Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra
Savitri Era: Two biographies of The Mother are being published…
Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF, President, Savitri Era Party & Founder, Savitri Era Religion
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Remember having watched a movie where Shah Rukh Khan appears in a different costume and style outside from how he appears at home in order to placate his wife. But such practices by the devotees may not amuse The Mother. Faith, sincerity and surrender are indispensable qualities.
Scholars and journalists suffer from problem of plenty. They are always on the lookout for how to write on fresh subjects; dig out untrodden topics. Well that's a professional hazard. Students of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo otoh need to concentrate more and more on their writings.
There was some dispute about administration of Auroville and Govt. of India took it over which was ratified later by the Supreme Court. However, problems persist even after four decades. Savitri Era Party has been demanding returning of Auroville and Matrimandir to the devotees.
Devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo aspire for peace and harmony and hence try to avoid situations inducing any conflict. Savitri Era Religion, however, has been insisting on a separate legal identity for it, so that the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo is thrown into sharp relief.
I was born (and brought up) in the village, Sailo Jharapada of Cuttack district in Odisha, on January 22, 1956. As a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo since 1964, I am Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF - 2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and President, Savitri Era Party (2007).
“The essence of Hinduism is the inner-directed search," writes Arun Shourie in his new book on Savarkar. This is a wrong statement. Hinduism is full of festivals and rituals. Savitri Era Religion, owing allegiance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, is the real locus of inner seeking.
Macaulay's Minute dated February 2, 1835 has a significant contribution towards shaping modern India, which continues even after 190 years. However, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo look at education from a much deeper standpoint which all psychological researches are trying to fathom.
The Secret of the Veda by Sri Aurobindo shows how rituals imposed upon it are unnecessary and contradictory. Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational religion, without the tyranny of any rituals or fixed method of practice. Devotees are free to adopt their own system.
The Asiatic Society was founded 241 years ago on January 15, 1784. Its role in East-West integration is unsurpassed. In Sri Aurobindo's writings, one can easily notice such an emphasis. Savitri Era Party too stresses on the ideal of human unity and harmony as per the #FiveDreams.
Earlier, there was no concept of equality as the society operated under the rubric of various taxonomies. The Constitution of India gifted equality of status to all citizens in 1950 but many find it difficult to accept it. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo teach human unity and harmony.
Double engine sarkar may be an attractive slogan in politics but when it comes to religion No one can serve two masters holds. Hindutva adherents, therefore, should be faithful to their first love and leave the devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo alone. Academic interest okay.
Since they worship The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine, the devotees of Savitri Era Religion don't consider any other person to be comparable to them. Those who are reluctant to accept their Divine manifestation, however, can continue necessary academic scrutiny.
All political parties are afflicted by Dynasty or Personality cult and hence Savitri Era Party seeks to restore democratic functioning and transparency. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are symbols of ethics and dedication and following their footsteps is the task of the new generation.
Change is essential in a democracy and it's good that a deception and falsehood that was running bearing Sri Aurobindo's name has been defeated conclusively. Savitri Era Party has no presence on the ground, but so far as ideology is concerned, no other party can compete with it.
Politics, these days, has been reduced to offering free goods and services to the people. In such a circumstance, the promise of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo about Supramental consciousness and a New race seems too far fetched. Still, that's the long term solution for human misery.
Intellectuals, in India, don't have much modern resources to fall back on for theory, and hence tend to dig into the ancient past. Works of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, in this context, are a treasure house on a variety of subjects. University education, unfortunately, ignores it.
It's wrong to expect that the template of old religions will hold good for ever. Savitri Era Religion, owing allegiance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, seeks to transcend the traditional tactics of exploiting human emotions. Urge for transformation and evolution should be the rule.
Exclusive concentration is the cornerstone of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy which also explains why we become different persons at different ages. Application of yoga therefore must vary with time and experience. Enthusiasm may wane but conviction and resoluteness should crystallise.
Some are suggesting the picture of Sri Aurobindo to adorn currency notes but considering the fact that The Mother and he are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine by the devotees of Savitri Era Religion, it wouldn't be appropriate. Religious and secular matters should be separate.
The Mother’s birthday is on 21st, and Centres and Study Circles are busy preparing for the celebrations. Schools will put up special shows and devotees plan family functions coinciding with the auspicious occasion. Visiting Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville ia a ritual for many.
The whole social environment or education system does not encourage any engagement with the Veda. Sri Aurobindo has revealed its secret and the message is simple. It's a path of self-discovery and being aware of different layers of consciousness. Savitri Era Religion facilitates.
Not getting freed from the clutch of old religions is a personal weakness which needs to be negotiated as part of sadhana. Bases of Yoga published in 1936 amply clarifies the need of faith, aspiration, and surrender. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine for this.
Reading this analysis can make one aware of the difficulties of delving into the past. Savitri Era Religion steers clear of such complications by worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises.
Everything is finite and nothing is eternal or sanatana, yet many choose to delude themselves as regards their religion. But then, it's futile to expect logic in a domain which is primarily irrational. Savitri Era Religion has blind faith in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's divinity.
Auroville Foundation has a Governing Board and there should be official communication for public consumption instead of individual members blurting out half-baked views. Further, many aspects are sub judice and hence responsible conduct is warranted as Govt is a silent spectator.
Two biographies of The Mother has been published this year.
1) The Mother : A Life of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual Collaborator by Peter Heehs
2) The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Co-Creator of the Integral Yoga by Patrick Beldio
Babaji Ramakrishna Das and Prapatti were instrumental in creating a Statewide network of Sri Aurobindo Study Circles in Odisha due to which I had come under the influence of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. My aversion towards tradition received the right answers from their teachings.
Yoga and sadhana are integral to the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo but they are not far removed from politics. Savitri Era Party is encouraging people not to fall prey to AAP, BJP, or Congress. Following the right ideology is essential for collaboration with evolution.
Videos and podcasts on The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are being uploaded on a daily basis but I don't find time to watch them. My preference remains to reading, may be, due to reasons of aesthetics. This is a fine soul-searching but the solutions are elsewhere…
It is not difficult to write an article or a book on Sri Aurobindo by citing various quotations from his varied writings. Even then, it is not easy to present an integral picture. Savitri Era Religion focuses on the fact that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine.
Reading the books of Sri Aurobindo over considerable length of time has no meaning unless one is willing to worship The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine. Surrender to The Mother is the fulcrum of Integral yoga and conjunction of call and grace is essential for it.
The Mother was born on February 21, 1878 and met Sri Aurobindo on March 29, 1914. The Ashram came into being on November 24, 1926 since when they are being worshipped as the one Supreme Divine who are always present. Their work for a sublime future of the mankind is most relevant.
Admirers of Sri Aurobindo, both from the Leftist and Hindutva faction, resist to acknowledge his divinity. Some of them are authors of books on him and people look upon their views as authentic. Savitri Era Religion strives to rectify this anomaly by openly expressing allegiance.
Castes are a perpetual topic of debate but Sri Aurobindo's explanations of them have not percolated much. Varna divisions, significantly, are linked to the Vedic Suns and four powers of The Mother. Without such inner truth, superficial support for equality or uniformity is flawed.
The name of Sri Aurobindo is wrong both in English and Hindi. Proper nouns shouldn't be deformed.
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