a lot on spirituality, I have been warning against false hopes, false ambitions, and false promises. Understanding their philosophy thoroughly is important before following the spiritual path. Savitri Era Religion is the safest way. 

Sri Aurobindo very much appreciated the poetic beauty of ancient Sanskrit literature. Apart from narrative and the philosophy underlying it, he was keen on occult or intuitive dimensions like discovery of wide ranging symbolic and psychological aspects through Vedic hermeneutics.


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