Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Majority of Westerners are willing Christians
Contingent & engine congeries
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Life Divine retains its fertility

No need to rely upon ancient stories
Saturday, December 19, 2009
St. Stephen's College and Sri Aurobindo Ashram
[Stephen's teachers unite against bishop Times of India - Dec 17, 2009 NEW DELHI: A section of teachers of St Stephen's College challenged the bishop of Church of North India, Sunil Kumar Singh, on Thursday, accusing him of ... Stephen's teachers up ante against Bishop Indian Express Church demanded Rs 1 lakh from Stephen's Daily Pioneer St. Stephens' teachers launch protest against bishop New Delhi, Dec 17 (IANS) Teachers of one of India's top educational institutes, the St. Stephen's College Thursday launched a protest campaign against the ... Survival of St Stephens in danger, say teachers Press Trust of India - Dec 17, 2009 New Delhi, Dec 17 (PTI) St Stephens faculty members today alleged that Church of North India's Bishop's interference in a "reckless manner" in the ... St. Stephen's teachers launch protest against bishop, Delhi News ...]
It is a pity that institutions like St. Stephen's College and Sri Aurobindo Ashram are unable to manage their affairs in a fair and transparent manner. [TNM]
Its illustrious career would remain a beckon of light
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Larval Subjects announces a course correction
Monday, December 14, 2009
Religious empathy creates social capital
[Rethinking Religion in India The Colonial Construction of Hinduism
Edited by Esther Bloch, Marianne Keppens, Rajaram Hegde
Increasingly scholars have come to realise that the dominant understanding of Indian culture and its traditions is unsatisfactory. According to the classical paradigm, Hindu traditions are conceptualized as features of a religion with distinct beliefs, doctrines, sacred laws and holy texts. Today, however, many academics consider this conception to be a colonial ‘construction’... Hinduism only exists in the European experience and does not correspond to any empirical reality in India. Published December 14 2009 by Routledge.]
[The magic of religion Pune Mirror - By N Vittal
Monday, December 14, 2009: Even in the 21st century, religion continues to be critically important in the lives of people. It is not very fashionable or modern to say that you believe in your religion, especially if you are a Hindu in our country. We feel that we should flaunt our secularism by avoiding taking a firm stand on religion. An elegant ambiguity, if not outright skepticism or agnosticism, seems to be a sine qua non... But religion has a credit side when it comes to human affairs. This is the altruistic inspiration it provides. Marxism and rationalism do not have this redeeming feature. Religion has been the source of inspiration for a whole multitude of humane and charitable institutions which sustain their activities from generation to generation. In our country, rich businessmen as enlightened vaishyas have been practitioners of philanthropy in every part of the country. For example, in the healthcare sector, there are institutions like Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai launched by Dr Badrinath who, in turn, was inspired by the Parmacharya of Kanchi. The Arvind Eye Hospital in Madurai, Tamilnadu, owes its origin to the Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry and the Mother. Liberhan and 26/11 Mumbai Mirror]
The track record of Savitri Era Religion in this respect is yet to be enumerated appropriately. [TNM]
Friday, December 11, 2009
How the world must have been packaged for it to be consumable
from Larval Subjects by larvalsubjects
the transcendental realist begins with the question of what the world must be like for it to be knowable.] [Ruled by Anniversaries TOI Santosh Desai Monday December 07, 2009 The idea of the anniversary is precisely to create a dam that gathers the gushing waters of time in the reservoir of today... Since so much that of how we see the world is shaped by media today, the process by which memory gets manufactured, retained and recalled is not an innocent one... Coverage finds comfort in numbers; and reportage tends to cling to mainstream issues that everyone is focusing on. Like the structure of markets where competing shops selling the same wares tend to spring up in a single area rather than spread themselves out, media too finds security in aggregating sameness. As readers and viewers we can choose which channel to watch but in reality all channels seem to cover on the same events in pretty much the same way.
What we are seeing is in effect a tacit surrender of independent will to the presumed forces of packaging and marketing... we reveal our susceptibility to news that comes to us in a pre-packaged form... Even devastating tragedies need to come to us in a form that we can easily consume. Continue reading... 13 Comments]
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Andhra-Telangana chaos
[Andhra political chaos: 92 legislators, many MPs to quit
Times of India - Thursday, December 10, 2009 Mutiny or staged protest in Cong?
