Monday, June 24, 2024

Be a soldier of harmony

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Indians haven't achieved Independence
Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006)
Savitri Era of those who adore,
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

While reading What Lucy fossil reveals about nudity and shame and Why remove caste markers among Hindus, I remembered The Mother and the way she guided a community to grow as Sri Aurobindo Ashram over a period of half-a-century. Myriad sociological dimensions are yet to be probed. 

India got Independence in 1947 but many people prefer to leave the country to become second class citizens elsewhere. They no doubt struggle with hybrid culture all their lives. From my own experience of migrating from my native State Odisha ଓଡ଼ିଶା in 1988 I know the deprivation.

That's the reality and can't be reversed but psychological suffering due to cultural malnutrition is a must. Thus it's for the individual to decide for himself or herself.

India with over one sixth population of the world has surely a special place. Its chaos and colourfulness has much to contribute to the ontological melting pot of the human condition. But the picture is incomplete without The Life Divine or Savitri by Sri Aurobindo. All must read. 

Each person's life is a different trajectory without any scope of any comparison with others. This is best explained by the Exclusive Concentration theory of Sri Aurobindo. So, feeling proud to have studied Science, or earning more, has no justification apart from self-validation. 

BJP not getting majority has applied body blow to Hindutva and Savitri Era Party feels vindicated. Ignoring The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is anti-evolutionary and understanding this is necessary for both trads and the tards. Savitri Era Religion is the hope for harmony in the world.

Being in politics means getting work done; generally, by circumventing the rules and procedures. It also means rewarding the unqualified. Looking for symmetry and rationality is against the principles of nature. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo however promise Supramental consciousness. 

The 40s are said to be peak of life and many feel confident to pass conclusive verdicts or even write books on life. Old age is generally seen as an aberration or to-be-tolerated appendix. While sex and sensex play significant roles, acquiring right philosophical bulwark crucial.

Leftists and Nehruvians have been opposing Hindutva both ideologically and politically. Idolising Modi however has robbed Hindutva of whatever semblance of legitimacy it had. Sri Aurobindo wrote The Life Divine in 1914 which should occupy the dominant consciousness of the nation.

Just glanced The Times of India at RRTS Station and had to keep it back quickly. 
~ Man, son shot dead in spat over watering their farms in Niwari
~ Family 'unhappy', two newborn girls killed and buried in capital
~ Suicide: Man from Assam kills self; wife gets to know, ends life

Most Indians are not conversant with Greek poetry or mythology but Sri Aurobindo wrote a long poem titled Ilion which is a sequel to Homer's Iliad. His grasp on the Western spirit was very intimate and insightful. Those who want to tie him down to India or Hindu theme should read. 

How much one can access his inner countries by following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is subjective. I have been a devotee for the last sixty years but I don't claim any higher level of consciousness as described in the books. But the ideological path I pursue has a clear advantage. 

I was working as an Officer of Punjab National Bank in their Head Office in Delhi but opted for voluntary retirement at the age of 44 in 2000. I believe that life is not a money-making machine and instead of being sucked into professional life, one should be a soldier of harmony.

With Socialism in vogue, last century had some respect for simplicity and austerity but current century has turned out and out hedonistic. Human civilisation has progressed in leaps and bounds but man hasn't become civilised. "today we see a humanity satiated but not satisfied" LD

Role of ambition in life is high but understanding its dynamics is also crucial. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo foreground the Vedic aspiration for Immortality before which all other longings get dwarfed. Instead of treating it as impracticable or fiction, collaborating is desirable.

I haven't read them but those conversant with the Top 20 Self-Help Books For Personal Growth can easily notice that what The Mother & Sri Aurobindo bring to the table is missing. Savitri Era Religion is the only way for aligning with the evolutionary forces for peace and harmony.

It's implicit but not much clear. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo didn't have the exigency to dwell on Hindutva nor their direct disciples, except for Nadkarni, very briefly. I have been writing against Hindutva for the last two decades and election results have boosted my confidence.

Most devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are connected with some Centre or Institution. They have their own obligations and aren't free. People are naturally drawn towards the govt of the day and thus are prejudiced. However I have the opportunity to provide independent views.

Story of birth of Sri Aurobindo Ashram is interesting. From bombs to football to five or six persons using a single towel to take bath grew as an intellectual and spiritual powerhouse. The Mother arriving in 1914 from France adds to the mystery. Savitri Era Religion is the future. 

I can't arrange even two persons in our colony to listen to me. So, if my posts reach around two dozen people, it's a great privilege. I can't say about other SM platforms but discussion on The Mother & Sri Aurobindo on X is negligible. My old posts are at

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Indians haven't achieved Independence

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Savitri Era: India and Hindu are not synonyms…

Collated X posts, in original, by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Most parties have been reduced to a personality based environment whereas Savitri Era Party is driven by the evolutionary vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Intellectuals, in our country, must understand the difference and act, accordingly, for the sake of a healthy democracy.

I'm not fond of fiction and hence prefer to spend time on this platform. Nowadays however more and more satire and imaginary scenarios are being peddled by many known handles. So it's becoming difficult to differentiate between fact and fable. Sri Aurobindo's philosophy is better. 

Disinformation didn't stop after British left as Leftists took over under the cover of the Cold War. When the digital era arrived, it was a field day for the Hindutva bandwagon. Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) has been disseminating Sri Aurobindo's line of thought since 2005.

After conquering Odisha, West Bengal seems to be an easy target for BJP. Mamata losing is only a matter of time. But the similarity ends there since the vast Muslim population can shift its support to either the Left or the Congress. The SCs deserting BSP in UP is a good example.

