Sunday, June 02, 2024

Being a prisoner of any metanarrative is a disability

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Transformatory paradigm of 1914

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. Jan 22, 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Sri Aurobindo's Relics Centres have been established at different places with allied facilities like meditation hall, library and school. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine and their Darshan Days are celebrated with utmost devotion and serenity.

Sri Aurobindo wrote a poem on Hitler titled The Dwarf Napoleon. In a similar vein, Modi can be called the dwarf Nehru. I have always maintained that whatever Modi does is a part of his strategy including his latest mujra. He will be remembered for keeping hardline Hindutva at bay. 

No national party could develop in India till now and hence the States need to be granted Sovereignty. The plight of Modi for acquiring a national image is a lesson. There's no reason why nearly 1.5 billion people be governed by one person. Time to correct the historical mistake.

Sri Aurobindo's treatment of history is complex being an interplay of pattern, sequence, and emergence.

"random seem the ways...,

Yet your least stumblings are foreseen above.

Infallibly the curves of life are drawn"

"Always our Captain holds the rudder well,

He does not sleep." 

Social media has become an integral part of our lives but what is needed most is civility and respect for others. Disagreeing is wholly democratic but insulting a person for holding a particular view is uncivilised. Ecosystem is good but being lodged in an echo chamber is harmful. 

There can be no better explanation of the world than what is offered by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. So, reading their books is the basic requirement. The next is to collaborate with the process of evolution for descent of Supramental consciousness by joining Savitri Era Religion.

I came under the influence of The Mother when she was there and most of the direct disciples were active. Books and periodicals in different languages were being published for spreading the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Seminars and conferences were a regular feature at Centres.

History of organised violence in India is not only between religions but also between castes, languages, ethnicities, and cults. Spoiling the present for past atrocities and poisoning the minds of young generation is a self-destructive game. Those building careers should refrain.

I alway thought Indira Gandhi's phenomenal charisma was mostly due to her feminine charm. But the kind of spell Modi casts upon people goes beyond his pull among the opposite sex or Hindutva. Non-Biological birth theory is a bit far fetched but 56 inch was a perfect imagery for young. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo inaugurated a new era in 1914 by launching a monthly philosophical magazine called Arya. I called it Savitri Era when I started Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) blog in 2005. Subsequently I began Savitri Era Religion (2006) and Savitri Era Party (2007). 

Every fourth day should be a holiday and all other holidays should be dispensed with.

Owing to a vibrant network of study circles, it's easy to be aware of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in Odisha which is not the case with other States. Devotees visiting Puducherry and Auroville should also find time to visit the Relics Centres situated in different parts of Odisha.

Acquiring reasonable competence on poetry and philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a difficult task and one may still be ideologically wrong after that. Savitri Era Religion facilitates transition from political or scholarly approach to devotional and practice of yoga path. 

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the bedrock of Integral yoga. Savitri Era Religion has no connection with any other religion, mythology, or philosophy. The task is, Aspiration for descent of the Supramental consciousness and Victory over death.

What The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gifted in 1914 is still waiting to be discovered by the people in 2024. The country is undergoing a very crucial political churning and let's hope that the new dispensation shows some receptivity towards the #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947. 

Culture and education are powerful mediums of imparting superstitions. Besides, each person harbours his own preferences for irrationality. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo present an alternative worldview. They draw attention towards the deeper truths of the universe and our existence. 

India has been host to many traditional religions but most of them are bugged by fictional mythologies and meaningless rituals. Even Ambedkar had no good choice to make. Savitri Era Religion is a modern and futuristic alternative fired by the vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Hindutva producing such a low level of politician like Modi is a matter of concern. No amount of meditation can wash away the mujra level discourse. Surprisingly, supporters don't find anything amiss. Reading Sri Aurobindo’s books can inculcate the right intellectual orientation.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were against Hitler when many were eager to join hands with him. This is the most important mythological theme of 20th century. Right now, many streams of anti-evolutionary forces are in operation. It's necessary to follow Sri Aurobindo instead of duds.

