Monday, July 15, 2024

Nolini, Purani, Amrita, and Pavitra stand as four pillars

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, President, Savitri Era Party (2007), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and Director, SELF (2005)

Savitri Era: Savitri Era Religion can disrupt Hindu Rashtra

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

I have said it often that I don't find anyone today who understands The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, adequately. Accordingly, I have been writing independently since 2005. My political interpretation angers many, but there's nothing personal about it. Their writings are crystal clear.

There's no escape from the fact that UP and Bihar will decide who rules India. Congress has tasted blood and can double its tally in 2029. It has the backing of the Left intellectuals. In such an event, it's back to the position in 1977. NDA has to metamorphose into Janata Party.

Sri Aurobindo's #ThirdDream was #WorldUnion. Although there's not much clarity as to how this would be possible, my theory is that the States should be granted Sovereignty under a loose federation so that it grows by co-opting neighbouring nations and becomes a magnet for harmony. 

I have been suggesting that 2024 has ushered in a lot of changes that are of evolutionary import. New seeds are being sown for overthrowing the past discourse. The dreams of 1977 remain unfulfilled. It can receive a fresh impetus. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo hold "the rudder well". 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo meeting in Puducherry in 1914 marks the beginning of the end of all religions. He has explained how inner core of all religions have vanished leaving behind a pell-mell of external paraphernalia and mechanical rituals. Savitri Era Religion is the future. 

In The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo has described the significance of religion in all its essence. There can't be any better book than this. His detailed analysis of work, knowledge, and devotion dovetailing into a yoga of self-perfection is masterful.

Any discussion on religion, including Hindutva or Minorities, is defective without considering the vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Demographic issues are fodder for politics but democratic ethos transcends such concerns. Internalising the evolutionary direction is important

The democratic spirit has been fully activated in the last election. The dressing-down Modi received from the electorate is duly reflected now in the subdued hues of his costumes. Hindutva, too, is on the wane and is likely to make way for more realistic concerns like employment.

The beauty of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's teachings is that religion is not a compartment apart. All life is yoga and all kinds of work, including politics, form a seamless whole. Quest for perfection and thirst fo harmony drive every activity of a human being. Surrender is key.

The most important date of last century is March 29, 1914 when The Mother and Sri Aurobindo met in Puducherry. They are the one Supreme Divine and love and devotion to them is essential for onward journey of evolution. Sri Aurobindo's #ThirdDream of August 14, 1947 is #WorldUnion. 

The Human Cycle by Sri Aurobindo has many defects but the overall scenario it builds is inescapable. Any socio-political theory has to be understood in terms of an interplay of the four Suns, viz., Varuna, Aryaman, Mitra, and Bhaga, as delineated by him in The Secret of the Veda.

Most Xriters consider themselves as superior specimens of Human species and blame others for various ills of the society. But, benchmarking morality can be very dicey without reading the books by Sri Aurobindo. The Mother's psychological nomenclature of flowers, too, is relevant.

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Savitri Era Religion is about exclusive loyalty towards The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and belief in their prophecy. No other religion or mythology is involved here nor any other guru. Cf. Judgement of Justice O. Chinnappa Reddy.

Concern for one thing can corrupt or devalue the same for something else. Loyalty and gratitude towards The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can't be traded for things of lesser importance. My devotion towards them as a child came before the knowledge aspect or any intellectual conviction.

Japa of The Mother's name or Ma is recommended as a potent method of invoking evolutionary force. Reading Savitri or any other book by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo loudly also has the effect of the Mantra. Remember and offer forms the core of Integral yoga or Savitri Era Religion.

History of religion in India is too complex and spurious Babas milking the ignorance of common people is no different from govt siphoning temple funds for financing revdi culture for reaping electoral benefits. Savitri Era Religion worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is safest. 

Rupala, a Dalit, accused the Kings to have supported the British and entering into marital relationship which infuriated the Rajputs. This is one of the reasons of BJP's defeat and shows how history can create volatile situations. Savitri Era Party seeks to dilute caste identity.

Many minds have been corrupted by Goel, Shourie, and Naipaul. What India needs now is the healing touch of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Reading Savitri is an evolutionary demand. Descent of Supramental consciousness can happen through collective aspiration. #FiveDreams show path.

The so called maturity of Indian voters stems from the fact that different States vote in different ways and local factors lend to overall unpredictability. The last election however saw more of one-to-one contests reflecting correctly the mood of people. Two party system needed.

Savitri Era Party is against AAP, BJP, and Congress. It believes in universality and human unity in terms of #FiveDreams of Sri Aurobindo. Savitri Era Religion also seeks to free people from the tyranny of mythology and rituals by spreading the message of The Secret of the Veda.

Refusing to acknowledge Sri Aurobindo as a socio-political thinker or religious scholar continues. On the philosophy front also his influence is minimal. But the greatest neglect he suffers is in the domain of poetry. Even an epic like Savitri is almost unknown among the students. 

Most people are not aware of historical details about Sri Aurobindo's writings. While lots of political and journalistic coverage came out during his Freedom struggle days in Kolkata, his mature thoughts got expression from 1914 onwards in Puducherry, after arrival of The Mother.

There are different proposals but Delhi Metro @OfficialDMRC should connect Vaishali with Ghaziabad Railway Station on the Vijay Nagar side. Similarly, Noida Electronic City should connect with Mohan Nagar via Sahibabad. These missing links can provide immense relief to the public. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo worked for fulfilment of the evolutionary project that has thrown man as a transitional being. This is something much sublimer than Nietzsche's notion of Overman as descent of Supramental consciousness is intertwined with the Vedic target of Immortality. 