Times Cong finally gives in, Telangana on its way Daily Pioneer
Telangana shock: Andhra MLAs resign Amarnath K. Menon Hyderabad
A constitutional crisis looms large following the spate of resignations.
A hasty decision: TDP chief Telangana to become the 29th state]
Mother India, December 2009 arrived today which coincidentally features Sri Aurobindo's "On Linguistic Provinces" (Message to Andhra University, 1948) and related articles. [TNM]
Idealism & a commitment to a bigger something
[10 Dec 2009 Remembering Peter Drucker from The Big Picture by T T Ram Mohan
Drucker laid down the key principles of management some fifty years ago. They remain relevant because nobody bothers to practise them. And they are not practised because they do require an element of idealism, a commitment to a bigger something. That, alas, is not something you associate with business managers. I highlight some striking ideas of Drucker's in my ET column, Peter Drucker lives on.]
Where management turns into yoga. [TNM]
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Monogamy and monism
[Psychologies of the East -- because of their blanket condemnation of the ego -- tend to be naive and mythological... Quacks in the Foundation of the West from One Cosmos by Gagdad Bob 8:50 AM
Nondualism and materialism share the commonality of being intrinsically monistic, whereas Christianity is intrinsically dualistic (and actually trinitarian, but we'll get to that later). In a way, nondualism is a mirror image of materialism, for neither has a place for the individual human soul as a truly real reality. Gastrocosmology and Theophagy: Eat, Drink, and be Mary from One Cosmos by Gagdad Bob 12:21 PM]
[Married (Happily) With Issues Elizabeth Weil NYTimes: December 1, 2009
Monogamy is one of the most basic concepts of modern marriage. It is also its most confounding. In psychoanalytic thought, the template for monogamy is forged in infancy, a baby with its mother. Marriage is considered to be a mainline back to this relationship, its direct heir... “So when we think about monogamy, we think about it as though we are still children and not adults as well,” Adam Phillips notes. 9:15 AM]
[Since history itself, in Vico's view, is the manifestation of Providence in the world, the transition from one stage to the next and the steady ascendance of reason over imagination represent a gradual progress of civilization, a qualitative improvement from simpler to more complex forms of social organization. Giambattista Vico (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)]
[Although not opposed to business, the major faith traditions have tried to counterbalance some of the abuses of capitalism. Eastern religions, such as Buddhism, by means of yoga and other disciplines, try to moderate the aggressive acquisitiveness of the human psyche. The three monotheistic faiths have inveighed against the injustice of unevenly distributed wealth -- a critique that speaks directly to the gap between rich and poor in our society. Integral Options Cafe: Karen Armstrong - Think Again: God By WH]
The Mother wants us to be like a child. Heehs, however, strayed into the adult territory. [TNM]
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Other worlds and inner domains
[Most Valuable Books of 2009 from Larval Subjects by larvalsubjects
For me 2009 has been one of those years in which everything changed, where all sorts of old assumptions and fixations dissipated like so much mist, and where I’ve found myself having to rebuild everything from the ground up. Building, of course, always requires materials out of which things must be built. Consequently, it is not so much that all of those old influences (phenomenology, Deleuze, structuralism, semiotics, Lacan, Freud, Marx, Kant, Spinoza, Lucretius, Hume, etc., etc.) disappeared, it is that my relationship to these forms of thought shifted and suddenly I was asking different questions, dealing with different problems, resituating what was important and unimportant in these earlier influences, while also abandoning a number of the problems that motivated these movements and thinkers... The most fundamental encounter of 2009 was certainly my encounter with Graham Harman. 11:52 AM]
[And the Zeitgeist right now favors figures such as Badiou, Zizek, Deleuze, Lacan, Laruelle, a bit of Malabou and Metzinger lapping at the edges, etc. I like much of this stuff too, but it also has weaknesses of its own, and people need to have the freedom to address those weaknesses without explosions from those who like them. on labels from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek 10:01 AM]
[Re: The Story of Creation--the Bright Persona
by paulette on Fri 04 Dec 2009 10:09 AM IST Profile Permanent Link
The result of the BBC poll suggests that Marx's portrayal of the forces that govern our lives - and of the instability, alienation, and exploitation they produce — still resonates, and can still bring the world into focus. Far from being buried under the rubble of the Berlin Wall, he may only now be emerging in his true significance. For all the anguished, uncomprehending howls from the right-wing press, Karl Marx could yet become the most influential thinker of the 21st century.” Paulette Reply]
[Chapters two and three (The Two Negations) in Sri Aurobindo's THE LIFE DIVINE are excellent examples of why Idealism and Materialism are only partial truths. Joan 6:49 AM 10:01 AM]
[Re: LACMA 111909 - Debashish Banerji
by koantum on Fri 04 Dec 2009 09:54 PM PST Profile Permanent Link
But should we deny that Sri Aurobindo is a greater power for widening this discourse than are Deleuze, Zizek, Lacan and their ilk just because we all are disgusted by the sectarian narrowness displayed by the Church of Aurobindianity?]
