Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo represent the highest ideals

 Twitter turned X today. Tweets in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (2005), Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and President, Savitri Era Party (2007). Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Savitri Era: The narrative war launched by Sri Aurobindo in 1893 continues Tweets in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), Founder, Savitri Era Religion and President, Savitri Era Party. Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Thinkers have dreamt of perfect life and harmonious society but the modalities vary. There's no consensus even at the theoretical level. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo too avoided any detailed description of a future society as the Supramental transformation would be entirely drastic.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo take political theory to the extreme. Even in economics, it's real macro. Fraternity is the fuel that drives society and Ananda is the reason for coveting or consumption. Rather than the subjective human ego, an intrinsic collective wisdom guides life.

Be it politics, art, or education, our only weapons are Aspiration, Rejection, and Surrender. Remembering The Mother & Sri Aurobindo at every step of life and offering to them whatever we do is the minimum that is expected of us. Further, “Be simple, Be happy, Remain quiet, ..."
The life of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in the Ashram is only a fraction. Savitri Era Religion is concerned with the future society and their place in it. Their writings will be judged on merit and acceptance will grow accordingly. Disillusionment with present religions will spur.
Appreciating the genius of Sri Aurobindo is a long process. Being aware of his books and reading some of them can take a decade. Then, getting rid of the popular misconceptions of him also takes time. Searching for his core contributions and critiques is the most arduous task.
It should operate from The Garden of Five Senses.
In all these years, I haven't seen anyone on Twitter taking up reading Sri Aurobindo's books. Some don't progress beyond his early political work. Some others will always compare him to Vivekananda, Yogananda, or Ramana Maharshi. People are totally ignorant of The Mother's books.
The idea of launching ARYA germinated after The Mother & Sri Aurobindo met on March 29, 1914. They were aware of the intellectual confusion created during the previous century by successive factions of Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj, Theosophical Society, RK Mission and other movements.
What Sri Aurobindo gave to India and the world in the 20th century as against the mire created by the 19th century is not very difficult to judge. Understanding its value and significance is necessary by abdicating mythology, rituals, and superstitions. It's a demand of evolution.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo didn't create any new religion but devotees flocking to them gave rise to such an environment. I gave the name of Savitri Era Religion in 2006. As The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine there's no scope for connection with other religions.
There is no concept of Avatar in Savitri Era Religion since The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, jointly, are the one Supreme Divine and have three poises. They are not connected with any old religious text or its cosmology. Their philosophy is universal and future vision is evolutionary.
How to be a true child of The Mother is our aim and not being a foot soldier of some political ideology like nationalism. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo represent the highest ideals and following them is the best option. Qualities of flowers as defined by The Mother indicate virtues.
Savitri is a poem and contains long dialogues. Even the descriptions have a certain context. So, quoting its lines as philosophical axioms is defective. Nor should they be regarded as Sri Aurobindo's considered opinion. It is best used as a source of inspiration and guidance.
Govt should return Auroville to devotees so that it is built as a religious city as per the vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo instead of the ecological sustainability tag it bears at present. Matrimandir is the sanctum sanctorum of Savitri Era Religion and not a tourist place.
Unlike The Human Cycle, reading The Life Divine or The Synthesis of Yoga transports to a different world. Apart from the wisdom, the transformative effect it imparts is immense. One can sense the higher consciousness having their own serried homes where one may aspire to enter.
The message of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo has been Heal with consciousness. Law and morality have their own limitations. Consciousness is the real arbiter when it comes to human wants and instincts. But it needs to be channelised in the right direction, with the right motivation.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were intimately connected with world events, especially, with WWII. Historians have no inkling of their consistent fight with Hitler but their own statements are proof enough. Let's hope, all these dimensions will be part of public discourse, some day.
Integral Yoga and Integral Education, both need critical scrutiny otherwise they remain as mere slogans. Hundreds of schools bear the name Integral but what's their output? Similarly, so many workshops and camps on Integral Yoga are organised but what about their results?
The divinity of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo was duly revealed to the direct disciples very carefully. They have also categorically expressed it on various occasions. Their writings and concerns were always ahead of the times. All these form firm foundation for Savitri Era Religion.
Religions can be seen as antithesis of rationality but what Sri Aurobindo states in the opening paragraph of The Life Divine has been captured in the opening page of Savitri as As if a childlike finger laid on a cheek. But rationality is important for staying away from falsehood.
Democracy privileges politics the players of which rely upon charisma. These days media managers decide all public interfaces. Self-interest and not ethical standards is at play.
The four powers represented by the Vedic deities, viz., Varuna, Aryama, Mitra, and Bhaga which have broad resemblance with the four powers of The Mother, i.e., Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati form the basis of social organisation in Sri Aurobindo's ontology.
As long as one feels the pull of past religions or gurus, it should continue as such. But unless one freely accepts The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine, seeking their grace is futile. The very foundation of Integral yoga is faith, devotion, and surrender to them.
Each devotee has a direct relationship with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo who are always present; there's no intermediary. There's no hierarchy also.
Anyone can become that by their grace. For the time being, whatever the direct disciples have explained forms a vast resource.
Following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is nothing but imposing exacting standards of ethics upon oneself. Mountains of difficulties, obviously, raise their head. Questions and doubts sprout at every step. But then the assurance comes that the difficulties are there to be surmounted.
Outraging on social media has become very common. Such lip service is so easy and ensures virtue signalling. It's like the conscience of a robber as Sri Aurobindo remarked about public charities. But lack of democratisation is a real worry as hyped up events garner all attention.
All problems, whether personal or political need to be offered to The Mother for solution. Our understanding of the situation may be defective. Or we might be insisting on something out of self-interest. But The Mother, as Sri Aurobindo explains, has "varied ways of dealing with"
Many wouldn't know that Savitri is not free from controversies. While some consider the first complete edition of 1950-51 as final, the current fourth revised edition of 1993 is the standard now for all practical purposes. Sri Aurobindo, himself, had revised it several times.
Sri Aurobindo complained that the commentators of Upanishads have given a roundabout interpretation, instead of a straightforward one, in order to justify their pet narratives. Many at present, similarly, are reluctant to accept Sri Aurobindo as he is. They love "would have been"
Sri Aurobindo is the best guide as to what is good or bad in the tradition. Mythology as literature may be praiseworthy but the anti-modern nature of its contents need to be eschewed. Similarly, ancient cosmological speculations should come to terms with the evolutionary outlook.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have said many things out of politeness. They have explained with terms of Hindu religion to please the disciples. Philosophical concepts also have been described in Hindu religious line for the sake of familiarity. But finding universal crux is crucial
From the Agenda, we know how much of difficulties The Mother had to go through for sadhana. Yoga of the cells of the body was a highly advanced adventure. The configuration of the cells will have to change for conquering death. Surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only way.
Sri Aurobindo and Hinduism by Peter Heehs is a very important document which clears many confusions with clinical precision. His book titled The Lives of Sri Aurobindo is also good barring a couple of pages which attracted much controversy way back in 2008.
Many have visited the Ashram as part of South India tour and there the relevance of Sri Aurobindo ends. We are all products of evolution and The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are harbingers of the next stage of evolution. Following them, worshipping them, & surrendering to them is vital.
Savitri Era: No one has been able to surpass The Life Divine Tweets in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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