Monday, June 24, 2024

Be a soldier of harmony

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Indians haven't achieved Independence
Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006)
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

While reading What Lucy fossil reveals about nudity and shame and Why remove caste markers among Hindus, I remembered The Mother and the way she guided a community to grow as Sri Aurobindo Ashram over a period of half-a-century. Myriad sociological dimensions are yet to be probed. 

India got Independence in 1947 but many people prefer to leave the country to become second class citizens elsewhere. They no doubt struggle with hybrid culture all their lives. From my own experience of migrating from my native State Odisha ଓଡ଼ିଶା in 1988 I know the deprivation.

That's the reality and can't be reversed but psychological suffering due to cultural malnutrition is a must. Thus it's for the individual to decide for himself or herself.

India with over one sixth population of the world has surely a special place. Its chaos and colourfulness has much to contribute to the ontological melting pot of the human condition. But the picture is incomplete without The Life Divine or Savitri by Sri Aurobindo. All must read. 

Each person's life is a different trajectory without any scope of any comparison with others. This is best explained by the Exclusive Concentration theory of Sri Aurobindo. So, feeling proud to have studied Science, or earning more, has no justification apart from self-validation. 

BJP not getting majority has applied body blow to Hindutva and Savitri Era Party feels vindicated. Ignoring The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is anti-evolutionary and understanding this is necessary for both trads and the tards. Savitri Era Religion is the hope for harmony in the world.

Being in politics means getting work done; generally, by circumventing the rules and procedures. It also means rewarding the unqualified. Looking for symmetry and rationality is against the principles of nature. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo however promise Supramental consciousness. 

The 40s are said to be peak of life and many feel confident to pass conclusive verdicts or even write books on life. Old age is generally seen as an aberration or to-be-tolerated appendix. While sex and sensex play significant roles, acquiring right philosophical bulwark crucial.

Leftists and Nehruvians have been opposing Hindutva both ideologically and politically. Idolising Modi however has robbed Hindutva of whatever semblance of legitimacy it had. Sri Aurobindo wrote The Life Divine in 1914 which should occupy the dominant consciousness of the nation.

Just glanced The Times of India at RRTS Station and had to keep it back quickly. 
~ Man, son shot dead in spat over watering their farms in Niwari
~ Family 'unhappy', two newborn girls killed and buried in capital
~ Suicide: Man from Assam kills self; wife gets to know, ends life

Most Indians are not conversant with Greek poetry or mythology but Sri Aurobindo wrote a long poem titled Ilion which is a sequel to Homer's Iliad. His grasp on the Western spirit was very intimate and insightful. Those who want to tie him down to India or Hindu theme should read. 

How much one can access his inner countries by following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is subjective. I have been a devotee for the last sixty years but I don't claim any higher level of consciousness as described in the books. But the ideological path I pursue has a clear advantage. 

I was working as an Officer of Punjab National Bank in their Head Office in Delhi but opted for voluntary retirement at the age of 44 in 2000. I believe that life is not a money-making machine and instead of being sucked into professional life, one should be a soldier of harmony.

With Socialism in vogue, last century had some respect for simplicity and austerity but current century has turned out and out hedonistic. Human civilisation has progressed in leaps and bounds but man hasn't become civilised. "today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied" LD

Role of ambition in life is high but understanding its dynamics is also crucial. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo foreground the Vedic aspiration for Immortality before which all other longings get dwarfed. Instead of treating it as impracticable or fiction, collaborating is desirable.

I haven't read them but those conversant with the Top 20 Self-Help Books For Personal Growth can easily notice that what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo bring to the table is missing. Savitri Era Religion is the only way for aligning with the evolutionary forces for peace and harmony.

It's implicit but not much clear. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo didn't have the exigency to dwell on Hindutva nor their direct disciples, except for Nadkarni, very briefly. I have been writing against Hindutva for the last two decades and election results have boosted my confidence.

Most devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are connected with some Centre or Institution. They have their own obligations and aren't free. People are naturally drawn towards the govt of the day and thus are prejudiced. However I have the opportunity to provide independent views.

Story of birth of Sri Aurobindo Ashram is interesting. From bombs to football to five or six persons using a single towel to take bath grew as an intellectual and spiritual powerhouse. The Mother arriving in 1914 from France adds to the mystery. Savitri Era Religion is the future. 

I can't arrange even two persons in our colony to listen to me. So, if my posts reach around two dozen people, it's a great privilege. I can't say about other SM platforms but discussion on The Mother & Sri Aurobindo on X is negligible. My old posts are at

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