Friday, February 11, 2011

Savitri Era Religion offers a complex and rich environment

Among the visitors to spiritual organizations like Sri Aurobindo Ashram are some dead serious, sincere and intense young people who claim to be on the spiritual path but seem to be on the verge of losing their mental balance, if they have not lost it already. The question naturally arises what makes something as laudable as the spiritual path a risky road to walk on. The risk lies in a faulty approach to spirituality. Young people who become miserable as a result of their engagement with spirituality invariably treat spirituality as yet another worldly achievement. They go about searching for techniques that would take them to the peak by the easiest, shortest and fastest route. They treat spirituality like mountaineering… Unless they correct the fatal flaw in their approach to spirituality, they end up on the psychiatrist’s couch.] 

FLAGSTAFF, AZ—Three months after setting off down a long spiritual path to find himself, 38-year-old Corey Larson arrived at the conclusion Tuesday that he does not care. "I spent many long hours meditating, studying the works of great thinkers and spiritual leaders, and delving deep within myself for some kind of answer, and then it hit me: I couldn't care less," Larson said of his soul-searching journey. "Fuck it. Fuck it all." Larson briefly considered writing a self-help book to make the journey easier for others, but decided that he also didn't give two shits about whether other people arrived at the same conclusion he did.]

Fortunately, Savitri Era Religion offers a much more complex and rich environment for fostering life’s thousand longings without pinning the spiritual tag. The so called spiritual journey doesn’t begin midway in life but is a continuous quest from life to life. So, no failures or losers here; each one’s unique trajectory is firmly on course. Charaiveti, charaiveti! [TNM]   

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