Remembering, seeking their blessings and grace, and expressing love and gratitude to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a regular affair for devotees. The feeling of being exceptional, or even superior, may not be unusual when seen in the context of surrounding ignorance and falsehood. 

The greatest contribution of ancient India is the Veda the keys of which couldn't be found during the entire 19th century. From Ram Mohan to Vivekananda, all were clueless about it. Dayananda's valiant efforts didn't fetch much. Sri Aurobindo wrote The Secret of the Veda in 1914.

Freedom for citizens is the essence of democracy. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo also emphasise each individual to be independent and unique, in spirituality. Thus, the effort of the political parties and the govt. to educate or impose various value systems upon people looks absurd.

Anyone visiting Auroville is bound to be intrigued. Impressionistic views on the basis of a few first hand encounters aren't a true assessment. There're enough online resources to know and research. It's not perfect but represents evolutionary vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. 

Encouraging conversation but please ensure discussions don't suffer from malnutrition. Ignoring Sri Aurobindo is not going to give any long term solutions.

Debate on decolonisation is surely complex, as Samir Nazareth explains. For us, the followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, it's further complicated. Not rejection but synthesis of what is best from the West is the approach. Thus it's distinctly different from Hindutva’s hatred.

It's widely believed that Advani's Kamandal was against Mandal but ultimately Govindacharya helped BJP to internalise it. Later, Kulkarni attempted to shift focus from it. Now many thought Modi to have unhinged politics from such minor irritations. But Mandal is back with a bang.

The Prime Minister lost mandate to rule but instead of abiding by democratic ethics, he is heading a shaky coalition. To make matters worse, he is yet to be elected as leader by his party MPs. Reliance on personality cult may be a strategy but the tragedy is zero intrinsic worth.

The beauty of Savitri Era Religion is that anybody anywhere can be a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. There are no lifestyle stipulations nor any prescriptions for practicing spirituality. Imbibing the teachings or growing internally is a slow process and can't be evaluated. 

On 4th of this month, India experienced a mountain of lies and bluster relating to Hindutva crumbling. From 1992 to 2024, its journey has been devastating. But the alternative to it is in no way superior. Securing maximum number of votes, in the name of secularism, is not enough.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo avoided dabbling in politics but applied their spiritual force wherever necessary. Savitri Era Party doesn't claim clairvoyance, but insists on an attitude of surrender to them so that their grace guides our steps. Becoming an instrument in their hands.

The number of people of my vintage who have lived under all the Prime Ministers won't be much on this platform. Besides, I had visited the venue of the AICC session in Bhubaneswar in 1964 where Nehru had fallen ill before his death. I have also watched Rajiv Gandhi at Sundargarh.

Most Hindutva intellectuals are beneficiaries of Nehruvian liberalism but built a career by speaking against it. This hypocrisy is hard to digest, apart from their projected hollow myths about India's great future. Living in America and dreaming about India was icing on the cake!

Economic development of Odisha and West Bengal lag behind due to evolutionary reasons. Perceiving this is important as against the modern management-driven outlook. That's the advantage of reading Sri Aurobindo's books. Aspiring for higher consciousness is the most desirable task. 

Freedom fighters were active in the last century, and books are being written on them. Freedom fighters are also active today, and books will be written on them in the next century. Freedom is a Vedic virtue, and we need to understand its value from the writings of Sri Aurobindo.

The only competence I have earned in life is reasonable familiarity with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's writings. The opportunity given to me to be a player in the social media is a blessing. I was educated to be a school teacher, and I am spreading knowledge and right perspective.

Odisha can be said to be an oasis where I spent the first 33 years of my life. Free from Tagore and similar Bengali influences. Free from Ramcharitmanas and other such mythological texts prevalent in North India. Free from Shankaracharyas and allied sects dominant in South India.

There's no easy answer to which book of Sri Aurobindo a newcomer should read. Further one may be more interested in his political life than his more important philosophy or spirituality. There are other facets like poetry and literary criticism. So open any page and read is best.

My own posts are at Savitri Era

Other blogs are:

Savitri Era Learning Forum

Savitri Era Open Forum

Savitri Era Political Action

Savitri Era Religious Fraternity

Blogs of interest maintained by me:

Aurora Mirabilis

Because Thou Art

Evergreen Essays

Feel Philosophy


Savitri Era Party

Blogs of interest maintained by me:

Orchid and the rose

Plain & Simple

Rainbow & the Other


Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Odia: ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଓଳିଆ

I'm witness to the sorry spectacle of how people have been misled by Hindutva during the last two decades. Orientation in the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo helped me to show the right path through Savitri Era banner. I don't think, anyone supported me in narrative war.

Reading a couple of pages of what Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1914 can reorient thinking of any educated person. All educational institutions and Universities should realise the significance of his utterances and act accordingly. Ignoring the greatest philosopher is suicidal for India. 

Auro Talk series by Dr. V. Ananda Reddy on comparative philosophy #SriAurobindo Richard Hartz, Larry Seidlitz, Dr. Vladimir Yatsenko, Dr. Soumitra Basu, Dr. Martha Orton, Dr. Beloo Mehra, Lakshmi B, Dr. Sreekala Nair, Dr. Madhumita Dutta, Dominique Schmidt. 

Savitri Era Religion originates from the collaboration between The Mother & Sri Aurobindo who are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine. Their spiritual role in defeating Hitler is the most prominent event of modern history. Establishing Supramental consciousness is the future aim. 

Politics, obviously, is more tangible than spirituality, and hence, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo fail to gain much popularity. Savitri Era Party, however, has been trying to provide an alternative direction to politics since the Life Divine is, very much, a culmination of politics.