[Re: LACMA 111909 - Debashish Banerji
by Debashish on Sat 05 Dec 2009 08:02 AM PST Profile Permanent Link
The western debate remains an aporia because there is no passage out of its contradiction in the Avidya. But there is an experiential way out as dealt with by Sri Aurobindo. To insert this into the discourse enlarges and extends its horizon. By introducing Sri Aurobindo into an unfamiliar terrain it also reconstellates and recontextualizes him. db]
If we leave aside The Record of Yoga, a personal journal where things were jotted down in a coded idiom, none of Sri Aurobindo's prose works lend to any mystification. His language is pretty rational and intelligible comparable to his contemporaries like Husserl, Heidegger, and Whitehead.
He talks about things unseen and unknown quite matter-of-factly and invites us to awake to those realities with the encouraging words that the unknown is not unknowable. Having said that, it would be honest to admit that I (and, I presume, most of us) have no conscious access to the other worlds and the inner domains that Sri Aurobindo has delineated.
No amount of languaging gymnastics, therefore, can redeem the situation and a quiet faith in the glory of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo is the only recourse. This may sound pessimistic and anti-intellectual, but the idea of grace restores cheer. [TNM]
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Sri Aurobindo, Heidegger, Husserl, and Latour
[But I happen not to share the great enthusiasm for the philosophy-of-mind turn in our midst, especially when it comes from people who make no end of unkind remarks about such figures as Husserl and Latour, who are both of far greater importance than the Zeitgeist tends to imagine. And the Zeitgeist right now favors figures such as Badiou, Zizek, Deleuze, Lacan, Laruelle, a bit of Malabou and Metzinger lapping at the edges, etc. I like much of this stuff too, but it also has weaknesses of its own, and people need to have the freedom to address those weaknesses without explosions from those who like them.
Conversations cannot be one-way streets. My biggest intellectual disappointments in recent years were with those who constantly dumped on Heidegger, Husserl, and Latour in my presence, while exploding with rage whenever I raised the least concerns about Badiou, the Churchlands, etc. The basic principle is that one can’t be touchy when throwing first stones. on labels
from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek]
[Chapters two and three (The Two Negations) in Sri Aurobindo's THE LIFE DIVINE are excellent examples of why Idealism and Materialism are only partial truths. Joan 6:49 AM]
Fourfold: Sri Aurobindo and Heidegger, Husserl, and Latour. [TNM]
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Luxembourg and Finland
[Japan, Finland among 5 nations cleared for visa-on-arrival in India
Indian Express, Thursday , Dec 03, 2009 - The government, it is learnt, has decided to clear the names of Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Luxembourg and Finland as the countries whose nationals can fly in to India and obtain a visa at the airport. ... This is the first time that India is offering visa-on-arrival to any country. And it is making this offer completely unilaterally, junking a proposal that said New Delhi should offer this facility only to countries that were ready to reciprocate.]
Unilateral urge for human unity. [TNM]
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Promote the Savitri Era brand
Why did the Japanese government promote Nissan and Toyota, and not Honda? It was because it wanted to promote Japan as a brand, and wanted good cars to be a part of that brand. It did not simply want to promote Japan... Japan’s was an embarrassing brand; the Japanese government wanted the world to forget Japan as a warring country, and to recognize it as a manufacturer of the world’s best products.]
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Religion and marriage
[Is 'Hindu Atheism' Valid? A Rationalist Critique Of The 'Hindu ... By Ajita Kamal - For example Aurobindo Ghose emphasized that 'all great awakenings in India, all her periods of mightiest and most varied vigour have drawn their vitality from the fountainhead of some deep religious awakening' (Purani 1964: 81). ... Nirmukta Posted on 28 November 2009
Many Indians intellectuals who don’t believe in supernatural gods or powers fail to separate their non-belief from the ‘Hindu’ identity... Hinduism is a meaningless religious label... Religions have always benefited when the facts are ambiguous. One such religion-driven ambiguity is in the definition of the notion of religion itself. This is the first place to start any such discussion on religion. From a scientific point of view, we can define religion as a sub-group within a culture, possessing certain specific traits. The most fundamental of these traits is the strong group identity that religion strives to instill in its followers.]
