Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Beware of authors claimig to be inspired by Sri Aurobindo

Tweets in original by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), President, Savitri Era Party (Estd. 2007) and Founder, Savitri Era Religion (Estd. 2006)
Beware of authors claimig to be inspired by Sri Aurobindo

The Mother & Sri Aurobindo may not have announced explicitly but they have been accepted and are being worshipped as the one Supreme Divine by their devotees spread all over the world. Such spontaneous display of faith, reverence, and devotion is unparalleled in the modern world.
RSS chief quoting Sri Aurobindo is certainly commendable but the credentials of the organisation remains doubtful. Despite being in power for so many years, clarity in communication is missing. Unless intentions are transparent and priorities are firmly stated, ambivalence rules.
Evolution's nonstop action may not be discernible but The Mother & Sri Aurobindo remind of it constantly. Chequered nature of political chessboard across the globe is too complex for any definite indication. The scenario, nevertheless, conceals yearning towards peace and harmony.
If you are studying any other personality than Sri Aurobindo, then you are wasting your time and life. Each facet of Sri Aurobindo is going to be immensely relevant in coming decades and being uninformed can be costly. He stands head and shoulders above his famous contemporaries.
Thousands of people around us, having outstanding achievements in life, following defective ideologies and partisan narratives is a sad commentary on our times. Reading a few essays by Sri Aurobindo can easily convince anyone to change his or her long-held beliefs and opinions.
Sri Aurobindo was physically present throughout the first half of the last century and a fairly good idea on history can be obtained from his writings and conversations. Superficial contribution therefore shouldn't be given much importance. Alignment to evolutionary arrow crucial
Beware of authors who claim to have been inspired by Sri Aurobindo for presenting an alternative view of India that defends mythology, astrology, yoga, rituals, resistance towards modernity, antipathy towards secularism, hatred for people of other religions, and animus towards West.
Ministers visit Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry and Auroville from time to time but are deaf to the demand of returning Auroville to the devotees. That the vision of Auroville can't blossom under the govt control is apparent. But still the valid claim of devotees is kept burning.
Eminent intellectuals are yet to utter the name of Sri Aurobindo in his 150th anniversary year. For them, he doesn't matter like the verdict of eminent historians. Such level of dishonesty and ignorance is a blot on India. Scholars must work overtime to obliterate their influence.
Sri Aurobindo has many poems and plays to his credit where women have strong characters. His heroes however are no less powerful. In yoga too he demands similar heroic attitude for adventure of consciousness. Catching higher inspiration for revising Savitri was heroism in poetry..
Sri Aurobindo's involvement with violent revolution is much misunderstood. His basic purpose was to arouse love for the country among the youth so that a few will turn heroes in inspired moments. That in turn will create a momentum for mass motivation against the foreign rulers.
Sri Aurobindo's nationalism is said to be derivative of German romanticism and British romantic poetry. No doubt, he was deeply influenced by his European education but the effect of Sanskrit texts too played an important role. The hero in his eyes was a highly adorable character.
Synthesis of various strands of philosophy was a continuous affair and Theosophy brought in a significant revolution. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo later sought to distance their own thinking and offer an independent formulation. Overall source thus is more important than ontology.
No political party finds Sri Aurobindo of any use. Their icons are too great to learn anything from The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. This unfortunate situation needs to be overcome by believing in them. The future vision of Sri Aurobindo is unparalleled and encompasses the whole world.
To be united in our aspirations is the essence of collective yoga and not necessarily creating a collective or succumbing to herd. Each one grows at his or her own pace and hence imposing personal weakness or imperfection on others ought to be avoided. This path is fairly lonely.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have awarded us complete freedom from three thousand years of philosophy and religion, both Eastern and Western. Believing in them as the one Supreme Divine delivers us from delving into complicated and controversial theories piled up over the centuries.
If the dream of India leading the whole world should be a reality, then the Indians need to believe in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine. No amount of old formulations are going to help the future evolution. A clean break with the past is an absolute necessity..
Instead of suffering from perpetual victimhood and lazily waiting for witnessing India as a top superpower, it's infinitely more fruitful to believe in The Mother & Sri Aurobindo as the one Supreme Divine and leave in their hands the future of the world as well as the universe.
Reading the works of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo to understand them thoroughly will take one to two decades and undertaking such an endeavour is rare. Hence the best course is to believe in them as the one Supreme Divine and assimilate whatever mite is granted through their grace.
Sri Aurobindo once disapproved the word Rishi as it bears connotation of the past. Thus renouncing the shackles of the past is important for facilitating evolutionary footsteps. Devotees need to practice this simple formula for effective collaboration. This expectation is minimum.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are to be uttered together as they are always present not only behind austerity but also behind opulence. Not only behind nature but also behind all man-made ventures. So no duality or segregating life from spirituality. The trick is to remember & offer.
"The significance of the lotus is not to be found by analysing the secrets of the mud from which it grows here;" wrote Sri Aurobindo. A grim reminder that believing in his yogic wisdom is always safer than our own judgements. Same applies to The Mother too
The very basic element of the Integral spirit of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is universality. They probe the deeper recesses of human psychology as one common terrain and stress on a one common future. Transcending the local and resisting uniformity, therefore, is the challenge.
