Friday, January 04, 2008

Algeria, Egypt, England, France, India, Japan, and Turkey

[Recommended reading: The Roots of American Order from The Daily Goose by Matthew
This book by Russell Kirk is fantastic. I’m just a third of the way through, but every page is rewarding. The book’s back cover blurb adequately describes its contents:
What holds America together? In this classic work, Russell Kirk describes the beliefs and institutions that have nurtured the American soul and commonwealth. Beginning with the Hebrew prophets, Kirk examines in dramatic fashion the sources of American order.
His analytical narrative might be called “a tale of five cities”: Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, London, and Philadelphia. For an understanding of the significance of America at the dawn of a new century, Russell Kirk’s masterpiece on the history of American civilization is unsurpassable.]
To string together the Savitri Erans narrative, we shall have to traverse through several cities spreading over Algeria, Egypt, England, France, India, Japan, and Turkey. [TNM]

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