Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra
Aspiration, Rejection, and Surrender as the three basic principles of yoga has been set out by Sri Aurobindo. The Mother has condensed it to Remember and Offer. But, it's not mere devotion or supplication. Collaboration with evolution is the main function apart from purification.
Savitri Era Religion is a successful insulation against the endless speculation on the nature of the creation by Western philosophy. The emphasis here is more on transformation of human nature and worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the only means.
The 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo was celebrated two years back but no book has been written on the state of his legacy. Even the Auroville affair is not known properly to the public. Biographers and other commentators are yet to take cognisance of Savitri Era Religion.
Rescuing The Mother & Sri Aurobindo from the historical sequence of events to discover their relevance and preeminence for the future of the world is the most important challenge. Behind all technological and geopolitical developments, their presence is, unmistakably, operating.
Lack of any religion tag has facilitated predatory sections to take over various institutions and real estate connected with the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Trojan Horses are working overtime for erasing all distinctiveness so that a monochromatic Leviathan rules.
Lack of awareness of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo prompted me to start Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005. Next, I launched Savitri Era Religion in 2006 for preventing appropriation of Sri Aurobindo by Hindutva. Savitri Era Party in 2007 on Centenary of Surat split in 1907.
Politics in India refuses to be disentangled from the pre-Independence scenario because people are still searching for icons from those days. Unfortunately, no one is interested in Sri Aurobindo as his philosophy doesn't support any sectarian stand. Savitri Era Party has patience.
Spirituality or Integral Advaita is about sensing divinity in all situations while religion confines the sacred to places of worship. Savitri Era Religion however entails worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine who are always present in their three poises.
Age and experience teaches many things and Hindutva supporters are no different. One can notice enormous changes in many of them. Power has been a stimulus for rigour and hence ideological incongruities have come to the forefront. But deficiency on the writing front continues.
Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine renders Integral yoga into a religion. It's essential for accelerating evolution and descent of Supramental consciousness. Anything else is self-delusion. Savitri Era Religion has no connection with other religions.
Collective yoga is an important element of the evolutionary project of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. It's neither limited to collective meditation nor confined to social networking. It's also not identical to any kind of identity politics. Inculcating glue of fraternity is the clue.
Soon after they met each other, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo had launched Arya in August 1914. The Ashram came into being in 1926. Apart from Auroville, several organisations were started for dissemination of their philosophy. Besides Relics Centres are clearly of religious nature.
Appreciating Sri Aurobindo for his role in Bengal Renaissance or Freedom struggle is fine. Similarly, learning from his poetry and philosophy is admirable. But worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the most vital aspect from evolutionary perspective.
By ignoring Sri Aurobindo Leftists scholars have ensured his banishment from people's minds. Hindutva confines him to a single line from Uttarpara speech. On the other hand devotees are loath to read his books. Appreciating The Mother & Sri Aurobindo properly takes about a decade.
Aspiration is the foremost principle in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's teaching. Aspiration for Immortality also has Vedic sanction. So postponing something for next life has no meaning in this yoga. "All can be done if the god-touch is there." Conjunction of these two is pivotal.
Savitri Era Party draws inspiration from the evolutionary vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. It doesn't believe in the current state of affairs being final. #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947 have far reaching repercussions for India and the world. All must collaborate!
Political narratives keep on changing for the sake of votes. Savitri Era Party however is firm on clinging to the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo which espouses universality and fraternity. This month in 1907, Sri Aurobindo was instrumental in splitting Congress at Surat.
People are prone to believe in mythologies but Savitri Era Religion prefers to worship The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine instead of anyone else. Apart from the most modern and coherent philosophical framework, it's armed with Savitri, the anthem of Immortality.
Savitri Era Party demands that Savitri Era Religion (2006), owing allegiance to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, is recognised by the Govt as a new religion and Auroville returned to the devotees. Removing non-devotees and fake-devotees from Auroville administration is also an urgency
It wouldn't be wrong to infer that Bankim Chandra’s Anushilan-tatva has genealogical connection with Sri Aurobindo's Integral yoga. But surrender to The Mother and the action of her grace is one major point of divergence. Further, the involution-evolution dialectic is distinctive.
Many find it convenient to discuss about Sri Aurobindo without any reference to The Mother. Historically this may be true to a point but occult dimensions remain hidden unless we accept them as the one Supreme Divine. Independence on SA's 75th birth anniversary is a case in point.
