Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine which is fundamental to Savitri Era Religion. Their guidance to disciples are elaborate which may not be binding for all devotees. Reading however is important since their words carry the vibration for evolution.
Remembering The Mother & Sri Aurobindo with the feeling of gratitude is a common emotion for the devotees. Apart from their writings, their work for the divinisation of the body is most profound. Savitri Era Religion understands the exclusive and evolutionary nature of their work.
Simply being an admirer or a follower of Sri Aurobindo is not enough. Accepting The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the sign of being a devotee. Only the devotees are capable of aspiring for descent of the Supramental consciousness effectively with their grace.
The Secret of the Veda was written by Sri Aurobindo more than a century ago but hasn't been read or discussed adequately. There should be clarity as regards how far his propositions are true. Paying lip service to Sri Aurobindo by ignoring his important contributions should stop.
Hindutva sympathisers are misguiding people by focusing on the political aspect of Sri Aurobindo. Savitri Era Religion emphisises the spiritual significance of their work and how they are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine. Following them entails an adventure of consciousness.
It's ridiculous that some are addressing meetings on Sri Aurobindo without reading even ten percent of his writings. They are totally ignorant of The Mother too. Such attempt of the current regime for creating pseudo intellectuals is reprehensible. Expertise requires hard work.
Religion is part of people's day-to-day lives but the political branches of different religions are fighting with each other. Social aspects too clash at times but that's not difficult to resolve. Capturing power and building careers by using religion is attracting lots of people.
Sri Aurobindo's philosophy is the best route to get out of the tangle of various schools of Indian as well as Western philosophy. By integrating the Upanishads with the Veda, he has accomplished a much needed synthesis to stand as an alternative to popular mythological worldview.
Thinkers have dreamt of a perfect society but Sri Aurobindo doesn't share their optimism. Descent of the Supramental consciousness is the only means for establishment of a harmonious society, he contends. Collective aspiration for this is essential through surrender to The Mother.
The best part of democracy is the dramatic and cathartic changes it throws from time to time as we have witnessed in the last half-a-century. That's not a small thing.
Philosophy is generally understood as a mental conception but in the case of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, it includes practice too. He calls it Integral yoga and anyone reading his books is automatically drawn to a higher level of consciousness and wishes it to be a firm reality.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have written extensively on various aspects of life, society, and the future. Still it is not possible to derive a complete picture of the world we live in. Believing in them, however, saves from the false and misleading narratives propagated by others.
Evolution of consciousness is the most important element Sri Aurobindo has introduced into philosophy. Explaining its divine origin and impetus, he foresees transformation of human nature and freedom from misery and suffering. Surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the route.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine and therefore comparing them with other famous personalities is absurd. Their writings too are of a different order as most of their insights are unprecedented. Reading their books with devotion and surrender constitutes yoga.
By writing The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo rendered all previous philosophical formulations redundant which continues to this day. The Secret of the Veda too was explained in terms of evolution of consciousness as represented by various deities. Immortality was posited as possible.
Various parties are asking for votes centered on many great leaders, but politics based on The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's ideals has not been attempted, so far. All those who believe in goodwill, ethics, and sound democratic values are invited to be a part of Savitri Era Party.
Constant tussle amongst the Hindutva adherents is not surprising as such debates are continuing since the days of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Sri Aurobindo, too, has examined many issues relating to religion, threadbare, but some scholars are more interested in writing books than reading.
Sri Aurobindo had postulated that there's no Arya-Dravida divide or AIT but if modern research and evidences prove the contrary, it should be accepted. Defending his views on sheer nationalist sentiment is an insult to his scholarship. His support for Sanskrit should be moderated.
Philosophy is one subject in which centuries old texts rub shoulders with modern ones. Sri Aurobindo tried to synthesise the wisdom of many streams of knowledge in The Life Divine, including the Veda. In Savitri too he created high level of poetry around the theme of immortality.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have inaugurated a new era for the mankind and hence worshipping them as the one Supreme Divine is the best option, at present. Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational religion without the burden of any cumbersome rituals. All are invited.
There is no sign of the present humanity being pitchforked into the Supramental stage as predicted by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo but that is the most audacious dream to believe in. "This mire must harbour the orchid and the rose" explains the logic of future evolution in Savitri.
The philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is universalistic in nature and hence is opposed to Hindutva or an India-centric approach. Associating it with that of Vivekananda or anyone else is patently wrong. Integrating the Veda with evolution and science forms its uniqueness.
All art and creativity is a search for the ultimate enjoyment of which we are all ignorant. Each moment of life, similarly, is a struggle towards overcoming death. Whole process of evolution, in fact, is a journey towards Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss of which we are portions.
The Supramental being or Superman as conceived in the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is too distant from present realities. The highest conception for a human being, however, has been defined as the characteristic traits of a Brahmin. Not birth or caste-based of course!
All life is yoga can really mean all life is yoga only if one is devoted and surrendered to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. It's by the conjunction of call and grace that any yoga is possible. Integral yoga is a specialised invention of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo with evolution's aid.
Savitri Era Party is the only party which can provide an ideological alternative to BJP, which is seen as current favourite. Popularity doesn't endow legitimacy to policy and there are multiple serious complaints against BJP. So, democracy springing a surprise can't be ruled out.
Sri Aurobindo brought some fundamental changes to philosophical thinking as he never shied away from mentioning the Divine while explaining worldly affairs. The scientific theory of evolution gave him the instrument for turning supposed mechanical processes as the Divine's plan.
Many are appreciative of the current regime in India but Savitri Era Party considers it as anti-evolutionary. The vision and guidance of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only path for the country for achieving true justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity for all its citizens.
Govt. recognition for Savitri Era Religion is a long pending demand without which children of devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are finding it difficult to be in the fold. Establishing specialised institutions also is not becoming possible without requisite legal protection.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo created a new path for the humanity and thousands of centres are functioning for popularising their teaching. As Savitri Era Religion is yet to be granted Govt recognition, Hindutva elements are infiltrating these institutions and corrupting philosophy.
Sri Aurobindo was responsible for split in Congress party in 1907, at Surat. It was on strong ideological grounds and India has been searching for the right ideological framework since then. Sri Aurobindo wrote in detail about the future but Indians are yet to take him seriously.
Hindus were divided into Arya Samaji and Sanatani which was easy to understand, but now we find numerous sects arguing with each other on this platform. Most are RSS/Modi supporters but some are opposed to them. Temple at Ayodhya should hold a conference for thrashing out issues.
Understanding The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is like a jigsaw puzzle and many get confused by so many books. Savitri Era Religion is the only route through which one can worship them as the one Supreme Divine and after that there is no need of learning about them through quotations.
Undue promotion of Tagore, Vivekananda, and Gandhi in post-Independent India gave rise to irrationality and mediocrity. Neglect of Sri Aurobindo has contributed to continuation of old forms of philosophy and religion. Dominance of obscurantist forces in politics now is its result.
Savitri Era Party drawing inspiration from Sri Aurobindo is the only party which can provide ideological alternative to BJP.
Dry-as-dust Secularism has run its course in India. Social justice, too, will, increasingly, seem to be an insult to a section of the citizens. Savitri Era Party, drawing inspiration from Sri Aurobindo, is the only party which can provide a viable ideological alternative to BJP.
I don't know how did you miss his argument. Comparison to Sri Aurobindo is on the basis of original ideas and not vis-à-vis the West.
Like Hegel, Sri Aurobindo has aligned history with philosophy. Thus evolution or Divine intention can't be decoupled from politics. Practical nature of politics is taken for granted and many are too cocksure of managing or manipulating but the outcome is not wholly in their hands.
There are scores of Sanskrit texts and their commentaries belonging to different traditions. Each person reads a few and becomes a prisoner of their thought process. Sri Aurobindo did a diligent selection for Arya (1914-1921) among which The Secret of the Veda has a prime place.
Savitri Era Religion provides the option of worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine and freedom from mythology and rituals. It's a wonderful opportunity for establishing one's own direct relationship with the Supreme Divine without any intermediaries.
I had the good fortune of accepting The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine at the age of eight in 1964. Thereafter acquiring a sound intellectual background by reading their books took several decades. Not being exposed to any other guru has saved me from confusion.
Most people haven't read Sri Aurobindo's books and don't feel any intellectual handicap. Neither the education system nor the political environment provides any stimulus either. Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) has been doing transmission of awareness of Sri Aurobindo since 2005.