A library can surely be protected by deploying an army but what about a human being? How can he be rescued from the jaws of death? Sri Aurobindo dealt with this question by taking up the Savitri legend. It's the most fundamental existential concern. A talk. 

Many Hindutva Intellectual Kshatriyas are equipped with Engineering and/or Management degrees while being well versed in History, Politics etc. Although such versatility is commendable, lack of orientation in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy and Psychology makes them ethically crippled. 

If political parties can tempt the voters by promising direct cash transfers, then why the same is objectionable for religious conversion is difficult to understand. Religion, like education, should be free to choose and needn't be a lifelong affair like monogamy. MPs can defect.

Indians haven't achieved Independence since the States are yet to be granted Sovereignty. This election has thrown these contours into stark relief and new sensibilities should develop among educated men to notice them. Sri Aurobindo, in his #FiveDreams, has predicted #WorldUnion. 

Sri Aurobindo analysed different systems of yoga and devised his own 7x4 model in The Synthesis of Yoga. But after The Mother's final arrival in 1920, he introduced the surrender to The Mother element cementing the three fold Integral Yoga as Aspiration, Rejection, and Surrender.

Sri Aurobindo's books may look difficult but Savitri Era Religion attempts to make them accessible. Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the first step. Faith in the fact that they are the greatest philosophers is the second. Reciting Savitri, third.

Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party and Savitri Era Religion…………

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

India and Hindu are not synonyms

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Simplicity is a necessity from the ethical angle

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Recognising that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine is very important since it helps not to compare them with others. Concentrating on their writings also helps for not wasting time on general books. A firm belief that they are the greatest philosophers is key.

Election is the most important aspect of democracy but it doesn't guide an individual as to on what basis to vote. Political parties employ all kinds of inducements for attracting the voter's allegiance. So irrationality scores over reason. Savitri Era Party invokes Sri Aurobindo. 

The Constitution of India celebrates the autonomy of the Individual, but political parties hard sell tribalism. It's not easy for any individual to strike the right balance between these tensions. Savitri Era Religion worships The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine.

Identity politics is the order of the day, but Sri Aurobindo exhorts for universality and human unity. Savitri Era Party urges the educated to rise above narrow ideological boundaries and collaborate with the evolutionary forces for establishment of a society based on Harmony.

Sri Aurobindo promised The Life Divine but it's difficult to perceive how it would take shape given the complexities obtaining now. Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine by embracing Savitri Era Religion is the only means for facilitating this prospect.

My father was a school teacher and armed with a BScBEd degree I too taught in my village school for one year. Then after serving PNB for 24 years, I took voluntary retirement. Thereafter, I have been tending Savitri Era group of blog sites dedicated to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine and their writings are contextual and secondary. Understanding them as being always present in their three poises, viz., individual, universal, and transcendent, is crucial for descent of the Supramental consciousness on earth. 

Sri Aurobindo has described the symbolic interpretations of various Vedic deities which can be read profitably with the spiritual significances assigned to the flowers by The Mother. Such ethical paradigms have also been woven into the Constitution of India. It's for us to adhere. 

Hundreds of books in different languages have been written for explaining the philosophy and yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Now one can watch any number of videos on these aspects. Savitri Era Religion is more about worshipping them as the one Supreme Divine and surrendering. 

Caste-based voting pattern seems to be the future but Savitri Era Party aspires for an enlightened society where rationality and fraternity operate. Following The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only means for ushering in a new ethos and intellectual climate.

Truth was a top concern in the last election. Falsehood spread by the godi media came under scanner. Wrong numbers of Exit polls were widely criticised. So ultimately truth matters and that's basic ethics. Building temples has no meaning unless attitude of defrauding people ends.

Sri Aurobindo is the greatest philosopher and poet. His writings provide lifelong intellectual and aesthetic fodder. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine and consenting to receive their love and grace is necessary to derive the maximum benefit from their writings. 

The problem is the country, the nation, the people, or India didn't do anything during the last ten years. Everything, including construction of highways and launching of new trains was done by Modi. This pathetic attempt of taking credit or selling the name is puerile and stinks. 

Capturing booths was a local and physical affair. Hacking of EVMs is invisible and of unimaginable scale. Both can't be compared. Convenience shouldn't be the priority at the risk of jeopardising democracy itself. It's a matter of debate and shouldn't be treated on partisan lines. 

No intellectualism can have any validity in India without incorporating the timeless insights of Sri Aurobindo (not Vivekananda et al), and scholarship on both sides of the isle are found wanting. Reading The Secret of the Veda is fundamental to understanding Indian civilisation.

Sri Aurobindo has been able to present a different dimension based on evolution of consciousness.

A lot of rumbling is going on among the Hindutva intellectuals and it was bound to happen. I have been warning about this for the last two decades. Hindutva is nothing but a quixotic exercise. Having read the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo since 1964, I was never attracted.

Education in our country is managed at multiple levels by authorities belonging to diverse political persuation. But Sri Aurobindo doesn't find receptivity anywhere. Such stonewalling is ruining the culture and spoiling any pursuit of excellence. Reversing this trend is necessary. 

While his knowledge of other things is commendable, his grasp on Sri Aurobindo is still not sound. A friendly reminder!

Savitri Era Party is opposed to AAP, BJP, and Congress. Being inspired by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's evolutionary vision, it believes in universality and human unity. Those who are against votebank politics of castes and religion are welcome to join it and work for Life Divine.

