Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo promise harmony

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Animated awareness and protean aesthetics


Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, SELF, President, Savitri Era Party, and Founder, Savitri Era Religion.

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

All life is yoga is an important ontological formulation in the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. While on the one hand it indicates a seamless extension of consciousness on the other hand it shows the multitudinous aspects of life. Surrender is the means for integration.

Govt awarded Classical language status to a few languages recently. Similarly, it should recognise new religions which are waiting for long. Savitri Era Religion owing allegiance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a deserving candidate. It should also return Auroville to devotees.

Richard Hartz writes how what happened on November 24, 1926 was the beginning of a series of spiritual experiences and realisations glimpses of which can be found in the poem A God’s Labour which was addressed to The Mother in the draft before publication.


Biology and Medicine have developed immensely from the days The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were writing. Still their conclusions have not lost relevance. Modern gurus stress on practice and the analytical approach but Integral yoga is about synthesis and integration of consciousness.

There are many ways of understanding life's mystery but the most crucial factor is location. One cannot be at two places at the same time and the sequence how one reaches a particular location also becomes the reason for future consequences. Evolution directs each one's location.

Their existence in the individual poise, i.e., the historical aspect of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo needs to be subordinated to the universal and transcendent poises although the three are simultaneous. Imagining them as the one Supreme Divine can heal many of our narrow feelings.

I was in college and the Birth Centenary of Sri Aurobindo was being celebrated throughout Odisha with much enthusiasm during 1971 and 1972. Sadhaks from Puducherry were visiting and I had attended some functions in Bhubaneswar. The Mother's passing away in 1973 was a rude shock.

Sri Aurobindo was born in Kolkata at 8, Shakespeare Sarani which was known as Theater Road earlier. His sacred Relics has been installed there. His statue stands at Aurobindo Sarani which was previously known as Grey Street. He was arrested by the British police from this Street.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo did not start any new religion. As Founder of Savitri Era Religion, I have been writing on different facets of encountering this new situation. Imagining and internalising a modified version of their own philosophical formulation is the first necessity.

Turning towards the new truth of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only way for resolving myriad problems faced by the humanity. Neither Hindutva nor Congress can help in this matter. Savitri Era Religion and Savitri Era Party are the only option for collaboration with evolution.

Sanskrit language is a barrier for reading its vast literature. European languages, similarly, conceal enormous treasure. Thankfully, Sri Aurobindo wrote in English which can be accessed by the whole world. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who lead evolution.

Popular books on psychology survive on the notion of human autonomy, while the real mystery is the underlying divinity. Books by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stress on this fact, as their philosophy is based on the involution-evolution dialectic. They, in fact, lead the evolution.

The Life Divine doesn't envisage any divine personification or stipulation of an avatar but worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the foundational principle of Savitri Era Religion (2006). Thus, concepts like Parabrahman or Paramatma stand redundant.

The Secret of the Veda exposes the futility of mythology and rituals. Accordingly, Savitri Era Religion is free from the bondage of traditional superstitions. The philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and the system of Integral yoga introduced by them carry rational validity.

Spirituality is nothing but surrendering to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo so that they are successful in bringing down the Supramental consciousness. This evolutionary leap is an inevitability resulting in dissolution of all old religions. The Human Cycle is clear on such a prospect. 

Many are not aware that Sri Aurobindo had written about Four powers of the Mother in The Synthesis of Yoga prior to The Mother book was published. Interestingly, the chapter, Faith and Shakti was published in Arya's May 15, 1920 issue immediately after The Mother's final arrival.

Savitri is the crest-jewel among Sri Aurobindo's writings, and Savitri Era Religion seeks to spread its message, far and wide. This epic is about conquering death through adventure of consciousness. Accessing higher zones of inspiration through poetry is also a predominant theme.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine obviates the necessity of relying upon old philosophical systems and mythological fiction. Even, their own writings need to be imagined in a modified version for the sake of coherence involving Savitri Era Religion.

A lot of awareness has been generated apropos Sri Aurobindo but mostly on his political role. Impression of him as a revolutionary is also full of confusion and falsehood. However his symbolic interpretation of the Veda and philosophy of evolution are more important contributions. 

