Saturday, June 22, 2024

Indians haven't achieved Independence

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Savitri Era: India and Hindu are not synonyms…

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Most parties have been reduced to a personality based environment whereas Savitri Era Party is driven by the evolutionary vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Intellectuals, in our country, must understand the difference and act, accordingly, for the sake of a healthy democracy.

I'm not fond of fiction and hence prefer to spend time on this platform. Nowadays however more and more satire and imaginary scenarios are being peddled by many known handles. So it's becoming difficult to differentiate between fact and fable. Sri Aurobindo's philosophy is better. 

Disinformation didn't stop after British left as Leftists took over under the cover of the Cold War. When the digital era arrived, it was a field day for the Hindutva bandwagon. Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) has been disseminating Sri Aurobindo's line of thought since 2005.

After conquering Odisha, West Bengal seems to be an easy target for BJP. Mamata losing is only a matter of time. But the similarity ends there since the vast Muslim population can shift its support to either the Left or the Congress. The SCs deserting BSP in UP is a good example.

Remembering, seeking their blessings and grace, and expressing love and gratitude to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a regular affair for devotees. The feeling of being exceptional, or even superior, may not be unusual when seen in the context of surrounding ignorance and falsehood. 

The greatest contribution of ancient India is the Veda the keys of which couldn't be found during the entire 19th century. From Ram Mohan to Vivekananda, all were clueless about it. Dayananda's valiant efforts didn't fetch much. Sri Aurobindo wrote The Secret of the Veda in 1914.

Freedom for citizens is the essence of democracy. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo also emphasise each individual to be independent and unique, in spirituality. Thus, the effort of the political parties and the govt. to educate or impose various value systems upon people looks absurd.

Anyone visiting Auroville is bound to be intrigued. Impressionistic views on the basis of a few first hand encounters aren't a true assessment. There're enough online resources to know and research. It's not perfect but represents evolutionary vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. 

Encouraging conversation but please ensure discussions don't suffer from malnutrition. Ignoring Sri Aurobindo is not going to give any long term solutions.

Debate on decolonisation is surely complex, as Samir Nazareth explains. For us, the followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, it's further complicated. Not rejection but synthesis of what is best from the West is the approach. Thus it's distinctly different from Hindutva’s hatred.

It's widely believed that Advani's Kamandal was against Mandal but ultimately Govindacharya helped BJP to internalise it. Later, Kulkarni attempted to shift focus from it. Now many thought Modi to have unhinged politics from such minor irritations. But Mandal is back with a bang.

The Prime Minister lost mandate to rule but instead of abiding by democratic ethics, he is heading a shaky coalition. To make matters worse, he is yet to be elected as leader by his party MPs. Reliance on personality cult may be a strategy but the tragedy is zero intrinsic worth.

The beauty of Savitri Era Religion is that anybody anywhere can be a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. There are no lifestyle stipulations nor any prescriptions for practicing spirituality. Imbibing the teachings or growing internally is a slow process and can't be evaluated. 

On 4th of this month, India experienced a mountain of lies and bluster relating to Hindutva crumbling. From 1992 to 2024, its journey has been devastating. But the alternative to it is in no way superior. Securing maximum number of votes, in the name of secularism, is not enough.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo avoided dabbling in politics but applied their spiritual force wherever necessary. Savitri Era Party doesn't claim clairvoyance, but insists on an attitude of surrender to them so that their grace guides our steps. Becoming an instrument in their hands.

The number of people of my vintage who have lived under all the Prime Ministers won't be much on this platform. Besides, I had visited the venue of the AICC session in Bhubaneswar in 1964 where Nehru had fallen ill before his death. I have also watched Rajiv Gandhi at Sundargarh.

Most Hindutva intellectuals are beneficiaries of Nehruvian liberalism but built a career by speaking against it. This hypocrisy is hard to digest, apart from their projected hollow myths about India's great future. Living in America and dreaming about India was icing on the cake!