Discussion on old religions is useless since they are based on mythology and superstitions. Savitri Era Religion is the most modern and intellectually coherent religion which is aligned to the evolution. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine who are always present. 

Twenty first century, for many people, meant that India and Hindu are synonyms. 2024 elections have proved that it was a mistake. The diversity this country houses is enormous. Further, the evolutionary trajectory is aiming at something else. Books of Sri Aurobindo are true guide. 

Many here feel too confident of understanding Vedanta. Even they comment upon the occult significance of rituals by citing Veda and other scriptures. Then they talk about sadhana also to add credibility. My request is not to believe them. Please read Sri Aurobindo's explanations.

There are plenty of online resources to know about The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Many authors are also available in YouTube videos to throw light on different aspects of their philosophy and yoga. Anyone seeking any clarification on them may ask in the comments with due politeness.

Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Founder, Savitri Era Party and Savitri Era Religion…

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

ନବୀନ ପଟ୍ଟନାୟକଙ୍କର ଯେତେ ଭଲ ଗୁଣ ଥିଲେ ବି ପ୍ରହାରେଣ ଧନଞ୍ଜୟ ସ୍ତର ଅର୍ଜନ କରିବା ତାଙ୍କର ନିଜ କୃତ। ପାଣ୍ଡିଆନଙ୍କ ଅବଦାନ ଯେତେ ପ୍ରଶଂସନୀୟ ହେଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଅଗଣତାନ୍ତ୍ରିକ ଉପାୟରେ ଦଳ ଉପରେ ଆଧିପତ୍ୟ ବିସ୍ତାର କରିବା ଷଡ଼ଯନ୍ତ୍ର ଯୋଗୁ ସେ ଦୋଷୀ। ସେ ଯାହାହେଉ, ଓଡ଼ିଶାରେ ଏକ ନୂତନ ଆଞ୍ଚଳିକ ଦଳର ଆବଶ୍ୟକତା ରହିଛି ବୋଲି ମୁଁ କହିଆସୁଛି।

ପ୍ରଥମ କଥା ହେଉଛି ଯିଏ ଦଳ ତଥା ରାଜ୍ୟର ନେତା ହେଲେ ସିଏ କଣ ନିର୍ବାଚନ ଲଢ଼ି ଜନାଦେଶ ଲାଭ କରିଛନ୍ତି? ଯଦି ତାଙ୍କୁ ନେତା ପଦ ଦୟା କରି ଦିଆଗଲା ତାହେଲେ ଗୋଡ଼ ଟାଣିବା ପାଇଁ ଆଉ ଦୁଇ ଜଣଙ୍କୁ କାହିଁକି ନିଯୁକ୍ତ କରାଗଲା? ତୃତୀୟତଃ କାହା ସ୍ଥାନ ଉପରେ? ମୁଖ୍ୟମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ନା କେନ୍ଦ୍ରମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ? ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସ୍ବାଭିମାନ ଯେଉଁ ତିମିରେକୁ ସେଇ ତିମିରେ।

ଆଶା ଥିଲା ଏତେ ବର୍ଷ ପରେ ଭାଷା, ସାହିତ୍ୟ, ଓ ସଙ୍ଗୀତ ସହ ଘନିଷ୍ଠ ସମ୍ପର୍କ ଥିବା କେହିଜଣେ ଆସନକୁ ଆସିବେ କିନ୍ତୁ ରାଜନୀତିର ଖେଳ ତ ସଂଖ୍ୟାକୁ ନେଇ। ତଥାପି ଦେଖାଯାଉ। ସାବିତ୍ରୀ ଇରା ପାର୍ଟି ଏକ ସ୍ଵତନ୍ତ୍ର ଦୃଷ୍ଟିକୋଣ ଭିତ୍ତିରେ ଅନ୍ୟ ସମସ୍ତ ଦଳକୁ ବିରୋଧ କରିବା ଜାରି ରଖିବ। 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Simplicity is a necessity from the ethical angle

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Savitri Era: Being a prisoner of any metanarrative is a disability…

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

President, Savitri Era Party (2007) & Founder Savitri Era Religion (2006)

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Dowry demanded during my childhood was ଘଣ୍ଟା, ସାଇକେଲ, ଓ ରେଡ଼ିଓ watch, bicycle, and radio. That was the level of technology sixty years back. So much have changed including WhatsApp University, Godi media, and Lifestyle vlogs. Human emotions and expectations have not changed a bit. 

Both Vajpayee and Modi have strayed from the Hindutva due to Kulkarni Doctrine. India is growing organically and no one person or ideology can take the sole credit. Neither meditation nor spirituality can solve the problems faced by the common people. shedding hypocrisy is needed. 

No amount of success or ecosystem can be of help if one is following a wrong ideology. We have the example of Leftists and Congress supporters. The same is happening to Hindutva brigade, today. Savitri Era Party has responsibility for politics based on The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Uttarpara speech of 1909 is well-known. But mature writings of Sri Aurobindo began in 1914 after his meeting with The Mother in Puducherry. His #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947, towards the end of his life, marks a significant summary of his whole philosophy and mission.

Direct disciples have tried their best to analyse and popularise the philosophy and yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. But they did not anticipate the Hindutva challenge and narrative war. I have been writing against it since I started Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) in 2005.

Power attracts and many followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo became easy preys of the grandiose vision of Hindutva. Those connected with institutions turned allies of the ruling party. Savitri Era Party (2007), however, has been opposing the anti-evolutionary instincts of BJP.

Watched the latest DR video and his presentation of facts is brilliant. Prannoy Roy had started such sophisticated news telecast in India but unfortunately the situation today is abysmal. DR also reminds of Kejriwal. Video ending was invocatory but he needs to read Sri Aurobindo.