Appreciating the works of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo certainly requires high intellectuality and cultural awareness, but coming under the umbrella of their love and protection is relatively simple. Savitri Era Religion is an easy avenue of nearness to them and understanding them.

All political parties run on the old formula of castes but Savitri Era Party is confident of demolishing it. There's no magic wand but being aware of the evolutionary philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can transform the mentality of the people. Secret of the Veda is the key. 

Forsaking mythology and rituals should be the sign of an educated or intelligent person. Sifting superstition from true religion should be a part of modern and rational environment. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo offer abundant guidance on this score. Savitri Era Religion facilitates. 

Evolution was being discussed avidly on many fronts, but by writing The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo gave it the final meaning and explanation. Not only physical or psychological evolution but he connected it to the social and political sphere as well. His The Human Cycle is a gem.

If Bihar is बिहार and not विहार, then Sri Aurobindo should be written as श्रीअरबिंद but it may not convey the meaning as lotus.

Each person has his own unique trajectory of life and my example may not have any bearing on thinking of others. But the fact that I represent a certain distinct political and religious line has its own significance. My gratitude to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo for this opportunity. 

When A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking appeared in 1988, it fuelled an intellectual upsurge. Ontological discussions became frequent in the media. The Tao of Physics (1975) by Fritjof Capra and The Dancing Wu Li Masters (1979) by Gary Zukav provided philosophical fodder.

Savitri Era Party is against doing politics on warp and woof of religions and castes. Discovering unity among citizens is possible by following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. Those dependent on votebanks should realise that the evolutionary arrow hates narrow loyalties.

I have seen how people were blinded by Indira Gandhi's charisma. Arun Shourie and Indian Express played a stellar role in exposing her. She was resoundingly defeated in 1977. Modi similarly rode high in popularity but has been defanged now. Dhruv Rathee contributed significantly.

Savitri Era Party believes that Sri Aurobindo, with his evolutionary Vedic vision, forms the golden mean. It believes in universality and human unity without any dependence on a votebank with the warp and woof of religions or castes. #SriAurobindo's #FiveDreams is driving spirit.

PV Narasimha Rao once said in Parliament that he saw a computer for the first time in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry. IIRC, it was the Special session for 50th anniversary of Independence. Auroville has made a name in sustainable development but same is not true for technology.

Savitri Era Party attempts to bring the futuristic vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to public notice so that current political motifs and idioms are transformed radically. It has implications for development, lifestyle, health, education, economy, entertainment, & technology.

After one year of our marriage, I and my wife had visited Puducherry and Auroville in 1980. I had bought the pocket edition of Savitri which became a source of inspiration. Later on I had procured many books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo when VAK published them in a smaller size.

If virtues of Congress are lauded, no harm in highlighting its blunders. It's understandable not to stray too far before the Independence but the history after it shouldn't be doctored or forgotten. The JP movement signified evolutionary potentials and whoever supports it is good. 

A person, who is aware of Sri Aurobindo, launching a broadside against Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Winston Churchill is a bit disconcerting. Historical narratives need to be evaluated in terms of their evolutionary validity and relevance. Even the current affairs pose the same challenge. 

Disenchantment with BJP and Modi is clearly visible now, but it shouldn't translate into a direct advantage to Dynasty. Savitri Era Party is the most logical option in the circumstances as it conforms to the evolutionary objectives. Constitution needs to be purged of castes blot.

As devotees, our reliance is on the will and intention of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in all things including politics. World is changing fast and their writings face the vagaries of time. Savitri Era Religion, however, is confident of their designing a sublime future, infallibly.

BJP has been enjoying power since 1990, but has been reluctant to invest in knowledge. Hindutva has been adopted as a vote catching mechanism without any visible sign of promoting excellence. Its intellectuals are enjoying power and pelf, dishonestly. Sri Aurobindo is the answer.

Anyone reading the works of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo can easily notice the futility of religions but the solution is not to reform them. That's impossible and therefore they didn't attempt anything of that sort. I launched Savitri Era Religion in 2006 precisely for this reason.

Learning from life, general education & self-development, plus deep engagement with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings has taught me a lot during the last sixty years. Political and technological changes too have played their part. Surrendering to TM&SA is the only way forward. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo provided a new lens to the humanity in 1914. They drew attention to the most fundamental issues of evolving to a higher level of consciousness and achieving Immortality. This transcends racial, national, linguistic, religious, ethnic, or caste divisions. 

If we look at the lives of early disciples like Nolini, Purani, Amrita, or Pavitra, it's amazing how they were called to stand as pillars for the Ashram that was taking shape. Reading their books convinces about inevitability of the evolutionary process unveiled by Sri Aurobindo.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo spur heightened awareness of individuality, as against the tribal mentality. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach is a very good book on this theme. So, widening the intellectual horizon and rising to a higher level of consciousness is essential.

Everyday, we come across epic fights between two different Hindutva intellectuals and the issues are never resolved. The problem is, "the more we nail down the particle's position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa." Knowledge needs to be explored without prejudice.

People are in the habit of comparing Sri Aurobindo with others. Of course it's part of one's intellectual journey but whole of life shouldn't be spent in this. The best way to benefit is to accept The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the greatest philosophers and the one Supreme Divine.

After forming Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005, I launched Savitri Era Religion in 2006 and Savitri Era Party in 2007. All are intended to inculcate exclusive loyalty towards The Mother & Sri Aurobindo who are harbingers of new knowledge since 1914.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo didn't depend on any University system. They published the new knowledge in a journal in 1914. The Ashram grew up around them later to take it forward. Today Internet provides immense opportunities for dissemination but unfortunately some are misguided.

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