Friday, August 02, 2024

Savitri Era Religion is a viable alternative

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Sri Aurobindo is yet to be accommodated by Universities

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, SELF (2005) & Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006)

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Echo chamber and ecosystem is damaging many brains since people are refusing to be exposed to alternative ideas. This is the opposite of what a technology-enabled environment was expected to ensue. Reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, however, can redeem the situation. 

It's important to understand that different religions are responsible for war and discrimination on this planet. What is not realised is that religions are defended as being irrational in nature. Savitri Era Religion worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the most rational one. 

So much of discussion goes on on development and economic disparity but consulting Sri Aurobindo on civilisational issues is totally absent. Understanding the evolutionary intention vis-à-vis geopolitical equations is necessary without being tied to superficial ideological furrow. 

Apart from New Words of the Mother, Sabda has several new publications including new edition of Poets and Mystics by Nolini Kanta Gupta, Savitri: Its Profound and Magnificent Significance (Vol Three & Four) and Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga (Vol VI & VII) by V. Ananda Reddy. 

Both Schelling and Hegel are considered to be restatements of Christian theology but Sri Aurobindo who is also likened to them can't be painted in the same brush since he draws from the Veda. He is rather more close to physics, biology, and psychology by integrating them together. 

If the reported trend in Iran is true then Savitri Era Religion has a better chance of turning a viable alternative. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's Devotees are scattered all over the world but suffer from several confusions. Coming together under one banner can increase visibility. 

Settling the debate between liberty and equality isn't easy, but no one does it better than Sri Aurobindo. It's unfortunate that the elite in our country choose not to read him but the loss is theirs. Indicating fraternity as the real solution, he hastens to add their Vedic root.

Savitri Era Party keeps on repeating that the power of evolution is all pervading as asserted by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. What used to be known as zeitgeist can be better understood under a much vaster and vibrant phenomenon of evolution which also has a scientific connotation. 

Reducing the teachings of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to sadhana or yoga is flawed. The name Ashram also strengthens such an impression. But the basic thing associated with them is philosophy. It's a rational and intellectual path for reconfiguring one's mental makeup by reading.

Reading constitutes collectively gyana, bhakti, and karma. It's also an occasion for mantra when done aloud. The physical presence of a book carrying the words of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can mean their presence. Reading or reciting mechanically without understanding has effect. 

The Life Divine is not a religious, spiritual, or mystical text. It's a book of pure philosophy and sociology. One shouldn't be misled by the terms, Divine or Supramental consciousness. Sri Aurobindo explains the functioning of the universe and each category has to be understood.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine in Savitri Era Religion doesn't involve any ritual or fixed routine. Remembering them and expressing gratitude for their grace that is being constantly showered upon us is all that is required. Sole loyalty is crucial.

Inner contractions of Hindutva are coming to the fore as it's being interrogated on touchstone of modernity. Sri Aurobindo examined all these and his verdict is clear. Savitri Era Religion and Savitri Era Party are trying to popularise his insights and prophecies like #FiveDreams. 

Some have expressed many misconceptions about Odia. It may have some affinity with Assamese, Bengali, & Bihari languages but it's also quite different in terms of script and pronunciation. Schwa in Odia is one of its distinctions. This of course is not true for Sambalpuri dialect. 

The Integral approach is to overcome the sacred-secular divide so that even lifestyle matters like food or sleep can be transformed into volitional evolutionary ventures or yoga. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo offer endless guidance on personal growth or negotiating with inner forces. 

Just downloaded the metadata of a new book titled, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh: Modernity and Practice, edited by Dr. Parimal Sarkar, Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, and Mr. Amit Adhikari. It contains 24 chapters contributed by various authors centering around his educational and social philosophy.

August is here. Sri Aurobindo was born in Kolkata on August 15, 1872. He was educated in England and returned in 1893. He wrote a few articles in Indu Prakash criticising Congress. Later, the editor asked him to tone down his stance. He also wrote a series on Bankim Chandra in it

Devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are not accustomed to the idea of a separate religion, and hence Savitri Era Religion is facing opposition. But the way religions and castes are being exploited for political purposes, putting up a united existence is very much a compulsion.

Sri Aurobindo has been out of dominant consciousness of the nation for over a century. Now that all other claims to intellectuality have collapsed, he is gradually getting deserved attention. But mastering his oeuvre is a daunting task. I thank myself for investing my life in it.

It's a complex world as we are bombarded with conflicting views on different subjects like foods, medicines, or climate change. Consumers can hardly fend for themselves when experts themselves are fighting. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo surely provide an oasis amidst this cacophony.

Congress used to corrupt minds and the Left made it an industry. Ambedkar and Hindutva continue to corrupt minds and the media does it in its own way. Reading The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books is the only means for correcting both defective historical and philosophical wordview.

Despite knowing the Veda, Upanishads, and other scriptures in depth, Sri Aurobindo went on to write The Life Divine because he had to say something different and epochal. Learned men who overlook this elementary fact and choose to ignore him are incurring heavy intellectual loss.

Each of us is socially and politically embedded but the challenge is to rescue individuality for freedom and fulfilment. "To be and to be fully is Nature’s aim in us" says Sri Aurobindo in the last chapter of The Life Divine and stresses the need of an inward and Integral living.

As more and more institutions connected with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo come under the influence of the party in power and its ideology, it's very difficult to find people who really represent their teachings. Savitri Era Religion, in such a scenario, is the only secure shelter.

I'm a devotee since 1964 and before getting the opportunity to write on the web as Director of Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005 I had acquired sufficient acquaintance on the wide literature on and by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. My paper of 2015 at…

Integral yoga demands surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo apart from aspiration and rejection. They are in charge of evolution and it's by their grace Supramental consciousness will descend. Those worshipping other gods and goddesses or gurus are not entitled to this benefit.

Savitri Era Party has been demanding purging the Constitution of all references to castes and religions so that a genuine universalist society is allowed to take shape. Clinging on to old divisions can't be the sign of a modern and rational mentality. Let's follow Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo spent his formative years in England and understood its people and culture well. He knew that liberty is valued there and India will achieve freedom. So when some initiative came in the form of Cripps Mission in 1942 he immediately lent his support to it but in vain.

Sri Aurobindo had supported the British as he was against Hitler. After his Contributions to Allied War Funds, he had publicly supported Cripps Proposal, Wavell Plan, and Cabinet Mission Proposals. There's a general impression that all these could have prevented the partition.

Between 1914 and 1921, Sri Aurobindo wrote epochal books like The Secret of the Veda, Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Isha Upanishad, Kena and Other Upanishads, Essays on the Gita, The Renaissance in India, The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, The Human Cycle, and The Future Poetry.

That impression was due to the novel, Ghare Baire by Tagore. Later, Netaji also popularised the same impression. Sri Aurobindo, however, was guided by his own intuition and everything about the journey of his life is duly documented.

One side of the picture may seem paradoxical but when one sees the whole picture, the anxiety vanishes. Sri Aurobindo himself has explained the reasons for various turning points of his life.

Sri Aurobindo's political interventions are well documented. So, no scope for any speculation or insinuation.

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