Friday, April 18, 2008

Orissa has the numbers, but lacks clout

Thanks to the persistent efforts of the pioneers like Prapatti, Orissa has the numbers today, but it lacks clout. The quasi-religious quest for an illusive Supramental dream anchored to intellectual-aesthetic sensitivity has spread so far and wide that its effect should have been felt distinctly outside the State in a normal way. But that is not the reality today after sixty glorious years.

Front-ranking intellectuals, politicians, journalists, and technocrats have been part of the movement in the past, and as a result a large number of educational and other institutions are functioning, but not a single has grown to rank as world-class. An identifiable brand is yet to emerge. If the leadership in number is to translate into actual leadership, then several management initiatives are needed.

On the language front, English has to be accorded equal status with Oriya. Seminars and workshops will have to be conducted exclusively in English so that they attract participation from across the globe.

Productive deployment of personnel should be a priority by assessing disguised unemployment, and diversifying into new activities. Similarly, allocation of assets -- real estate and otherwise -- needs periodical overhaul keeping revenue generation as well as wealth creation in mind.

In this entire endeavor, giving up the needless modesty is a necessity. Being media and market savvy is also a prime requisite. As thousands of students pass out from our schools every year, things must change very fast. [TNM]

1 comment:

  1. Orissa has a future.
    It has just begun to that future just as West Bengal is being degenerated on the contrary.
    Have you not noticed that the number of Oriya devotees are fast increasing in Sri Aurobindo Ashram?
    A great past contains the seed of a great future.