[“I regret to say,” write Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828, “that the present system of religion adhered to by the Hindus are not well calculated to promote thier political interests. The distinction of caste introducing innumerable divisions and sub divisions among them have entirely deprives them of patriotic feeling, and the multitude of religious rites and ceremonies and the laws of purification has totally disqualified from undertaking any difficult enterprise. It is, I think necessary that some change should take place in their religion at least for the sake of thier political advantage and social comfort.” How freedom movement is related to social and religious reform movement in pre independence India: An Analysis Posted by medieval
Medieval Weapons Nov28]
[Frame norms for inter-faith unions, girl requests SC Times of India - Nov 27, 2009
"Directions are required and guidelines be given by the apex court in a Muslim or inter-religion marriage, so that peace and tranquility prevails for ...
SC notice to JK Govt on honour killing of youth by cops]
Welcome to Savitri Era Religion. [TNM]
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Spirituality divides
[The fact that the subjective age - which aside from Sri Aurobindo was conceived in many modernist writings of the late 19th and early 20th century - has not smoothly transitioned into a spiritual age, but rather an age of late Capitalism, post-modernism, post-humanism or whatever one wishes to call it, does not shed light on either the success of failure of the project of Integral Yoga, because as you say the current age in itself is equally an expression the multiple worlds at play within the infinite's self-conception. But this matter brings up an issue concerning a wider dialog of the yoga and culture, in that due to the turn that evolution of consciousness has made the uncritical assertion of a progressive spiritual evolution is problematic when applied to any collectivity.
Therefore, what is more fascinating -at least for myself- is the tension between these Utopian tendencies characteristic of the Modernist period (late 19th early 20th century) and the often dystopian, machinic, computational view of reality that defines much of the writing and art of late Modernism and the post-human period we find ourselves confronted with today. Although I dont see any widespread interest in such a dialog I am a bit heartened by the latest works of those trying to re-construct unifying narratives of hope out of the ashes of the ideological ruins of Modernity. (I especially liked how the Kroker's concluded Virilio in Obama's America) Re: Science, Culture and Integral Yoga :: Xul Solar by Rich on Sun 02 Nov 2008 Permanent Link]
[It seems to me that generally - identity is morphing (or if one would rather call it evolving) in some instances it is becoming more protean, pliable, elastic, - but in other instances it may becoming even more entrenched in its identification with the body and all that signifies, (ethnicity, nationality class,) One could ask I suppose if the forms of spirituality that are culturally co-evolving as part of this whole process of change sufficient or in fact ask: just how relevant words like spirituality are -when assigning them a value as a placeholder for a certain type of experience - when the very articulation of the word inevitably divides the world into that which is spiritual and that which is not? aka. Is there a way to overcome the binary process of languaging a world? Re: LACMA 111909 - Debashish Banerji Tony Clifton]
Richard Carlson (Tony Clifton), very sensitively, disputes the homogenizing propensity of notions like evolution and spirituality. As there can be no perfect answer to his objections within the human condition a la Gödel's theorem, Pascal's Wager seems to be the best bargain in the circumstances. [TNM]
Merits of unity and a common faith
Tusar N Mohapatra has left a new comment on your post "Barin Ghose, Dilip Kumar Roy, and Anna Bogenholm Sloane":
The picture Reddy paints gives an impression that Integral Yoga is Ashram bound and hence leaving it tantamounts to failure. Mercifully, his thesis is not wholly true.
Devine, on the other hand, links dogma with tyranny and that presupposition eliminates the merits of unity and a common faith. [TNM] Posted by Tusar N Mohapatra to Aurora Mirabilis at 8:29 AM, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Ortega y Gasset does more with authenticity than Heidegger does
[speaking of likes and dislikes
from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek
Speaking of likes and dislikes, I think that the best model of philosophical engagement would not be a neutrally distant critique, whether of the sneering or politely aloof variety.
