Monday, July 29, 2024

Sri Aurobindo is yet to be accommodated by Universities

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: It's wrong to confine Sri Aurobindo as simply Rishi, Yogi, Guru, or Avatar

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, the Founder of Savitri Era Religion (Estd. 2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Śraddhā, edited by Arup Basu, is a quarterly journal published by Sri Aurobindo Centre for Research in Social Sciences, Kolkata. It's archived at

An Index to its Authors till August 2022 has been published in its November 2022 issue

Savitri Era Religion is more focused on morality and refinement of emotions. Practicing surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can transform one's ideas and behaviour in the course of time. Realising that it's in the self-interest can prevent from being a purveyor of corruption.

British rule is the most important episode of Indian history in which The Mother & Sri Aurobindo also played a significant part. I write and read in English, even today. All those who pursue excellence and expertise are united with the rest of the world through English language.

Learning lessons from adversities, without being unduly perturbed by it, is a common attitude in life. But when it comes to a nation's history, such a balanced view is often missing. Many trade atrocity and victimhood for buying blanket and uncritical loyalty against adversaries.

It's necessary to understand the evolutionary angle while analysing the ups and downs of civilisations. Death, disease, and suffering in life, similarly, have promptings from elsewhere. Savitri by Sri Aurobindo ponders over all these aspects. The solution it offers is prophetic.

There's no better philosophy for modern world than what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have presented. Surrendering to them under Savitri Era Religion is the best course for any individual. Reading their books on a regular basis is the only way for obtaining a systematic orientation.

Cause and effect is a basic scientific inquiry and what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo undertake in the course of their vast writings is to unravel this ultimate mystery. They don't stop at empirical sense-data nor are they apologetic about straying into sacred space. That's Integral. 

I avoid peddling unverifiable spiritual powers or mystical visions due to lack of first-hand experience. But such things are plenty in the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. One must be cautious against charlatans and imposters active in this game in the guise of wellness camps. 

Savitri Era Party is aware of subtleties behind various philosophical standpoints of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo due to which it can't be so certain like Marx or Ambedkar. Imperfections are part of playing out of ignorance which provide the field for seeds of harmony to germinate.

The Secret of the Veda not only awakes us to the vast unseen realities of cosmic powers but also enlarges our geographical conception of India as the deities also appear in other texts. Sri Aurobindo also describes their respective correspondences with Greek and Roman mythologies. 

The most harmless practice of spiritual nature is to read any book of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, loudly, for a few minutes. Reciting a page from Savitri on a regular basis is quite ideal. Dynamics of Mantra is very important in Integral yoga as it's a physical means of aspiration. 

There are many religions and ancient traditions with thousands of scriptures. But worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo under Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational way without the tyranny of any mythology or rituals. It also amounts to collaboration with evolution. 

During his time, Sri Aurobindo fought against moderate group of Congress and later, he switched to a more larger view of social harmony in his political writings. Realising that this is part of long-term aspirational goals, the task is to confront present challenges like Hindutva. 

Those who haven't read the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo adequately or have followed other gurus in the past can't have the same advantage as someone like me who has been a devotee for the last sixty years. I have also a reasonable grasp on Humanities to see relative merits. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stressed the action of the Divine grace over traditional ontological formulations like chakras or stars. Descent of Supramental consciousness may not look relevant but the solution to all problems can ensue from that. Thus the top-down mode is the road.

Nehruvian and Socialist ideologies depended upon Muslims as votebanks leading to warped worldview. Hindutva took advantage of the vacuum but is afflicted with imagined philosophy. Savitri Era Party is confident of fulfilment of the #FiveDreams of Sri Aurobindo of August 14, 1947.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo ask for collaboration with evolutionary force for speeding up our journey to the next level of consciousness. Instead of the natural process, a more conscious attempt is warranted. Surrendering to TM&SA is essential for this collaboration to take effect. 

No political or economic change can solve the problems faced by the humanity, insisted Sri Aurobindo. It's necessary to understand that the evil or imperfection is very much a part of the overall ontology. Thus the lila dimension has its own utility as per evolutionary necessity.

Congress, Leftists, Hindutva, and Ambedkar followers, all are against Sri Aurobindo. Hence he doesn't find place in academic books and research articles. Students are suffering due to this intellectual malnutrition. Further modern gurus don't encourage their disciples to read him. 

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine empowers a devotee to seek knowledge and rationality instead of being under the influence of mythological fiction. It is also an opportunity for collaboration with evolution for descent of Supramental consciousness.

Society is constituted of varieties of people belonging to different economic strata. The Constitution awards equality to all citizens but creates several hierarchies side by side. In spirituality, however, everyone is at the same level irrespective of various outward differences. 

A new edition of Freud's book revises many misconceptions about his interpretations. But The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were very emphatic about an alternative perception of dreams and visions. The pictures of inner domains Sri Aurobindo paints in Savitri should reflect more fidelity. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were able to spread their message through independent effort but after their departure no concerted initiative is visible. It's not due to difficulty of understanding their books that their reception is so low. Disagreements on their legacy is a factor.

There's no difference between Bollywood fiction and Mythological fiction. Poets and writers have spun their magic down the ages. In Sri Aurobindo we find the greatest poet and philosopher of the modern era. Further, The Mother and he are the one Supreme Divine who goad evolution.

If you study science and yet believe in mythology, then it's a paradox. Lack of higher education creates this kind of precarious situation. Without a reasonable grounding in philosophy, it's easy to skid in the path of knowledge. Sri Aurobindo provides wholesome nutrition on this. 

There is a lot of scholarly works on genealogy of Sri Aurobindo's thought involving English poetry and Western philosophy. Comparative analyses of his philosophy and psychology with that of his contemporaries also form a huge treasury. Reading them can widen intellectual horizon.

If your parents didn't use Internet but you know its benefits you needn't believe in the same mythology they believed in. Reading the works of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is above PhD level study with immense benefits. All educated persons should supplement their education with it. 

Claude Alvares wrote an article titled Sri Aurobindo: Superman or Supertalk (Quest, January-February, 1975) criticising his philosophy. Now some are eager to dub Sri Aurobindo as wordcel, wordceler, or wordceller, whatever that may mean. Critical scrutiny is good but not calumny.

Colleges are not teaching Sri Aurobindo, but Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) is active since 2005 for spreading awareness on him. Dedicated handles on this platform are negligible too barring the copy-paste brigade. Some spew disinformation by reading screenshot of half-a-page.

It's well-known that Marxist grip over higher education in Humanities has rendered it handicapped. Sri Aurobindo wrote his seminal works 1914 onwards but they are yet to be accommodated by Universities. It was expected in 2014 that Govt. will act but in vain. 2024 shouldn't pass.

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