Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Secret of the Veda is the greatest contribution of Sri Aurobindo

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Mother's Agenda goes beyond Savitri

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF, President, Savitri Era Party (2007) & Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006)

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Hindutva is prompting re-evaluation of academic scene and in this context, "Hegel's India: A Reinterpretation, with Texts" by Aakash Singh Rathore and Rimina Mohapatra is an important book. It's also tempting to relate it to Sri Aurobindo.

Hegel got the theme of God’s death from Martin Luther. Heinrich Heine spoke of a dying God apropos Kant. Heine influenced Nietzsche. (K. Satchidananda Murty, The Realm of Between, IIAS, 1973). Wagner’s attitude towards Schelling had changed through Bakunin

Many of Emerson's ideas can be traced in Nietzsche's writings. Hegel's awareness of Gita in influencing or determining his philosophy however hasn't received much attention. Hegel's ecstatic reaction on watching Napoleon riding can be seen in similar lines

Sri Aurobindo's concept of superman, unlike Hegel, Carlyle, Emerson, or Nietzsche, is about whole race and not any individual. The Life Divine, significantly, is bereft of any avatar although he waxes eloquent on it in Essays on the Gita. Still Hegel and Sri Aurobindo are linked.

Hegel had to cater to the template of Christian theology but Sri Aurobindo had the advantage of integrating diverse streams of thought. From Plotinus to Abhinavagupta, from the Veda to Upanishads. By postulating involution he resolved Nietzsche's thesis of overman rising from man. 

Apart from providing grand, overarching schemes of reality, the metaphysical frameworks of both Hegel and Sri Aurobindo accommodate a very sympathetic and pampered formulation of history. This heightened affinity, despite complex dissimilarities, keeps the hope of harmony aflame.

Considering that the Hegelian conception of history has some affinity with that of Sri Aurobindo, we can't be totally aloof from the current affairs. But, given that the dominant Hindutva worldview has gained intellectual legitimacy owing to winning power, we have to be cautious.

Debashish Banerji explains how Sri Aurobindo's analysis of Nietzsche can be traced to his understanding of Heraclitus. #SriAurobindo [From panel on Sri Aurobindo as a Transcultural Thinker at the International Philosophy Congress. Rome, August 7, 2024.]

Just because the writings of Sri Aurobindo are not included in school and college syllabus, he is considered as unimportant. Western authors are treated with more respect. This is a sorry state of affairs after 77 years of Independence. Let's hope Rajiv Malhotra's new book helps.

There are thousands of journalists on this platform but it's quite amazing that no one ever remembers Sri Aurobindo. Savitri Era Party is against Hindutva on several grounds but this ideological difference is never given deserved publicity. Intellectual scrutiny of things absent.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, through their intellectual and occult contributions, have turned the last century significant and sacred. Understanding this is a responsibility of each educated person. Many people, unfortunately, are misguided being induced by the Hindutva narrative.

In his book titled Hindutva (2004), Jyotirmaya Sharma had identified Dayananda, Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, and Savarkar as founding figures of Hindu Nationalism. Sri Aurobindo is definitely a pioneer in the decolonisation project but can't be roped in for backing temple movement. 

It's instructive to remember that we are all patients of different hues. Besides various physical diseases, we suffer from different logical ailments in the form of fallacies. The next maladies are philosophical or ontological. Defective historical worldview, too, turns many sick. 

I had joined Punjab National Bank at the age of 21 in 1977 with a salary of ₹495. Took VRS in 2000 and today, I draw a pension of ₹36753. Although I get less money, I draw immense satisfaction from the intellectual work I perform here by the grace of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

I have been telling that Sri Aurobindo's writings are subversive of Hindu tradition and religion. Anyone reading his books will be convinced sooner or later. That's why I founded the Savitri Era Religion in 2006 for the devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Hence peace of mind!

It's perhaps for the first time that someone from the Hindutva camp is strongly supporting The Secret of the Veda. Two objections need to be clarified.

1) Sri Aurobindo never intended its publication.

2) He doesn't oppose the ritualistic dimension.

Valid as fact. Argue, but read.