Remembering The Mother & Sri Aurobindo and expressing our love, devotion, and gratitude to them is the most basic. Aspiring for higher consciousness in spite of our imperfections and difficulties is the next. The three stages in the fifth chapter of The Mother book form the task.

Art and poetry are domains of imagination. Philosophy too shares the same trait, and dares to rush in where science fears to tread. Scientific means and method is one of the many avenues to explore the unseen or the unknown. All life is yoga including writing this ephemeral post.

It's symptomatic of a deeper malaise that Sri Aurobindo has been restricted to a mere footnote in this book. Let's hope that the author wrestles with him in some future project. I was happy however to see Hegel's India in the Bibliography which is co-authored by Rimina Mohapatra.

Following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the best choice as religion and philosophy. It's also the best political and economic option in the current circumstances. From the perspective of health and Self-Help too they offer insightful guidance. Thus their basket is truly integral.

Admiring Sri Aurobindo and some of his writings doesn't do justice to his personality. The Mother & he are the one Supreme Divine who have ushered in the new truth. Understanding its intricacies and imperatives is necessary for transformation of human nature and social structure.

Savitri Era Religion is based on the simple belief that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises: individual, universal, and transcendent. It has got no connection with other religions. Historical events don't matter much.

Descent of Supramental consciousness is the target of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. They are working for it and our job is to understand its significance. Due knowledge of it can instill gratitude towards them and develop the attitude of surrender that is essential for their grace.

Savitri Era Party is against AAP, BJP, and Congress. Its approach is universal and fraternity is the priority. Rising above all sectarianism and narrow identities is the task. Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and rational religion without the burden of mythology or rituals. 

The blue colour tempted me to be in the Bluesky. Reminds of the Twitter. All are welcome!


The Mother & Sri Aurobindo always emphasise our divine aspect and potentiality instead of the mere fact of being human. The body and its needs or our interactions with others in the society surely demand much effort and care, but the larger goal of transcending them is important.

...and transformation is the goal. But the real solution is through surrender and descent of the Supramental consciousness. Yes, that feeling is normal whenever we read his writings. The Synthesis, in fact, is incomplete. The last chapter is just a hint of what the future can be.

Understanding current affairs in terms of evolutionary intention is important since The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are ever present overseeing it. Change wouldn't come in one stroke since things have to be worked out through dynamics of ignorance. The trajectory is spiral, therefore.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo didn't create any new religion but they were very particular about developing religious attitude. Surrender to The Mother is the beginning and end of Integral yoga. Work is important and some amount of intellectual fodder too. But surrender is constant.

Despite his signal contributions during the Freedom struggle, Indian historians didn't give Sri Aurobindo any place in history. They also thought he hasn't written anything of significance. Such a twisted narrative has no parallel in any other country. Unfortunately it continues.

Twentieth century discourses are ruling the political horizon in India but Savitri Era Party aims at an altogether new environment based on universality and fraternity. The vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as encapsulated in the #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947 guides. 

Savitri Era Party is opposed to AAP, BJP, and Congress as they have nothing to do with the Vedic evolutionary paradigm enunciated by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Ideology, and not personality, should be at the centre of political aspirations. All parties have proved to be failures. 

India became Independent on the 75th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and how this date came to be fixed is an interesting story. Those who fail to understand the significance of this great incident also miss the message of the #FiveDreams broadcast over AIR on August 14, 1947.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine without any reference to other religions or philosophies is the fundamental criteria of Savitri Era Religion (2006). Those unwilling to abide by this basic requirement are free to travel in their own chosen avenues.

Evolution gives the impression of millions of years but in the context of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo it is here and now happening every moment and descent of the Supramental consciousness can take place even the next hour. It's a question of belief and collaboration for all of us. 

Nicely put, human behaviour really doesn't receive adequate explanation. Further, restricting our worldviews to two opposing theoretical constructs is also defective. I would recommend, for instance, reading Sri Aurobindo, whose works provide an altogether different perspective.

Countless people have been influenced by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Many have drawn inspiration from them for own creative endeavour. The question, however, is whether these kind of efforts aid the evolutionary forces? Without accepting them as the one Supreme Divine, it's null.