So many handles talk about Hindus specifically and not Indians. That means they exclude a certain section of people which is well-known. But the Hindus they pose to represent are divided into different factions. Some factions don't consider these handles as their representatives.

Savitri Era Party demands that the maximum two terms principle should be applied even if the ruling party returns to power, tomorrow. Charisma, sycophancy, personality cult, or such other symptoms of herd mentality should be eschewed in the interest of a healthy democracy. Thanks. 

Defeat of leadership and defeat of ideology likely. A great day for Indian democracy since protest has been duly registered.

Modi ruled two terms since Mayawati was responsible for division of votes in UP. It's because of her sacrifice this time that Akhilesh has done well. She deserves all credit.

Obsession with Modi has corrupted the minds of his supporters. They are not discussing ideology, targets, or issues. They are not bothered about the party or democracy. Any sane person would demand change of leadership and course correction but sadly the supporters have coarsened. 

Mandate is absolutely clear. Modi got ten years to perform, and people want a new face. It's the responsibility of every party to make this happen. Further, the politics of religion has run its course. Bread and butter issues are more dominant now. No party can afford to be deaf.

By the grace of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, election results have electrified the democratic spirit in India. The fear of the country hurtling back into the Middle Ages is no longer there. Checks and balances of coalition politics will enforce due transparency and accountability.

Savitri Era Party has been showing the correct ideological path since its inception in 2007. Reading the philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo lends clarity to thought but intellectuals in our country unfortunately are enamoured by religious fanaticism and mythological fiction. 

From ideological point of view, Savitri Era Party favours universality, i.e., a polity without any discrimination on the basis of castes, religion, language, or gender. But being under the Constitution, respect for diversity, reservations, social jusice, and socialism is a must.

Believing in mythology shouldn't force one into imagining fictional prospects in politics which is a hard nosed affair. Emotional issues have limited appeal and ultimately economic factors determine the course of politics. This election has thrown these contours into sharp relief. 

Savitri Era Religion has been promoting an alternative intellectual as well as devotional avenue. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo shouldn't be seen merely as founders of an Ashram. Countless people have been recipients of their divine love and grace. One can follow them without ritual. 

Realisation is dawning gradually that Hindutva won't be able to award election wins. People's concerns are more important than spewing hatred and imagining a glorious past. Those enjoying good life by building a career on hatred must know that power in a democracy is not forever.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo stand for human unity and world peace. They posit it as an evolutionary necessity as well as inevitability. Savitri Era Party has been emphasising need for this revolution of consciousness since 2007. Thankfully things have become clear in this election. 

It's interesting that when 50 years of JP's call for Sampoorna Kranti was being celebrated yesterday, BJP and JD(U) were joining hands to form a new govt at the Centre. So spirit of 1977 clearly seems to be in operation. Much depends on Modi how he modifies self-destructive model. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo provided an elaborate blueprint in 1914 and India needs simply to follow. They have synthesised what's best from the East and the West. They have clearly indicated the road maps for the future for the whole humanity. Online books

That's half baked and misleading. Sri Aurobindo provides the Integral view based on the Vedic evolutionary paradigm. Profoundly radical.

Hindutva intellectuals speak with a sense of superiority which they inherited from the Leftists. But unfortunately without winning elections nothing can be proved conclusively. The nation's conscience was severely injured by the temple movement and now is the time to make amends.

Some handles think every word of their posts is very important. They write four or five lines leaving space in between them just like paragraphs. It's irritating to read them.

The Constitution of India was adopted when The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were present. It was a huge step for the humanity in the evolutionary direction. It encapsulates the wisdom of myriad religions and philosophies. Monarchical functioning of Modi has been defeated in election.

This election has demonstrated how each State behaves differently from the others. Savitri Era Party has been demanding granting Sovereignty to the States so that they grow to their full potential limits. Modi regime should be a stark reminder of why unitary model is destructive.

Clamour for the Ram Temple dovetailing to sycophancy for Modi is the most tragic turn in India's civilisational history. Intellectuals and journalists who facilitated and legitimised this degeneration will be duly judged by the history. Savitri Era Party has shown the right path.

Social, political, and economic unevenness is akin to geographical unevenness. To understand the mystery of this, one has to study The Secret of the Veda by Sri Aurobindo. So, mere platitudes are not going to alter the situation. Savitri Era Religion is confident about evolution.

A lot many people worked hard for this election result which has restored democracy but Mayawati, unfortunately, is responsible for Modi clinging to power. Anyway, churning in media is also a good sign. But schools should start a new course on civility in social media interaction. 

Remembering The Mother or Japa is not merely a devotional technique but a mechanism for invoking evolution. Aspiration for descent of Supramental consciousness and Surrender to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo form the bedrock of Integral yoga. Rejection of adverse instincts is third.

As old religions are being utilised for tourism, entertainment, commerce, and politics, the spirituality of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo comes as a breath of fresh air. Savitri Era Religion with no fixed systems of practice or rituals is the most modern and intellectual alternative. 

Hindutva is embroiled in mythology while Savitri Era Religion is based on the Veda. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo integrated the scientific theory of Evolution with the Vedic idea of Immortality which surpasses all previous religions and philosophies. Following them is Integral yoga. 

Electoral compulsion has mauled the Hindutva discourse badly and there's no scope now to be camouflaged by some overarching emotions like the temple. Debates over castes, further, is taking an ugly turn every passing day. Contradictions galore and Savitri Era Party is the answer.

