Thursday, July 25, 2024

It's wrong to confine Sri Aurobindo as simply Rishi, Yogi, Guru, or Avatar

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Savitri Era Party possesses ideological muscle

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

2004 election results were unexpected but the same can't be said about 2024. BJP lost the mandate to rule but this democratic indication was not respected. The present govt lacks legitimacy and stability. Clutching on to power isn't a virtue. Let's expect more churning this year!

Devotees of Savitri Era Religion worship The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises, viz., individual, universal and transcendent. Comparing them to other leaders or writers therefore has no validity. Surrender to them vital.

If one loves The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and understands the value and mantric significance of their words, he will certainly not like to throw them on the roads. It's by their grace that we follow meanings of a few sentences. A new person should search and reach the fount of joy.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have discussed various facets of different religions but have avoided recommending any. Savitri Era Religion has no connection with other religions or rituals and devotees are expected to practice Aspiration, rejection, & surrender, or Remember & offer.

Publication of "The Mother" book in 1928 can be said to be the beginning of Savitri Era Religion. The concept of Integral yoga took a drastic turn as The Mother not only took charge of Ashram and sadhana of the disciples but also was identified by Sri Aurobindo as Supreme Divine.

It's wrong to confine Sri Aurobindo as simply Rishi, Yogi, Guru, or Avatar. His works can be studied as a scholar but when it comes to spirituality, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine. No other name can be mentioned along with theirs. It's Savitri Era Religion.

What can be a good anchor for protecting one from the onslaught of constant media intrusion? There can't be any better avenue than Savitri. Remembering a few lines every now and then provides the needed profundity and gravitas whenever one experiences emptiness or purposelessness. 

At 68, I'm excluded from many aspects of general life and work but meaning of life and a right worldview continue to be of relevance. Since The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are most neglected in India although they hold the greatest knowledge, it becomes very important to tell of them.

Normal to retirement and old age.

The Life Divine is famous for its dense prose but in reality it is very simple and straightforward. Being conversant with the polysyllables Sri Aurobindo uses is the first step. To keep on reading is the secret. This is one book which everyone should read.

It's very important for the followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to adopt a balanced view on different aspects of life. Many nourish antipathy towards the West, for instance, but Sri Aurobindo's poetic inspiration comes from English poetry. He is also an advocate of modernity.

Ideally speaking, spirituality shouldn't bother about politics but since Hindutva is promoting a brand of knowledge which is patently anti-evolutionary in nature, then offering the right alternative is in order. Savitri Era Party is fired by the 1947 #FiveDreams of Sri Aurobindo.

When Congress was ruling the country, most devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were its supporters. A similar situation exists today as people spontaneously follow BJP. Attraction towards power is natural. Savitri Era Party however is showing an alternative ideological avenue.

Meditation can have adverse effects, says a news item. I don't have much experience on this score and hence avoid recommending any form of practice. There is no guru or guide in Integral yoga. Savitri Era Religion is the safest that entails surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. 

Savitri Era Religion is completely voluntary without dependence on anyone else. Devoid of any fixed codes or rituals, surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the only requisite. Plenty of books and videos are there online for orientation and research.

Just found the source in the Life Beautiful book by M.P. Pandit. "Yes, but with the same love, I can plunge a dagger in your heart."

Hindutva is synonymous with hatred and The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have no place there who preach harmony. Congress too is against Sri Aurobindo since the Surat split in 1907. Savitri Era Party seeks to establish that an alternative movement is possible without religion or castes.

Many here pose as being erudite and well read whereas they haven't read a single book of Sri Aurobindo. Millions of educated Indians live with this deprivation and there is no effort for remedying the situation. Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF since 2005)

Dr. Ramesh Bijlani diagnoses "a faulty approach to spirituality" comprising The transactional trap, The scholastic trap, The signboard trap, The school-leaving certificate (SLC) trap, The misplaced curiosity trap, The grandiose trap, and The greatness trap

"India has 26.52 crore students in schools and 4.33 crore in higher education institutions," but the question is what do we teach them. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were deeply involved with education and have written extensively but policy makers are yet to take benefit from them.

Self-interest operates universally and not for a chosen few. Depends upon how free is the environment. But expecting a time-frame for the results to show may be at odds.

November 24, 1926 is known as the foundation day of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry which is going to complete one hundred years within a couple of years. Historians don't think much of its role in influencing anything substantial pertaining the nation, but reality is otherwise.

Immortality or Supramental consciousness seem to be too distant a goal for the people in general. The prophecy of The Life Divine, therefore, provides fodder for philosophical research. The Secret of the Veda, on the other hand, is to the point. It hits hard mythology and rituals. 

Just like millions of involuntary activities taking place within the body, evolution also goes on, incessantly, in all spheres. Simply put, it's the effort to return to the primordial perfect state. How entropy can be understood in this scenario is, of course, for the specialists. 

The beauty of The Life Divine is that Sri Aurobindo fuses spirituality and religion with physics and biology. In other words, the gulf between the secular and sacred is obliterated successfully. Tethering the march of current affairs and history to the waves of evolution is splendid. 

Ambedkar formed Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabaha in 1924. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was founded in 1925. Communist Party of India was formed in 1925. And Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry was established in 1926. All these currents of political thought carry considerable significance. 

Savitri Era Religion (2006) is beholden to Justice O. Chinnappa Reddy for pronouncing in his dissenting judgement (S.P. Mittal vs Union Of India And Others on 8 November, 1982) that devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are entitled to form a new religion.

2022 - 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo

2023 - 50th anniversary of The Mother's passing away

2024 - 110th anniversary of The Mother's arrival in Puducherry & launching of the Arya

2025 - 120th anniversary of Bhawani Mandir

2026 - 100th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Politicians have the unenviable task of securing victory for their parties which may not be in the scheme of things of evolution. When defeated, they prefer to stay in opposition instead of changing their ideologies. Savitri Era Party's ideals are based on Sri Aurobindo's vision.

Visited the ghat today where Sri Aurobindo had arrived in Chandannagar before leaving for Puducherry in 1910. His statue is there within a small park meant for children. It's adjacent to the famous Strand. I stay across the river in Authpur which falls under Bhatpara Municipality. 

Most of Sri Aurobindo's writings belong to the Colonial period. Besides, being educated in England, he had that global view. His philosophy also is universal in nature. The Mother too had an international background. Thus, the attitude of binding them to India, alone, is myopic.

The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo answers many intellectual conundrums raked up by Darwin, Marx, Spencer, Nietzsche, Freud, Bergson, Frederic W. H. Myers, William James, and Einstein. He has also been compared with Samuel Alexander, Whitehead, Teilhard de Chardin, and Jean Gebser.

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