Most people harbour misconceptions about the Veda. It is never discussed nor referred to in any significant context apart from recitation during rituals. The Secret of the Veda by Sri Aurobindo breaks this deadlock and The Life Divine too relies on it for its evolutionary schema.

War and conflicts are as old as the Mahabharata which arise out of complex situations. Even a close knit family becomes embroiled in fierce battle among its members. Man has not been able to overcome these despite all utopian thinking. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo promise harmony.

Savitri Era Party demands that public facilities aren't named after sundry personalities since it gives the impression of endorsing certain ideology or historical context. This causes prejudices in the younger generation who should rather develop their own critical understanding.

I have fond memories of watching it in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry in 1985. Also annual theatre the previous evening.

[Every year on December 2, all the children of the School and all the disciples taking part in sports carry out a general demonstration of physical culture.]

Philosophy entails making sense of our relationship with the world and all cultures and languages are rich with such texts. The University system, however, maintains the dominance of a certain chunk of Western philosophy, thus relegating others to worthlessness. This must change.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine and are always present in their three poises. There are political turmoils but the future of humanity is safe in their hands. In the Indian context, Savitri Era Party has been opposing the politics of hatred spread by Hindutva. 

Political ambition and lure of money is driving many men and women to espouse radical ideologies. People with ordinary mentality are turning into dangerous criminals. Lack of adequate orientation in alternative thinking is the cause and The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are sure guides.

I had purchased Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx from Daryaganj Sunday Bazar. Buying books was so financially straining and availability of right books too was a problem. Now everything is available online but that thrill of finding a book and reading it hurriedly in a shop is missing. 

Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. Savitri Era Religion (2006) is a modern religion amounting to believing that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises: individual, universal, and transcendent.

Leftists have been ignoring Sri Aurobindo while Hindutva has been trying to appropriate him. Savitri Era Religion (2006) is an intellectual as well as religious alternative without any mythology or rituals. Descent of Supramental consciousness and Vedic Immortality are its goals.

Early disciples of Sri Aurobindo came to him with diverse motives. But gradually the spiritual aim crystallised after The Mother taking charge of the Ashram. Establishment of Centres and Study Circles in different parts of the country was intended for spreading the Integral yoga.

Savitri is lofty poetry. It's also uplifting philosophy. But more than that it's prophecy. Further, it's Mantra too with the intrinsic power of effectuation. The goal of Vedic Immortality has been retold by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri. Reciting it means collaboration with evolution.

Appreciating Sri Aurobindo properly takes at least a decade. All educated men have multiple heroes but one may drop them one by one till #SriAurobindo reigns alone. This happens on sheer merit. Not esotericism, mysticism, or spirituality, his socio-political ideas have that fire.

What would you recommend? Through reading their books or by meditation and intense devotion? How can someone new experience that sort of confidence and equanimity?

Instead of applying effort for achieving that, it should be the spontaneous outcome of a process, I suppose. (From bsky)

The present environment in India is Development oriented and, obviously, the aspiration for a superpower status drives that. The yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, however, is not so precariously perched. Perusal of The Human Cycle reveals how evolutionary intention is otherwise. 

Odisha is home to thousands of Sri Aurobindo Study Circles apart from nearly a thousand Schools and Relics Centres. Conferences and seminars take place round the year, and the annual State level congregation happens in Cuttack. Dalijoda is a place worth visiting for the devotees.

It's normal for me to use Odia, Bengali, Hindi, and English everyday. Then within English, there are different varieties like the ordinary journalistic language and the scholarly or philosophical articulation. Besides, Sri Aurobindo's writings form a separate category altogether.


Divine manifestation of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is an unprecedented phenomenon which can't be explained by past mythological instances or received metaphysical formulations. All talk of Messiah, Tirthankar, or Avatar is idle intellectual approximations.


Savitri Era: Inculcating the glue of fraternity is the clue


Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present.

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Inculcating the glue of fraternity is the clue

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Aspiration, Rejection, and Surrender as the three basic principles of yoga has been set out by Sri Aurobindo. The Mother has condensed it to Remember and Offer. But, it's not mere devotion or supplication. Collaboration with evolution is the main function apart from purification.

Savitri Era Religion is a successful insulation against the endless speculation on the nature of the creation by Western philosophy. The emphasis here is more on transformation of human nature and worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the only means.


