Friday, April 11, 2008

Accept Sri Aurobindo’s The Life Divine as the substratum for all thinking

[Over time my writing became ever more elaborate and lengthy, always striving after that elusive goal. My point is that my writing wasn’t borne out of some set of Grand Ideas that I just had to get on paper– readers of Larval Subjects can attest to the fact that I lack such Ideas –but rather that my writing was undergirded by an entire libidinal economy pertaining to the “pleasures of the text” in the most literal sense of the term… Not the pleasures of content and meaning, but the jouissance of the smell of the paper, a stapled spine, blue ink, the heft of a lengthy paper in your hands, the way a paper opens when you staple long the spine, and so on… An assemblage of impressions without any meaning beyond that. Molar Machines and the Psychology of Bureaucrats– An Incoherent Rant
from Larval Subjects by larvalsubjects ]

[Now, you wouldn't know it, but these thoughts were prompted by two books I'm currently reading, Creative Tension, by Michael Heller, and another one that shall go unnamed (file it under integral/new age/evolutionary). In the case of Heller, he is an unusual man, in that he is both a first rate physicist with a specialty in cosmology, and a Catholic priest and theologian. However, he is refreshingly cautious about how science and theology relate to one another, and this book, although challenging, is proving to be a sort of psycho-spiritual disinfectant, helping me to clarify certain intuitions of mine and make them more explicit. Beyond that, it is helping me to grapple with the fundamentals of my worldview, which is always healthy. In my mind, there is still this painful dichotomy or tension between the anti-evolutionary worldview of Schuon and the cosmic-evolutionary view, not just of science, but of esteemed pneumanauts such as Teilhard de Chardin and Sri Aurobindo. Second Thoughts About First Causes
from One Cosmos by Gagdad Bob]

Disturbing confessions by two stalwarts of the Blogosphere! While it is debatable whether Larval Subjects really "lacks" (Lacanian that he is) "Grand Ideas" or it just suits and subserves his latent subversive socio-political construct, Gagdad Bob is genuinely torn between two (or, three? Genesis?) "worldviews." One is reminded of Heidegger's comment on Lacan's Écrits: “It seems to me that the psychiatrist needs a psychiatrist” [enowning].

More seriously, vacillation, by itself, may be a delightful pastime, but stealthily guzzles enormous time and energy. The prudent course, therefore, is to forsake the vain insistence that the right Ontology has to be from a Westerner, and accept Sri Aurobindo’s The Life Divine as the substratum for all thinking by disregarding the nagging suggestion of “missing something precious elsewhere.” [TNM]

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