It's impossible for any devotee to read all the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and their direct disciples. Love and devotion towards The Mother, therefore, forms the minimum requirement for Savitri Era Religion. Essence of Integral yoga is encapsulated in Remember and offer.

Being in power and intellectual legitimacy are two different things. Philosophy, narrative, or worldview don't have the luxury of seeking votes every five years. They are attacked every day, every hour. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo knew its power and did the needful in 1914 itself.

Savitri Era Party put forward an alternative ideology on the basis of the Vedic evolutionary philosophy propounded by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in 1914. His #FiveDreams broadcast of August 14, 1947 enumerates the vision for unity, beauty, and harmony encompassing whole humanity.

For direct disciples who lived in their presence, the situation was a bit different. The backdrop of the Ashram and its survival or welfare was certainly a limitation. But as we worship The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine, imagining them in new ways has no limits. 

Locating a few lines from some book was leading to searching the entire bookshelf and then cleaning and rearranging the books would eat up the whole afternoon. And, then came Google search. Rituals, similarly, are inconvenient. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo introduce the demat mode.

So, the wise people have come to agree that the rituals are the core and anything else is just corollary, no matter what Sri Aurobindo opines. This is the basic defect of any form of tribalism. Discovery of plants exuding oxygen in 1774 must have been met with similar scepticism.

I had opened my Savitri Era blog in 2005 which is going strong I joined Twitter in 2012 (now, X) where my visibility is almost negligible. Still this platform is the most convenient medium for expressing thought. Its power for keeping abreast is enormous.

Ideal Child By The Mother was gifted to me when I was eight years old. [ON THE FIELD he plays hard; he fights though he may be already defeated; he accepts adverse decisions; he is a good loser...he competes in a clean, hard-fought but friendly way; he helps an injured opponent.]

Savitri Era Religion is an intellectual revolution. Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the only means for invoking the evolutionary forces for descent of the Supramental consciousness. Educated persons should stop wasting energy in other pursuits.

This book tells it all but then looking at different facets of his personality, like Gandhi, Nehru, or Tagore, objectively is necessary.

At a time, when everyone is grappling with AI menace, there's no point in glorifying what is ancient or the oldest. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo offer the most modern, authentic, and coherent knowledge on life and the world containing mantric powers for evolutionary transformation.

It's surprising that so many people try to denounce Sri Aurobindo and belittle his work on various pretexts. For them, he is inferior to Dayananda, Vivekananda, Subhas Bose, Savarkar, Ram Swarup, Karpatri, and such other persons. Unfortunately, assessment is without reading him.

Congress was in power for so long. Now Hindutva seems to be firmly in the saddle. In between, market and technology are having their field day. Savitri Era Party, however, aspires for an altogether different scenario as assured by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's evolutionary vision.

Savitri Era Religion seeks to restore the essence of religion instead of mechanical and ritualistic procedures practiced at present. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were very particular about purity and sincerity in the matter of devotion. In fact, progressive transformation is vital.

Literature had a very strong hold before Sri Aurobindo but he skillfully streers clear of it. By incorporating it in poetry, he rather raises the philosophical concerns, more forcefully. But, in essence, his hardcore philosophy too is nothing but literature on a universal canvas.

Deep condolences for Sitaram Yechury on behalf of Savitri Era Party. He influenced Indian politics in varieties of ways. Although he was an acknowledged Leftist, still he was known for his pragmatism without compromising with principles. Never hankered for material gains. Goodbye! 

There's no need to be unduly influenced by Rajiv Malhotra's latest book discussing Sri Aurobindo. The narrative it presents is defective since there has been the unmistakable hand of evolution, always. Every ideology has played its part and Sri Aurobindo has been studied acutely.

Repeating that despite Sri Aurobindo's perceived opposition to AIT, we need to stand by it until it's conclusively disproved. It's important because Hindutva induced India-centric attitude can be a hindrance to objective finding of truth. Blog-supplement is an authority on this.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is foundational for Savitri Era Religion. Welcoming what the future holds, instead of being tied to the past, is the goal. Integral Advaita entails a seamless consciousness of harmony and perfection encompassing all. 

