Sunday, September 01, 2024

Mother's Agenda goes beyond Savitri

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: The only miracle Sri Aurobindo performed in public

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, President, Savitri Era Party (2007) & Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Sri Aurobindo wrote The Doctrine of Passive Resistance in Bande Mataram, in April 1907, which outlined the future political course. Those who love to paint him as a revolutionary must understand his considered thought at an early stage of Freedom struggle.

Savitri Era Party has been demanding purging the Constitution of all references to castes and religions, so that a genuine universalist society is allowed to take root. Following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only means for ushering in human unity and fraternity in the world.

Tendency to show punditry by mentioning three or four names together is an epidemic in India, and Sri Aurobindo often falls victim. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present and their work for designing the future is part of evolutionary scheme.

It's important for the followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo not to offer false promises with regard to the spiritual path. Many are drawn for the sake of sidhhis or miracles but they should be dissuaded. Similarly avoiding wild speculations on current affairs is also necessary. 

Savitri Era Party favours science and rationality. Hence it's against astrology, mythology, and ayurveda. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have endeavoured to surpass the methods of science but they are not ordinarily accessible or verifiable. So it's safe not to overstep common sense.

Hindu related discourse has become so confusing that it's difficult to make out who is for what. We at Savitri Era Party feel secure by not being part of campaigns involving hatred and bigotry. But our opposition to Hindutva doesn't automatically translate as support to Dynasty.

Books on psychological exploration and rising to the higher states of consciousness are many in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's circle. But the question is how far they are practical? In view of the dominant political currents in the country, how best can they contribute for harmony. 

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine can cure all confusions. Otherwise, one would perpetually swing between the old and the new. Not to recognise them in their full glory and greatness, or sacrifice, despite being introduced to them is a colossal loss. 

The Life Divine talks of human beings irrespective of their nationality, religion, language, gender, caste, or skin colour. It foresees a further progress in evolution raising humanity to a more harmonious collective living. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo preside over this bold march. 

Being a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo from an early age, I have been fortunate to be free from mythology and rituals. In order to have necessary legal backing, I founded Savitri Era Religion in 2006 for all worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine and surrendering to them is absolutely necessary. Not being under the influence of any gods and goddesses or gurus is a corollary. Those defying are free to do so but forfeit the entitlement to their love and grace.

Political parties are persistently trying to corrupt the minds of the people for the sake of votes. Hatred and bigotry have become major weapons for identity politics and social justice. Savitri Era Party stands for harmony and following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only way. 

X is not allowing me to read posts as successive ads are appearing full screen on my tablet. Not much option left than watch YouTube.

2024 election results showed it clearly that the Hindu road to power is a myth since castes are the real votebanks. BJP has been tweaking its strategy aggressively accordingly. Savitri Era Party has the contra policy. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stand for universality and harmony.

What Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1914 is yet to be verified or internalised by science. It may take another century, perhaps. Ontological issues like evolution and consciousness continue to interest intellectuals world over but The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings aren't widely read.

Mentioning Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo together has been an evil practice for years. Now many are putting Savarkar and Sri Aurobindo together for normalising a new narrative. It's necessary to know that only The Mother has the authority to be mentioned along with Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo's original name was Arabinda Ackroyd Ghose which became Arabinda Ghose and later, Aurobindo Ghose during his journalistic years. Subsequently, he signed as Sri Aurobindo which is his complete name and Sri is not an honorific. So writing Sri Aurobindo Ghose is wrong.

All may not believe in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine but should respect the fact that thousands of people in different continents worship them as such. Puducherry or Auroville are not merely tourist places. Devotees visit them round the year for pilgrimage.

The whole of The Life Divine has no meaning without believing in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine. Unlike what Westerners tend to believe, evolution is not something mechanical. Integral Advaita of Sri Aurobindo is an acknowledged superior piece of philosophy.

Savitri Era Party is inspired by the #FiveDreams of #SriAurobindo broadcast on August 14, 1947. It doesn't support Hindutva and its politics of hatred. Savitri Era Religion worships The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine. It's not connected with any other religion.

Savitri Era Party looks at the bigger picture. Despite all wrong effects of colonialism, it appreciates the integration of ideas and aesthetics it ensued which continues. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were instrumental in accomplishing as much synthesis as possible. So no victimhood. 