Indian and Buddhist philosophies are taught in many Western Universities but they are not bothered about what Sri Aurobindo has written. Ken Wilber's books provide some orientation on Sri Aurobindo, in whatever imperfect way. CIIS, sadly, is no longer interested in Sri Aurobindo.
Savitri Era Religion (2006) is the only logical consequence of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's legacy. Otherwise, perception of them of the public and devotees alike is confusion. Many also nurse the illusion that they can achieve spiritual progress through their own effort of yoga.
1) The Mother & Sri Aurobindo don't give any value to religious Ritual.
2) They don't support the reward and punishment theory of Karma.
3) They don't agree to birth-based straitjacket of Varna system.
4) They also advise to rely on the Divine grace instead of stars or Astrology.
Sri Aurobindo:
1) Integral Advaita and Evolutionary destiny as proposed in The Life Divine.
2) Psychological interpretation of Veda as delineated in The Secret of the Veda.
3) Prophecy of a Spiritual age as theorised in The Human Cycle.
4) Poetry as Mantra in The Future Poetry.
Modern philosophy and psychology look at man as a universal being. Science and medicine, too, transcend religious or cultural divides. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have attempted a similar framework in the religious domain. The Ideal of Human Unity is the most plausible scenario.
Linguistic and cultural diversity is enough proof that India is a conglomeration of nations. Hence, imagining something for 1.5b people is hogwash. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have left behind transformational literature. Anyone anywhere in the world can benefit from their spell.
Nationalism based on hatred and nationalism for defending the country and all its good aspects are two different things. Sri Aurobindo worked for the second and didn't harbour any hatred even towards the British. Rather he supported them for their fight against Hitler during WWII.
It's necessary to repeat, unendingly, that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine, who are always present in their three poises. Otherwise, one tends to be get drowned by the myriad currents of kaleidoscopic narratives and waves of, supposedly, panoptic discourses.
Another year is drawing to a close and nothing much has been done for popularising The Mother & Sri Aurobindo’s writings. Resistance to Savitri Era Religion is understandable, but it's amazing that the people are so indifferent to such superior philosophy, psychology, and poetry.
If The Satanic Verses is in the bookstore, let's hope that The Lives of Sri Aurobindo by Peter Heehs too is sold in India. The book was banned in 2008 due to the activism of some misguided devotees. Savitri Era Party, however, has been demanding lifting the ban from time to time.
Each reader has his or her opinion but the erudite author remains firm on what he wrote. That needs to be respected.
Since my viewership has dwindled to a minimum I don't put much effort here. A better intellectual environment is at…
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present.
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Savitri Era Party is opposed to AAP, BJP, and Congress since they ignore The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. We demand abolition of Reservations and a Constitution, free from discriminations. Universality and harmony should be the guiding principles as per #FiveDreams of August 14, 1947.
Life runs according to the laws of biology and psychology, but The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stress that the aim of life is to attain Immortality. The very meaning of yoga is uniting the finite with the Infinite. So, not to be satisfied with lesser goals is the whole essence of man.
Eminent persons from diverse walks of life were devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. If a book is written on them, the history of 20th century in India can be understood better. Many people avoided publicity. So, records are difficult to find, but some documentation is needed.
All are requested to record all the good things they wish to say about others without waiting for their death. This will make the world a better place and right information and evaluation will spread. Many accusations unfortunately remain unanswered if made after someone's death.
Future doesn't always follow the past patterns. Evolution marches ahead through innovation and disruption. We learn from The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to expect things which seem impractical or impossible at present. Supramental consciousness is in operation since February 29, 1956.
Personal life and its longings are different from the nationalistic spirit and allied aspirations. Similarly, utopian visions for the entire human society are a further distant affair. However, all these aspects, and much more find place in the yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.
Communist movement was in full swing during the time of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, but the Ashram they envisaged was on a different footing. They were also not impressed by Tagore or Gandhi. This independent view of life hasn't percolated much, but Savitri Era Party is hopeful.
Social media provides the opportunity to air your views but working under the umbrella of some organisation is necessary. There must be social responsibility and scope for working with others for common ideals. That's how acceptability grows otherwise it's a hit-and-run exercise.
A new year is knocking at the door and the best way to dedicate this anticipatory moment is by remembering Sri Aurobindo and The Mother who are the one Supreme Divine. Let's hope that West Bengal claims Sri Aurobindo as one of her great sons but right now he is totally forgotten.
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