Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Lele, then and now

While I think Hegel was more methodologically sophisticated than Wilber, there is a lot missing from Hegel’s synthesis. Science, especially, has changed a lot, making Hegel’s philosophy of nature difficult to accept; so too, Hegel’s thought has no room for the shining achievement of the 20th century, namely feminism and the liberation of women. And while Hegel at least attempted to include Asian philosophies in his synthesis, in a way that few had before, they were stuck at the earliest and lowest level of his philosophy, making Hegel “strong with respect to time and weak with respect to space”. All of these vast gaps in Hegel’s thought – science, feminism, Asian philosophy – Wilber has tried hard to give a central place in his thought. His attempted synthesis is the widest one I know of – Wilber gives us some vision of what a unified synthesis now could look like.]

[Wilber-and-Aurobindo-on-intelligent-design T.R. Raghunath, a professor in Nevada, gave an interesting talk at the SACP conference explaining Aurobindo Ghose’s theory of the development of consciousness. Feb 6, 2012 08:38 AM]

[Sri Sri Ravi Shankar sri-sris-sutras-on-ego & other-side-ego]

Like Hegel, Sri Aurobindo’s insights have travelled far and wide. Many of his concepts have become so common that no one bothers to notice the original source or credit him. That The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, jointly, have inaugurated the Integral perspective is an indisputable fact. No theoretical formulation can surpass that either on ontological grounds or in their practical translation. Our effort to make them “interesting, constructive and convincing,” however, must continue. [TNM55]   

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