Modi devotees masquerading as The Mother's devotees are causing immense harm. Lack of adequate reading and orientation in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo is a double whammy. I have been requesting them to pursue the path they are passionate about and stop adulterating Savitri Era. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gave new knowledge in 1914 and in 2014, it was expected that steps will be taken for teaching it on a larger scale. Conversely institutions dedicated to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have been taken over by Hindutva. Real estate in Ayodhya has been stolen.

Reading The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books is necessary for knowledge on philosophy, psychology, education, and political theory. Besides, poetry and literary criticism are also there. But the most important component is yoga or voluntary collaboration with the evolutionary force. 

Opposition fell short of numbers but it has won a much greater victory than forming the government. Trouncing the Modi fantasm with divine sanction was needed for rekindling Indian Democracy. Significantly, the opposition is led by the same party which gave rise to Indira Gandhi.

Hindutva supporters love to see the world in black and white terms. Intellectual laziness and easy fanaticism prevents them from studying other ideologies or discovering their merits. The world is complex and the creation is unexplained. So curiosity and inquisitiveness is needed. 

Having seen govts. of various hues, I have no happiness nor any particular expectation. How we can adhere to democratic values and constitutional norms is the only concern. Demanding ethics from greedy politicians is nothing but delusion. Still, rule-based functioning can ensure.

Describing something in two sentences never captures the truth in entirety. Role and relevance of Gandhi, Nehru, Congress, or RSS can't be told in a few words nor their influence be wished away. It's necessary to accept historical realities as interply of evolutionary trajectory.

By creating the Savitri Era banner in 2005, I have been publicising the relevance of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo on several fronts. Maintaining the genuineness of their message is crucial in view of widespread attempts to appropriate them or subordinate them to dominant narratives. 

Inflating self-esteem by expressing support for the Prime Minister is an existential need for common people. Pomp and ceremonies are geared to that end. But Monarchical or religious procedures are not apt for a democracy. Austerity or simplicity is a necessity from the ethical angle.

Makarand R Paranjape too fits the bill.

Presentation of @DeepakSEditor is praiseworthy. Very precise and gripping.

ରେମାଲ ପ୍ରଭାବରେ କାଲିଠାରୁ ଝଡ଼ବର୍ଷା ଲାଗିରହିଛି। ହୁଗୁଳୀ ନଈ ଦେଖାଯାଉଛି। ଆରପଟେ ଚନ୍ଦନନଗର। ପବନର ବେଗ ଚଳନୀୟ। ମୋର ଛତାଲାରୁ ବେଶ ଉପଭୋଗ୍ୟ। ଟ୍ରେନରେ ଗଲାବେଳେ ତାର ଦୃଶ୍ୟ ଆହୁରି ସୁନ୍ଦର। ବ୍ୟାରାକପୁର ଷ୍ଟେସନ ସାମନାରେ ଅନ୍ନପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣା ହୋଟେଲ। ବସିବା ଜାଗା ବେଶି ଭଲ ନୁହେଁ ଯଦିଓ ଖାଇବା ରୁଚିକର। ମଞ୍ଜା ତରକାରିଟି ଭଲ ହୋଇଥିଲା।

କାଲି ଯେଉଁମାନେ ଜିତିବେ, ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ଆଗତୁରା ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ। ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରିବା, ଅଣଓଡ଼ିଆ ଓ ଅଧାଓଡ଼ିଆ ମାନଙ୍କୁ ଉପର ସ୍ଥାନ ସବୁ ନଦେଇ, ଖାଣ୍ଟି ଓଡ଼ିଆମାନଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରାଥମିକତା ଦେବା। କାହାର ଗୁଣ ପ୍ରଶଂସା କଲାବେଳେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଏହି କଥାଟିକୁ ମନେରଖିବା। ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଏକତା ଓ ସ୍ବାଭିମାନ ଲାଗି ଅଲଗା ଲଢ଼େଇ ଲଢ଼ିବା ପାଇଁ ପଡ଼ିବ। ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଷାକୁ ବଞ୍ଚାଇବା।

ଜଣେ ଦୁଇଜଣ ବହୁତ ଅଭଦ୍ର ଭାଷା ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ବଡ଼ ଲଜ୍ଜିତ କରୁଥିଲେ। ଏବେ ତୁଣ୍ଡି ଲାଗିଯିବ ନିଶ୍ଚୟ!

ଓଡ଼ିଶାରେ ଗଣତନ୍ତ୍ର ପୁନଃ ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠିତ ହେବା ଓ କେନ୍ଦ୍ରରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ବ୍ଯକ୍ତିତନ୍ତ୍ରର ଅବସାନ ଘଟିବା, ଦୁଇଟିଯାକ ମୋ ପାଇଁ ଅତୀବ ଆନନ୍ଦର ବିଷୟ। ଅବଶ୍ୟ ମୋ ସହିତ ସହମତ ହେବାପାଇଁ ଆଉ କେହି ନାହାନ୍ତି। ଶ୍ରୀମା ଶ୍ରୀଅରବିନ୍ଦଙ୍କ ନିକଟରେ ମୋର ପ୍ରାର୍ଥନା ସଫଳ ହୋଇଛି। ଖାଲି ଜଣେ ଖାଣ୍ଟି ଓଡ଼ିଆଙ୍କୁ ମୁଖ୍ୟମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ପଦରେ ଦେଖିବାକୁ ଇଚ୍ଛା।