What I really want to hear from a commentator is this: which aspects of the text commented upon do they most passionately enjoy and detest? This is one reason I’ve always loved Badiou’s book on Deleuze (in fact, it is my favorite Badiou text, and always has been). Badiou comes and lays his cards right on the table, telling us what he likes and dislikes about Deleuze, and how he thinks it differs from his own position. Nice job.] [some disingenuous claims
from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek
I’ve blogged before about ways in which people use adjectives dishonestly.]
[Education here is based on rote memorisation, with virtually no emphasis on creative thinking. Few schools here even teach the theory of evolution...
In large part because of the emphasis on memorisation over critical thinking, many here say, the quality of the education is poor. While countries in the region often spend as much or more than the world average per pupil, the results are frequently far below average.
Egypt, for example, once considered the intellectual capital of the Arab world, was recently ranked 124th of 133 countries in the quality of its primary education by the World Economic Forum, based in Switzerland. Other global assessments have provided equally dismal results. Harnessing Darwin to push an ancient intellectual centre to evolve Michael Slackman © 2009 The New York Times News Service]
[The secular liberalism of the nation-state has demanded conformity and obedience from Europe’s citizens. Upholding an abstract idea of the individual citizen divested of his religious and ethnic identity, this liberalism has not had an easy relationship with Europe’s ethnic and religious minorities, to put it mildly; the current obsession with Muslims, for instance, betrays a deep unease with expressions of cultural distinctiveness (previously exemplified in Western Europe by Jews). Pankaj Mishra, Beyond boundaries UAE / Friday, November 27, 2009 Abu Dhabi 6:56 AM]
[International Congress in Auroville “Spirituality beyond Religions”, 5-8 January 2010 Mon, 06/15/2009 - 11:42am — International Congress in Auroville, 5-8 January 2010 “Spirituality beyond Religions” spirituality A New Path to a Universal Cultural Dialogue]
Graham Harman blogging from Cairo holds a great promise for the East-West reappraisal. [TNM]
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A pleasant afternoon and I reach Delhi Ashram. A magnificent and majestic Meditation hall welcomes me. My heart fills with joy. But the memory of the old building which used to be my weekly haunt in the nineties spurs mixed feelings.
Sri Aurobindo’s symbol within a circle can stand alone as a logo, but juxtaposed to The Mother’s symbol it appeared to be an oddity and avoidable distortion. Inside, my jaw dropped on confronting the photographs of the Masters fixed so wide apart.
Ganesh Vandana on Siddhi Day seemed disconcerting, but, however, was enjoyable in the classical style. Then, she sang another Gajanan Stuti. Irritated, I headed for tea.
On asking for a coupon, the gentleman at the reception informed me that tea is free on Darshan Day. A glass in hand I went to the counter in the Dining hall but the lady refused as only lunch and dinner are free but not tea. Offended, I put the glass back and went to the reception again to buy a coupon. When I had tea and snacks finally, the taste obviously was bitter.
The March Past, the evocative Vande Mataram, and the lighting of lamps ceremony brought cheers. Not even 24 persons were present to witness when the function began. And this city is home to 12 million people, alas.
Fearing that the tea episode will fill my meditation, I left, foregoing the free dinner, perforce. [TNM]
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Weighing in on WWI in 1914
[I wonder what the “late period” of Nietzsche would have been like. And that’s another interesting thought experiment… Nietzsche as a respected commentator in 1914, weighing in on WWI, a celebrated figure and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. He barely missed living long enough to see the end of his obscurity. another thought while reading Schopenhauer
from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek]
Sri Aurobindo embarks upon The Life Divine in 1914. [TNM]
Social Capital & Soft Power
Hard power can drive people away but soft power almost always brings them closer. This is why nations with big ambitions have always used cultural exports to enhance their clout. Shobhan Saxena November 22, 2009] ['India is also rock & pop' Shobhan Saxena
Dr Karan Singh has worn many hats - maharaja of Kashmir, governor, ambassador, minister, scholar, writer. Now, as head of the ICCR, the 79-year-old Congress leader is leading India's softpower offensive. He talks culture, politics and pop exports to Shobhan Saxena.] [Rs 150cr to hardsell India? Pavan K Varma
Only recently is India waking up to the real potential of 'soft power', that curiously Freudian expression coined by Joseph Nye.]