Sri Aurobindo was drawn into the Freedom movement as a student in England and participated in it after his return to India. He also wrote profusely on political concerns but after 1914, his mature thoughts indicated deeper philosophical intricacies predicting harmony for humanity. 

Many intellectuals feel proud about Gandhi but have no respect for Sri Aurobindo. Gandhi was well-known even before the film and following him can lead to social harmony. But the harmony Sri Aurobindo is talking about is much profounder being an evolutionary leap in consciousness. 

People are confused today; who to follow? Gandhi, Tagore, Vivekananda, Subhas, Savarkar, Ambedkar, or Periyar? They represent different facets of modern India and inspire political as well as intellectual fermentation. I am fortunate to be a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine, and represent the evolutionary force active for descent of the Supramental consciousness upon earth. Savitri Era Religion has this tremendous advantage over the traditional paths and is free from jejune mythology and rituals.

The immense significance of the new knowledge distributed by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo since 1914 is yet to be fathomed by the people of India as a result of which the evolutionary breakthrough is being delayed. Clinging to old systems is a terrible obstruction for Supramental.

It's commonly believed that Sri Aurobindo synthesised different religions and philosophies. But the truth is, he reinterprated traditional wisdom and reformulated them according to modern environment. But most of it is meant for intellectual exercise. His own contribution is new.

At a time when the strengths, weaknesses, and relevance of different political parties are being analysed threadbare, intellectuals should give a thought to Savitri Era Party (2007) which seeks to foreground the revolutionary knowledge of 1914 given by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Those interested in meditation can visit the Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch near NCERT which holds regular group activities.

Their YouTube channel is at @SriAurobindoAshramDelhiBranch

Hindutva may have contributed towards hubris but the hatred inherent in it can't be a help towards spirituality. This election therefore is an opportunity for restoring rationality and civility. The choice is whether to stick to the old ways of Vivekananda or follow Sri Aurobindo. 

The anti-evolutionary nature of Hindutva and Vivekananda should be clearly understood in the light of elaborate explanations of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. I have been alerting not to associate Vivekananda, uncrtically, with the Vedic evolutionary paradigm of Sri Aurobindo.

Meditation requires a robust bulwark of right knowledge for navigating the mind and consciousness. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo therefore spoke about the dynamic meditation making a fixed posture redundant. Being conversant with the planes and parts of Being is necessary for result. 

Devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo should be cautious against various disinformation campaigns unleashed by Modi's devotees. All are free to claim divinity and establish new religions like Ambedkar. So, Savitri Era Religion is very particular about its own distinct identity.

A day to remember Harkishan singh Surjit.

Now that there is a slim chance of the opposition capturing power, it must be admitted that their combined effort in putting up a fight was praiseworthy. But this alliance business can't be a credible affair in a vast country like India. Savitri Era Party has the right ideology.

What Sri Aurobindo did and what exactly he said or wrote is less important for devotees than realising who he is since The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine. It is a matter of faith but can be arrived at by diligent study of their writings.

History has academic value but being a prisoner of any metanarrative is a disability. Reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo teaches to be futuristic in approach and aspiration. Thinking in terms of national or racial boundaries is against the spirit of the #FiveDreams.

Lessons on life skills and psychology are so abundantly available these days that one may not be impressed by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books. But the secret is reading them amounts to evolutionary trigger or adventure of consciousness. Reciting Savitri too has the same effect. 

Being a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo for the last sixty years has been a great blessing. Apart from navigating through different political and intellectual phases, their teaching has helped to tread an alternative course of life. Communicating it has been satisfying too.

It's easy to understand the philosophy and yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Hitler represented anti-evolutionary forces and wanted to bring an end to the human civilisation. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo defeated him through yogic power and rescued the world by reversing his plan.

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