The 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo was celebrated two years back but no book has been written on the state of his legacy. Even the Auroville affair is not known properly to the public. Biographers and other commentators are yet to take cognisance of Savitri Era Religion. 

Rescuing The Mother & Sri Aurobindo from the historical sequence of events to discover their relevance and preeminence for the future of the world is the most important challenge. Behind all technological and geopolitical developments, their presence is, unmistakably, operating.

Lack of any religion tag has facilitated predatory sections to take over various institutions and real estate connected with the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Trojan Horses are working overtime for erasing all distinctiveness so that a monochromatic Leviathan rules.

Lack of awareness of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo prompted me to start Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005. Next, I launched Savitri Era Religion in 2006 for preventing appropriation of Sri Aurobindo by Hindutva. Savitri Era Party in 2007 on Centenary of Surat split in 1907.

Politics in India refuses to be disentangled from the pre-Independence scenario because people are still searching for icons from those days. Unfortunately, no one is interested in Sri Aurobindo as his philosophy doesn't support any sectarian stand. Savitri Era Party has patience. 

Spirituality or Integral Advaita is about sensing divinity in all situations while religion confines the sacred to places of worship. Savitri Era Religion however entails worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises. 

Age and experience teaches many things and Hindutva supporters are no different. One can notice enormous changes in many of them. Power has been a stimulus for rigour and hence ideological incongruities have come to the forefront. But deficiency on the writing front continues.

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine renders Integral yoga into a religion. It's essential for accelerating evolution and descent of Supramental consciousness. Anything else is self-delusion. Savitri Era Religion has no connection with other religions.

Collective yoga is an important element of the evolutionary project of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. It's neither limited to collective meditation nor confined to social networking. It's also not identical to any kind of identity politics. Inculcating glue of fraternity is the clue. 

Soon after they met each other, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo had launched Arya in August 1914. The Ashram came into being in 1926. Apart from Auroville, several organisations were started for dissemination of their philosophy. Besides Relics Centres are clearly of religious nature.

Appreciating Sri Aurobindo for his role in Bengal Renaissance or Freedom struggle is fine. Similarly, learning from his poetry and philosophy is admirable. But worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the most vital aspect from evolutionary perspective.

By ignoring Sri Aurobindo Leftists scholars have ensured his banishment from people's minds. Hindutva confines him to a single line from Uttarpara speech. On the other hand devotees are loath to read his books. Appreciating The Mother & Sri Aurobindo properly takes about a decade.

Aspiration is the foremost principle in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's teaching. Aspiration for Immortality also has Vedic sanction. So postponing something for next life has no meaning in this yoga. "All can be done if the god-touch is there." Conjunction of these two is pivotal.

Savitri Era Party draws inspiration from the evolutionary vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. It doesn't believe in the current state of affairs being final. #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947 have far reaching repercussions for India and the world. All must collaborate!

Political narratives keep on changing for the sake of votes. Savitri Era Party however is firm on clinging to the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo which espouses universality and fraternity. This month in 1907, Sri Aurobindo was instrumental in splitting Congress at Surat. 

People are prone to believe in mythologies but Savitri Era Religion prefers to worship The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine instead of anyone else. Apart from the most modern and coherent philosophical framework, it's armed with Savitri, the anthem of Immortality.

Savitri Era Party demands that Savitri Era Religion (2006), owing allegiance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, is recognised by the Govt as a new religion and Auroville returned to the devotees. Removing non-devotees and fake-devotees from Auroville administration is also an urgency

It wouldn't be wrong to infer that Bankim Chandra’s Anushilan-tatva has genealogical connection with Sri Aurobindo's Integral yoga. But surrender to The Mother and the action of her grace is one major point of divergence. Further, the involution-evolution dialectic is distinctive. 

Many find it convenient to discuss about Sri Aurobindo without any reference to The Mother. Historically this may be true to a point but occult dimensions remain hidden unless we accept them as the one Supreme Divine. Independence on SA's 75th birth anniversary is a case in point. 

Indian and Buddhist philosophies are taught in many Western Universities but they are not bothered about what Sri Aurobindo has written. Ken Wilber's books provide some orientation on Sri Aurobindo, in whatever imperfect way. CIIS, sadly, is no longer interested in Sri Aurobindo.