Savitri Era Party is opposing the politics of religion of the ruling party on the one hand and the politics of castes of the opposition on the other. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo worked for universality and human unity and hence it's necessary to be attuned to the evolutionary call. 

Savitri Era Religion is an invitation for getting rid of mythology, rituals, and superstitions. It's based on the most coherent philosophical framework crafted so far. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have left their mark in history as well as the esoteric world, and are ever present.

Such is the intellectual superiority of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo that Savitri Era Party is able to tell the scientists audaciously that your science is defective. To the philosophers, your philosophy is defective. To the politicians, your politics and your theory are defective.

It's only through the grace of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo that anything worthwhile can be accomplished. It needs to be remembered that they came to put an end to the tardy pace of nature. Human aspiration can accelerate the evolution and give an impetus to the Supramental descent. 

A.G. Noorani reminds of N.J. Nanporia about whom Dhiren Bhagat wrote in Imprint, August 1983:

"No examples are needed to convey the sheer tedium of NJN’s column: anyone who spent six months walking in the Sahara will know what I’m talking about."

Savitri Era Religion requests all to rally behind The Mother & Sri Aurobindo so that the Vedic quest for Immortality becomes a reality. Reciting Savitri on a regular basis can trigger invoking of necessary evolutionary forces. Reading The Mother book is also considered as potent.

R.Y. Deshpande is regarded as the most competent author and commentator on Savitri, at present. His writings can be accessed at

Shraddhavan (1942 - 2022) has authored, inter alia, the 11 book series titled, The English of Savitri.

Savitri is a long poem also called an epic. It has nearly 24,000 lines which are known as pentameter, i.e., consisting of five metrical feet. Each foot is an iamb, i.e., an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Thus most lines have ten syllables except variations. 

As a child, I was writing on a slate and now I do so on a tablet. So there is evolution. But pace of material or technological progress is different from biological evolution. Issue of death is embedded in cell's configuration. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are seized of the matter.

Savitri is about victory over death. The mythological story of miracle and boon has been transformed by Sri Aurobindo as growing in light and consciousness so that death dissolves. But the problems are far more formidable than portrayed in the poem. Mother's Agenda is a testament. 

Recognising that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are talking about conquest over death is religion. Being prepared to follow them collectively is politics. Savitri Era Religion and Savitri Era Party are trying to popularise their message for creating a better future for the humanity.

The Mother lived for nearly a quarter century after passing away of Sri Aurobindo. Her role is significant for strengthening the legacy of Sri Aurobindo. Her own intellectual and occult contributions are of immense importance. Educational value of her talks need to be appreciated. 

Ananda or bliss is equivalent to endlessness or immortality. Thus the target is a seamless consciousness instead of the present fragmented one. Impurities cause fragmentation. So refinement of emotions can ensure a more stable state of mind. Finally, surrender is the assured path. 

Political ideas on emancipation have dominated the intellectual scene during the last two hundred years partly eclipsing the philosophical or religious motive of salvation. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo present a slightly different point of view. It's the Vedic, conquering of death.

Descent of Supramental consciousness will usher in the Life Divine for which surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and worshipping them as the one Supreme Divine is essential. All other political ideals are subsidiary to this prospect which is part of evolutionary inevitability. 

Almost all activities of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are well documented and along with their writings form a wide field of historical research. It's interesting to study that apart from Hitler, The Mother has identified Max Théon and Paul Richard as embodying antagonistic forces.

Hindutva hasn't been able to exhibit excellence in any sphere and whatever development India is proud of at present is due to Western civilisation. The only area where India's contribution matters is Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. His Vedic evolutionary paradigm is still unsurpassed. 

I love English because of its grandeur, especially, the way Sri Aurobindo has harnessed it. But, I don't watch movies because I don't understand. Also, I detest the nasal sound of native speakers. Music too is irritating for me. A great cultural divide vis-à-vis Indian languages.

Crimes are an integral part of human civilisation but some crimes are more equal than others depending upon media coverage, social media outrage, and political rabble-rousing. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo advise transformation of human nature by Integral yoga, for enduring results.

Leftist scholars crafted a method of eclipsing and erasing evidences for creating a scientific history of their choice. Hindutva scholars conversely relied upon fabricating evidences from collective memory and mythology. Both versions should be studied along with Sri Aurobindo's.

Books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are available online at

Books of their disciples and other sadhaks can be read at

Publications of Overman Foundation can be found at

The Veda Suktas

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