ସବୁବେଳେ ମନେରଖିବେ ଯେ ଆପଣମାନଙ୍କର କାହାରିବି ଆଦର୍ଶଗତ ଚେର ନାହିଁ। ସୌମ୍ୟବାବୁ ପ୍ରଥମେ ଆସି ଟିକେ ଢୋଲ ପିଟାପିଟି କରୁଥିବା କଥା ମନେଅଛି। ଏଥରର ଜିତିବାଟାବି ପାଣ୍ଡିଆନଙ୍କ ଅବଦାନ। ଆପଣଙ୍କ ନିଜ ବଳରେ ନୁହେଁ। ଆନ୍ଧ୍ର, ବିହାର, ବା ପଶ୍ଚିମବଙ୍ଗ ଭଳି ଆଜି ଆମର ନିଜ ମେରୁଦଣ୍ଡ ଆଉ ନାହିଁ। ସ୍ବାଭିମାନ ବନ୍ଧା ପଡ଼ିଲା। ଜିଭ ବଳି ଦିଆହେଲା।

ଜଣେ ମୁଖ୍ୟମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଗଲେ ଓ ଆଉଜଣେ ଆସିବେ। ହୁଏତ କିଛିଟା ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ହେବ ଓ ଓଡ଼ିଶାର ଉନ୍ନତି ଦିଗରେ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ପଦକ୍ଷେପ ନିଆଯିବ। କିନ୍ତୁ ଅଣଓଡ଼ିଆଙ୍କ ପାଦତଳେ ରହି କୋଉ ମହତପଣିଆ ବଢ଼ିଯିବ? ମହତାବ କଙ୍ଗ୍ରେସ ଛାଡ଼ି ଜନକଙ୍ଗ୍ରେସ ଗଢ଼ିବା ଦିନଠାରୁ ଓଡ଼ିଶାର ଏକ ବଳିଷ୍ଠ ସ୍ବାଭିମାନ ସୃଷ୍ଟି ହୋଇଥିଲା। ସ୍ବାଧୀନଚେତା ଲୋକେ ବଜାୟ ରଖନ୍ତୁ।

ସ୍ମୃତି ଇରାନୀଙ୍କୁ ମୁଖ୍ୟମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଘୋଷଣା କରାଗଲେ ଓଡ଼ିଶାବାସୀ ସ୍ବାଗତ କରିବେ ବୋଲି ଶୁଣିବାକୁ ମିଳୁଛି।

ନବୀନ ପଟ୍ଟନାୟକଙ୍କର ଯେତେ ଭଲ ଗୁଣ ଥିଲେ ବି ପ୍ରହାରେଣ ଧନଞ୍ଜୟ ସ୍ତର ଅର୍ଜନ କରିବା ତାଙ୍କର ନିଜ କୃତ। ପାଣ୍ଡିଆନଙ୍କ ଅବଦାନ ଯେତେ ପ୍ରଶଂସନୀୟ ହେଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଅଗଣତାନ୍ତ୍ରିକ ଉପାୟରେ ଦଳ ଉପରେ ଆଧିପତ୍ୟ ବିସ୍ତାର କରିବା ଷଡ଼ଯନ୍ତ୍ର ଯୋଗୁ ସେ ଦୋଷୀ। ସେ ଯାହାହେଉ, ଓଡ଼ିଶାରେ ଏକ ନୂତନ ଆଞ୍ଚଳିକ ଦଳର ଆବଶ୍ୟକତା ରହିଛି ବୋଲି ମୁଁ କହିଆସୁଛି।

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Being a prisoner of any metanarrative is a disability

 Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Savitri Era: Transformatory paradigm of 1914

Collated X posts in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. Jan 22, 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and Founder Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

Sri Aurobindo's Relics Centres have been established at different places with allied facilities like meditation hall, library and school. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are worshipped as the one Supreme Divine and their Darshan Days are celebrated with utmost devotion and serenity.

Sri Aurobindo wrote a poem on Hitler titled The Dwarf Napoleon. In a similar vein, Modi can be called the dwarf Nehru. I have always maintained that whatever Modi does is a part of his strategy including his latest mujra. He will be remembered for keeping hardline Hindutva at bay. 

No national party could develop in India till now and hence the States need to be granted Sovereignty. The plight of Modi for acquiring a national image is a lesson. There's no reason why nearly 1.5 billion people be governed by one person. Time to correct the historical mistake.

Sri Aurobindo's treatment of history is complex being an interplay of pattern, sequence, and emergence.

"random seem the ways...,

Yet your least stumblings are foreseen above.

Infallibly the curves of life are drawn"

"Always our Captain holds the rudder well,

He does not sleep." 

Social media has become an integral part of our lives but what is needed most is civility and respect for others. Disagreeing is wholly democratic but insulting a person for holding a particular view is uncivilised. Ecosystem is good but being lodged in an echo chamber is harmful. 

There can be no better explanation of the world than what is offered by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. So, reading their books is the basic requirement. The next is to collaborate with the process of evolution for descent of Supramental consciousness by joining Savitri Era Religion.

I came under the influence of The Mother when she was there and most of the direct disciples were active. Books and periodicals in different languages were being published for spreading the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Seminars and conferences were a regular feature at Centres.

History of organised violence in India is not only between religions but also between castes, languages, ethnicities, and cults. Spoiling the present for past atrocities and poisoning the minds of young generation is a self-destructive game. Those building careers should refrain.

I alway thought Indira Gandhi's phenomenal charisma was mostly due to her feminine charm. But the kind of spell Modi casts upon people goes beyond his pull among the opposite sex or Hindutva. Non-Biological birth theory is a bit far fetched but 56 inch was a perfect imagery for young. 

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo inaugurated a new era in 1914 by launching a monthly philosophical magazine called Arya. I called it Savitri Era when I started Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) blog in 2005. Subsequently I began Savitri Era Religion (2006) and Savitri Era Party (2007). 