Savitri Era Religion (2006) is the only logical consequence of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's legacy. Otherwise, perception of them of the public and devotees alike is confusion. Many also nurse the illusion that they can achieve spiritual progress through their own effort of yoga.

1) The Mother & Sri Aurobindo don't give any value to religious Ritual.

2) They don't support the reward and punishment theory of Karma.

3) They don't agree to birth-based straitjacket of Varna system.

4) They also advise to rely on the Divine grace instead of stars or Astrology.

Sri Aurobindo:

1) Integral Advaita and Evolutionary destiny as proposed in The Life Divine.

2) Psychological interpretation of Veda as delineated in The Secret of the Veda.

3) Prophecy of a Spiritual age as theorised in The Human Cycle.

4) Poetry as Mantra in The Future Poetry.

Modern philosophy and psychology look at man as a universal being. Science and medicine, too, transcend religious or cultural divides. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have attempted a similar framework in the religious domain. The Ideal of Human Unity is the most plausible scenario.

Linguistic and cultural diversity is enough proof that India is a conglomeration of nations. Hence, imagining something for 1.5b people is hogwash. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have left behind transformational literature. Anyone anywhere in the world can benefit from their spell.

Nationalism based on hatred and nationalism for defending the country and all its good aspects are two different things. Sri Aurobindo worked for the second and didn't harbour any hatred even towards the British. Rather he supported them for their fight against Hitler during WWII. 

It's necessary to repeat, unendingly, that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine, who are always present in their three poises. Otherwise, one tends to be get drowned by the myriad currents of kaleidoscopic narratives and waves of, supposedly, panoptic discourses.

Another year is drawing to a close and nothing much has been done for popularising The Mother & Sri Aurobindo’s writings. Resistance to Savitri Era Religion is understandable, but it's amazing that the people are so indifferent to such superior philosophy, psychology, and poetry.

If The Satanic Verses is in the bookstore, let's hope that The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs too is sold in India. The book was banned in 2008 due to the activism of some misguided devotees. Savitri Era Party, however, has been demanding lifting the ban from time to time.

Each reader has his or her opinion but the erudite author remains firm on what he wrote. That needs to be respected.


Since my viewership has dwindled to a minimum I don't put much effort here. A better intellectual environment is at bsky.app/profile/savitr

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present.

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Savitri Era Party is opposed to AAP, BJP, and Congress since they ignore The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. We demand abolition of Reservations and a Constitution, free from discriminations. Universality and harmony should be the guiding principles as per #FiveDreams of August 14, 1947.

Life runs according to the laws of biology and psychology, but The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stress that the aim of life is to attain Immortality. The very meaning of yoga is uniting the finite with the Infinite. So, not to be satisfied with lesser goals is the whole essence of man.

Eminent persons from diverse walks of life were devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. If a book is written on them, the history of 20th century in India can be understood better. Many people avoided publicity. So, records are difficult to find, but some documentation is needed.

All are requested to record all the good things they wish to say about others without waiting for their death. This will make the world a better place and right information and evaluation will spread. Many accusations unfortunately remain unanswered if made after someone's death.

Future doesn't always follow the past patterns. Evolution marches ahead through innovation and disruption. We learn from The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to expect things which seem impractical or impossible at present. Supramental consciousness is in operation since February 29, 1956.

Personal life and its longings are different from the nationalistic spirit and allied aspirations. Similarly, utopian visions for the entire human society are a further distant affair. However, all these aspects, and much more find place in the yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Communist movement was in full swing during the time of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, but the Ashram they envisaged was on a different footing. They were also not impressed by Tagore or Gandhi. This independent view of life hasn't percolated much, but Savitri Era Party is hopeful.

Social media provides the opportunity to air your views but working under the umbrella of some organisation is necessary. There must be social responsibility and scope for working with others for common ideals. That's how acceptability grows otherwise it's a hit-and-run exercise.

A new year is knocking at the door and the best way to dedicate this anticipatory moment is by remembering Sri Aurobindo and The Mother who are the one Supreme Divine. Let's hope that West Bengal claims Sri Aurobindo as one of her great sons but right now he is totally forgotten.