Political ideologies have lost meaning and personality cult has taken centrestage. Mythological fiction perpetrates such an environment. However, it also suits the legacy of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. No one in history can surpass them in various fields of their contribution.
Jejune impressions of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo need to be replaced by genuine information. More than the history, their current reception as the Supreme Divine should come to the forefront. Their philosophy and future vision issue from there. And that creates space for belief.
Western philosophy has almost a continuous history of about three thousand years and it's an interesting arena. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo remodelled its structure and emphasis within a period of thirty years or so. So no need now to delve into the heavy tomes of dry speculation.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo embarked upon redesigning the world on March 29, 1914. Sri Aurobindo wrote profusely thereafter. In Savitri, Sri Aurobindo recorded his yogic visions subsequently. The Mother described her spiritual experiments in the Agenda. All should believe in them.
Believing in a robust intellectual formulation as conceived by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in the last century is far more logical than following what is supposed to be born more than a thousand years back. Common sense should prevail over inertia, lethargy, and herd mentality.
A devotee of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo doesn't question the efficacy of the Integral yoga nor is sceptical of the Supramental manifestation. Personal failures are taken as occasions for prayer and action of grace. A quiet faith and patience is his formal form of practice of yoga.
International events are seen as adversarial or beneficial vis-à-vis other nations but as per the Integral vision of Sri Aurobindo, the evolutionary journey towards harmony is on. Hence conceiving something in purely evil terms may not be appropriate. Human misery will be avoided.
The old world must crumble before the reign of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is established. Thus it's obvious that many will feel rattled. The Mother has very clearly warned of the crashing circumstances. The message is accept or perish. So those not heeding act at their own peril.
Many express desire for peace, progress, and social harmony from public platforms but sadly don't have any clue as to how it can be achieved. Worshipping The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the sure means for facilitating this evolutionary journey towards perfection of the human race.
Acknowledging that The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the one Supreme Divine and leaving the business of our lives in their hands is the most important task. Any equivocation on this score needs to be nipped in the bud. For those tied to local culture, it's surely a tightrope walking.
Sri Aurobindo's metaphysics including that of Savitri harbour substantial elements of substratum of the old. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo being the one Supreme Divine hasn't been woven into the scheme with sufficient clarity. Thus the scholars run the risk of deducing a skewed view.
Ancient texts had a great attraction though read by a few and quoting a line or two was considered a sign of wisdom. Sri Aurobindo created a new repository of knowledge by reformulating the old and the new whereby all previous religions and philosophical systems became redundant.
Understanding Sri Aurobindo from the historical perspective or even vis-à-vis history of ideas is an inchoate venture. The adventure of consciousness that he speaks about is his real thrust and descent of the Supramental, the target. Devotion to The Mother however is sine qua non
My political views, however, differ from that of the other followers and admirers of Sri Aurobindo. This, in present circumstances, constitutes a formidable alternative. Considering how the young and old are suffering from the lack of a satisfying ideology, my stand has relevance
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Too India-centric in the Indian context, right now.
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I wrote about the Indian situation. In your case, you may be suffering from inadequate appreciation of Indian wisdom like the Veda.
My acquaintance with The Mother & Sri Aurobindo since 1964 and their influence has been so continuous that it's difficult to claim any separate thinking or personal opinion. This without living in any special circumstances or undergoing any rigorous orientation. All life is yoga.
No dearth of highly educated men on Twitter but their curiosity about the famous is disappointing. Instead of discussing really knowledgeable people who aren't well known, they keep on telling about a few old thinkers or some present celebrities. Knowledge dissemination suffers.
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo have examined many things on purely intellectual basis so that we understand them clearly. Those defy their verdicts to rely upon own judgements are prone to future hazards. Ignoring their yogic vision in favour of materialistic advantage can backfire.
Traditional scriptures may be great but the devotees of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo need to steer clear of them except for aesthetic or academic purposes. Past conceals numerous nodules for harbouring obscurity and falsehood and falling prey to their temptation is round the corner.
Sri Aurobindo solved several riddles thrown up by the Nineteenth century and rectified many mistakes. He also stood firmly against fascism in Twentieth century to advocate freedom. His message for the Twenty first century is clear. World Union as the apex federal administration.
Only when the States of India become Sovereign nations that India will have real power and prosperity. It will fulfill its civilisational role through multiple channels. Each language is waiting for unleashing tremendous energy and creativity. Federation of India is the solution.
Democracy is seen as inherently secular but that's a fallacy. Political parties with icons, flags, and symbols acquire some religious character over the years. Families continue their affiliation over generations. Such networking thwarts objective appraisal and freedom of choice.
Glorious past is as illusory as an imaginary prosperous future and many people falsely believe Sri Aurobindo did assure. Instead of seeking self-esteem from such grand-narratives, The Mother & Sri Aurobindo would like to work psychologically for self-discovery and self-enrichment