Nice paper by Arnab Chakraborty "focuses on the first play of Tagore, Valmiki Pratibha (or The Genius of Valmiki, 1881), in exploring Aurobindonean concept of integral life." But transformation in Sri Aurobindo's schema is dependent on descent of the Supramental consciousness.

It's a common experience that those who seem to be more active in a community situation tend to nurse political, commercial, or career-related interests. Thus, overcoming selfish instincts lands one in another selfish pursuit. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were against philanthropy.

Science and technology had not developed much when The Mother & Sri Aurobindo wrote. Many new facts have come to light since their departure. Thus it's necessary to understand their intention without stressing on the exact words. But they are still ahead in psychological analysis. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo never recommended any fixed set of instructions. Nor were they concerned about whether something is Indian or Western. But they were deeply conscious of people's sensibilities relating to culture or faith. So, weaning away needs to be slow and gradual.

Heard a speaker expressing scepticism over immortality and explaining it in terms of inner feeling. This is in gross violation of what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo endeavoured all their lives. Those who refuse to believe in it are free to do so but must not distort their philosophy. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo had witnessed both World Wars. Yet they didn't lose hope for the evolutionary inevitability of a new human race appearing on the planet. We are unable to understand the past and so we shouldn't pretend to know the future. Let's believe in what they say.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have set the long-term goals in consonance with the ancient, Vedic vision. They have identified the evolutionary forces working for realisation of these future prospects. Task for present politics is to align its policies with those inevitable outcomes.

Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational religion without the tyranny of any mythology or rituals. Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine amounts to an intellectual and aesthetic adventure for immersing in global spirit. No narrow sentiments.

At 68, I'm often reminded of 1968 when many revolutionary changes took place. Significantly, before the May events, Auroville was inaugurated by The Mother on February 28. The world has seen much development since then but Western philosophy remains moribund without Sri Aurobindo. 

#SriAurobindo is not, merely, a poet, a philosopher, or a Freedom fighter. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are leading the evolutionary march towards descent of the Supramental consciousness. They promise Vedic immortality and advent of a new human race.

Just like gravitation, science, too, discovered evolution and The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are talking about the same evolutionary forces which are active. So, there's nothing mystical about it. But belief in them as the one Supreme Divine who are leading the evolution is religion.

Politics in India after Independence provides an interesting backdrop for understanding how The Mother & Sri Aurobindo really design the template for collective living. The last two chapters of The Life Divine are very important in this respect. People do strive for good values.

Savitri Era Party and Savitri Era Religion are the only avenues for right understanding of the life and the world. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo show the right path leading to light and harmony. It needs a little application of mind to perceive this simple truth. The choice is yours. 

Sri Aurobindo's #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947 over All India Radio, Tiruchirappalli is well known. Similarly, some devotees had drawn a map of India which was later modified by The Mother. Evidently, these are visions and so expecting exact outcomes may not be in order. 

The Secret of the Veda is the greatest contribution of Sri Aurobindo. Reading it can help one shed superficial impressions from Uttarpara speech or India's Rebirth. Savitri also deals with different levels of consciousness. In The Future Poetry too he talks about them, in detail.

The role of the editors, curaters, or compilers is important in communication. In social media one is one's own editor and hence the anomaly. No game can be played without umpires. So, these are transitional times. Some rules and procedures will crystallise over a period of time. 

Aprpos [10 Classic Books Everyone Pretends to Have Read but Probably Hasn’t], I have read these 10:

The Trial

The Metamorphosis

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Life a User's Manual

Waiting for Godot

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Uncle Tom's Cabin

The Old Man and the Sea



Years ago, I had watched Habib Tanvir's Agra Bazar in Delhi and the scenes seem to be repeated in local trains to Kolkata. A blind young person would beg interspersing his monologue with English. Then a LGBTQ group followed by NGO for a child with cancer. Then sings Kishore Kumar. 

Played the following old and new:

Wo pari kahan se laoon

Tujhe Aksa beach ghuma doon

Aati kya Khandala

Hum kaale hai to kya hua

Dariya kinare ek bunglow

Bangle ke pichhe teri... kanta laga

O bangla gaadi jhumke kangana

Na mangu sona chandi

Jo beech bajariya tune

Kahe toh se sajna

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