Every fourth day should be a holiday and all other holidays should be dispensed with.

Owing to a vibrant network of study circles, it's easy to be aware of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in Odisha which is not the case with other States. Devotees visiting Puducherry and Auroville should also find time to visit the Relics Centres situated in different parts of Odisha.

Acquiring reasonable competence on poetry and philosophy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is a difficult task and one may still be ideologically wrong after that. Savitri Era Religion facilitates transition from political or scholarly approach to devotional and practice of yoga path. 

Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine is the bedrock of Integral yoga. Savitri Era Religion has no connection with any other religion, mythology, or philosophy. The task is, Aspiration for descent of the Supramental consciousness and Victory over death.

What The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gifted in 1914 is still waiting to be discovered by the people in 2024. The country is undergoing a very crucial political churning and let's hope that the new dispensation shows some receptivity towards the #FiveDreams broadcast on August 14, 1947. 

Culture and education are powerful mediums of imparting superstitions. Besides, each person harbours his own preferences for irrationality. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo present an alternative worldview. They draw attention towards the deeper truths of the universe and our existence. 

India has been host to many traditional religions but most of them are bugged by fictional mythologies and meaningless rituals. Even Ambedkar had no good choice to make. Savitri Era Religion is a modern and futuristic alternative fired by the vision of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Hindutva producing such a low level of politician like Modi is a matter of concern. No amount of meditation can wash away the mujra level discourse. Surprisingly, supporters don't find anything amiss. Reading Sri Aurobindo’s books can inculcate the right intellectual orientation.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were against Hitler when many were eager to join hands with him. This is the most important mythological theme of 20th century. Right now, many streams of anti-evolutionary forces are in operation. It's necessary to follow Sri Aurobindo instead of duds.

Sri Aurobindo was drawn into the Freedom movement as a student in England and participated in it after his return to India. He also wrote profusely on political concerns but after 1914, his mature thoughts indicated deeper philosophical intricacies predicting harmony for humanity. 

Many intellectuals feel proud about Gandhi but have no respect for Sri Aurobindo. Gandhi was well-known even before the film and following him can lead to social harmony. But the harmony Sri Aurobindo is talking about is much profounder being an evolutionary leap in consciousness. 

People are confused today; who to follow? Gandhi, Tagore, Vivekananda, Subhas, Savarkar, Ambedkar, or Periyar? They represent different facets of modern India and inspire political as well as intellectual fermentation. I am fortunate to be a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine, and represent the evolutionary force active for descent of the Supramental consciousness upon earth. Savitri Era Religion has this tremendous advantage over the traditional paths and is free from jejune mythology and rituals.

The immense significance of the new knowledge distributed by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo since 1914 is yet to be fathomed by the people of India as a result of which the evolutionary breakthrough is being delayed. Clinging to old systems is a terrible obstruction for Supramental.

It's commonly believed that Sri Aurobindo synthesised different religions and philosophies. But the truth is, he reinterprated traditional wisdom and reformulated them according to modern environment. But most of it is meant for intellectual exercise. His own contribution is new.

At a time when the strengths, weaknesses, and relevance of different political parties are being analysed threadbare, intellectuals should give a thought to Savitri Era Party (2007) which seeks to foreground the revolutionary knowledge of 1914 given by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Those interested in meditation can visit the Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch near NCERT which holds regular group activities.

Their YouTube channel is at @SriAurobindoAshramDelhiBranch

Hindutva may have contributed towards hubris but the hatred inherent in it can't be a help towards spirituality. This election therefore is an opportunity for restoring rationality and civility. The choice is whether to stick to the old ways of Vivekananda or follow Sri Aurobindo. 

The anti-evolutionary nature of Hindutva and Vivekananda should be clearly understood in the light of elaborate explanations of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. I have been alerting not to associate Vivekananda, uncrtically, with the Vedic evolutionary paradigm of Sri Aurobindo.

Meditation requires a robust bulwark of right knowledge for navigating the mind and consciousness. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo therefore spoke about the dynamic meditation making a fixed posture redundant. Being conversant with the planes and parts of Being is necessary for result. 

Devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo should be cautious against various disinformation campaigns unleashed by Modi's devotees. All are free to claim divinity and establish new religions like Ambedkar. So, Savitri Era Religion is very particular about its own distinct identity.

A day to remember Harkishan singh Surjit.

Now that there is a slim chance of the opposition capturing power, it must be admitted that their combined effort in putting up a fight was praiseworthy. But this alliance business can't be a credible affair in a vast country like India. Savitri Era Party has the right ideology.

What Sri Aurobindo did and what exactly he said or wrote is less important for devotees than realising who he is since The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine. It is a matter of faith but can be arrived at by diligent study of their writings.

History has academic value but being a prisoner of any metanarrative is a disability. Reading the books of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo teaches to be futuristic in approach and aspiration. Thinking in terms of national or racial boundaries is against the spirit of the #FiveDreams.

Lessons on life skills and psychology are so abundantly available these days that one may not be impressed by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo's books. But the secret is reading them amounts to evolutionary trigger or adventure of consciousness. Reciting Savitri too has the same effect. 

Being a devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo for the last sixty years has been a great blessing. Apart from navigating through different political and intellectual phases, their teaching has helped to tread an alternative course of life. Communicating it has been satisfying too.

It's easy to understand the philosophy and yoga of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. Hitler represented anti-evolutionary forces and wanted to bring an end to the human civilisation. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo defeated him through yogic power and rescued the world by reversing his plan.