The relevance of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is more for the future than the past or the present. Believing in their divinity forms the first step. Intellectual, aesthetic, and spiritual orientation follow, subsequently. The political ideals like unity and harmony are a corollary. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Difficult to derive any definite economic formula but competition certainly was not a priority for The Mother & Sri Aurobindo. They emphasised upon the unique need and capability of each individual to foster cooperation. Thus collective responsibility for valuing this has a role. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
How disciples gathered around The Mother & Sri Aurobindo over the years is an interesting story. They had diverse personalities and the nature of their relationships with the masters were different. It's they who sensed the Supreme Divine status and moulded their own perceptions. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo avoided formal religions and didn't waste energy for their reform or reconciliation among them. They were more interested in the broad substratum of truth underlying them that are universal. This generated enormous amount of psychological stratification – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Academic scrutiny of Sri Aurobindo hasn't began in India as a result of which many of his minor but important facets remain outside public awareness. Between revolution and evolution there are numerous shades with the potential of transforming the entire philosophical landscape. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Postmodernism demolished grand narratives in the last century but young Indians are not adequately sensitised on the matter. Political and social organisations exploit their vulnerability for imposing ideological conformity. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo were keen on free thought. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Those devoted to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are privileged to have modern day gods. One can read their writings without any translation or interpretation. Apart from political correctness, pitfalls of science are a recurrent theme which encourages waking up to unseen realities. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Political parties push their own narratives but citizens are free to follow the right ideal with discretion. This is the responsibility of education and the Integral paradigm enunciated by The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is most effective. Those overawed by politics should introspect. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments

Four decades of television has reduced the modern society to value visuals over intrinsic qualities. Superficial aspects command greater interest than underlying factors. Music is watched and not listened to. Surely technology pushes such trends but pursuing alternative important – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Influence of mythological fiction is so great in our country that people love to see history in identical manner. Fixed narratives and larger than life images are easily accepted. No desire to probe the truth or examine any contrary view. Resistance to critical approach is wrong. – at Shipra Reviera Apartments
Where is the Parliament in India? Is it discussing the burning problems of the country? Why the real seat of democracy has become non-functional? People's representatives feature nowhere except during horse trading jaunts. Grassroots politics remains a dream. Parties gag voice. – at Shipra Reviera 
Ambedkar spoiled the Indian Constitution by incorporating castes. More and more people are clamouring for that badge of honour. The country has become psychologically fragmented permanently. No party has power to speak against the sinister provision. A new Constitution can save.

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