Economic development of Odisha and West Bengal lag behind due to evolutionary reasons. Perceiving this is important as against the modern management-driven outlook. That's the advantage of reading Sri Aurobindo's books. Aspiring for higher consciousness is the most desirable task. 

Freedom fighters were active in the last century, and books are being written on them. Freedom fighters are also active today, and books will be written on them in the next century. Freedom is a Vedic virtue, and we need to understand its value from the writings of Sri Aurobindo.

The only competence I have earned in life is reasonable familiarity with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings. The opportunity given to me to be a player in the social media is a blessing. I was educated to be a school teacher, and I am spreading knowledge and right perspective.

Odisha can be said to be an oasis where I spent the first 33 years of my life. Free from Tagore and similar Bengali influences. Free from Ramcharitmanas and other such mythological texts prevalent in North India. Free from Shankaracharyas and allied sects dominant in South India.

There's no easy answer to which book of Sri Aurobindo a newcomer should read. Further one may be more interested in his political life than his more important philosophy or spirituality. There are other facets like poetry and literary criticism. So open any page and read is best.

My own posts are at Savitri Era

Other blogs are:

Savitri Era Learning Forum

Savitri Era Open Forum

Savitri Era Political Action

Savitri Era Religious Fraternity

Blogs of interest maintained by me:

Aurora Mirabilis

Because Thou Art

Evergreen Essays

Feel Philosophy


Savitri Era Party

Blogs of interest maintained by me:

Orchid and the rose

Plain & Simple

Rainbow & the Other


Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Odia: ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଓଳିଆ

I'm witness to the sorry spectacle of how people have been misled by Hindutva during the last two decades. Orientation in the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo helped me to show the right path through Savitri Era banner. I don't think, anyone supported me in narrative war.

Reading a couple of pages of what Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1914 can reorient thinking of any educated person. All educational institutions and Universities should realise the significance of his utterances and act accordingly. Ignoring the greatest philosopher is suicidal for India. 

Auro Talk series by Dr. V. Ananda Reddy on comparative philosophy #SriAurobindo Richard Hartz, Larry Seidlitz, Dr. Vladimir Yatsenko, Dr. Soumitra Basu, Dr. Martha Orton, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Lakshmi B, Dr. Sreekala Nair, Dr. Madhumita Dutta, Dominique Schmidt. 

Savitri Era Religion originates from the collaboration between The Mother & Sri Aurobindo who are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine. Their spiritual role in defeating Hitler is the most prominent event of modern history. Establishing Supramental consciousness is the future aim. 

Politics, obviously, is more tangible than spirituality, and hence, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo fail to gain much popularity. Savitri Era Party, however, has been trying to provide an alternative direction to politics since the Life Divine is, very much, a culmination of politics.

A library can surely be protected by deploying an army but what about a human being? How can he be rescued from the jaws of death? Sri Aurobindo dealt with this question by taking up the Savitri legend. It's the most fundamental existential concern. A talk. 

Many Hindutva Intellectual Kshatriyas are equipped with Engineering and/or Management degrees while being well versed in History, Politics etc. Although such versatility is commendable, lack of orientation in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy and Psychology makes them ethically crippled. 

If political parties can tempt the voters by promising direct cash transfers, then why the same is objectionable for religious conversion is difficult to understand. Religion, like education, should be free to choose and needn't be a lifelong affair like monogamy. MPs can defect.

Indians haven't achieved Independence since the States are yet to be granted Sovereignty. This election has thrown these contours into stark relief and new sensibilities should develop among educated men to notice them. Sri Aurobindo, in his #FiveDreams, has predicted #WorldUnion. 

Sri Aurobindo analysed different systems of yoga and devised his own 7x4 model in The Synthesis of Yoga. But after The Mother's final arrival in 1920, he introduced the surrender to The Mother element cementing the three fold Integral Yoga as Aspiration, Rejection, and Surrender.

Sri Aurobindo's books may look difficult but Savitri Era Religion attempts to make them accessible. Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the first step. Faith in the fact that they are the greatest philosophers is the second. Reciting Savitri, third.

Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party and Savitri Era Religion…………

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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