[I also think Schopenhauer’s basic outline of the different periods of life is correct, though I wouldn’t put such a hopelessly pessimistic spin on them as he does. In particular, the idea that each person’s character shines best in one period of life is very strong, and it is perhaps also the case that each nation’s virtues are best suited to one particular historical era. (Like many people, I’m expecting Asian dominance of the world before too long.) more on Schopenhauer
from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek]
International relations are fast altering and the East-West equilibrium is likely to display drastic makeover within a not so distant future. The momentum is said to be propelled by economics at the moment, but a deeper look would point at a range of Social Capital.
An apparent instance is the steadfastness of Japanese work ethic. Korean dexterity and Chinese resilience too have contributed to their respective prosperity. Overall, a resurgent spirit is at work all over Asia. But the challenge is to build on strong foundations of Soft Power.
The Mother and Sri Aurobindo, through their joint venture, have heralded such a blueprint backed by some finest arguments set forth in superb prose (and poetry). No set of proposals – either past or present – can equal the brilliance of their recommendations. The imperative, therefore, is to follow or perish. [TNM]
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Ascent to Truth grew out of a painting made by The Mother
[The Mother (of Sri Aurobindo Ashram) - Page 108 Prema Nandakumar - Biography & Autobiography - 1977 - 136 pages
As for the playlet, The Ascent to Truth, it grew out of a painting made by the Mother of the Hall of Aspiration. A group of people (the philanthropist, ...]
cf. Jacob's Ladder by William Blake (1757–1827). [TNM]
Sunday, November 15, 2009
An indispensable work
[The lives of Sri Aurobindo - Google Books Result
by Peter Heehs - 2008 - Religion - 496 pages Biographers usually focus solely on Aurobindo's life as a politician or sage, but he was also a scholar, a revolutionary, a poet, a philosopher, a social and ...]
Thanks to Google Books, I read a few pages of the book for the first time this morning. The impression I gathered was it is an indispensable work.
The Many Lives of R.C. Dutt by Meenakshi Mukherjee is also an interesting recent publication as “a prism which refracts the relationships between the West and India, colonialism and nationalism, elite and subaltern Indians, literature and history and much else.” [TNM]
Friday, November 06, 2009
Political nullity
- "Hegel also offers the first polemically political definition of the bourgeois. The bourgeois is an individual who does not want to leave the apolitical riskless private sphere. He rests in the possession of his private property, and under the justification of his possessive individualism he acts as an individual against the totality. He is a man who finds his compensation for his political nullity in the fruits of freedom and enrichment and above all in the total security of its use. Consequently he wants to be spared bravery and exempted from the danger of a violent death." [The concept of the political - Google Books Result by Carl Schmitt, George Schwab - 2007 - Philosophy - 126 pages]
Monday, October 26, 2009
There’s no reason to privilege mind
Blogging by Larval Subjects is a high point of Cyberspace:
- "Graham, of course, has had a decisive impact on my thought and has led me to read figures such as Zubiri, Bhaskar, and Latour. Mel introduced me to Latour, Kittler, Ong, Bogost, and a whole host of other thinkers. Shaviro got me back into Whitehead. And so on." October 22, 2009 Speculative Realism, Armies of Objects, and the Social Sciences
- "However, if the last 300 years of philosophy have shown us anything, it has shown us that we do not have any direct or immanent or immediate access to our own minds. As Lacan liked to say, following Freud, the subject is split. This is true even in Kant, as can be seen in both the paralogisms and the the deduction where Kant distinguishes between the subject as phenomena to itself, the transcendental unity of apperception, and the subject in-itself. Similarly, phenomenology increasingly discovered just how elusive givenness is in intuition, or how there is no immediacy in consciousness.
Yet if we follow through the implications of these points, then it would seem that there’s no reason to privilege mind (or some variant thereof) in our transcendental arguments." October 22, 2009 Transcendental Realism? - "To be quite honest, I’m rather surprised that certain philosophers of religion and theologians haven’t exploited this point when characterizing me as the wicked, secular-humanist, materialist atheist.
For if the ontic principle is rigorously followed through, then there’s nothing that allows me to prohibit God, and other things besides, from the order of being. A theology or philosophy of religion premised on the ontic principle might lead to some surprising results contrary to traditional theistic conceptions of God where God overdetermines everything else, but the very coordinates of my thought prevent me from excluding the divine as productive of difference... I also suspect that this is the reason that some theologians and philosophers of religion have been rather enthusiastic about object-oriented ontology and the ontic principle.
In the end, I take it that as leaky as my ship is, this capacity to surprise is the mark of a good philosophy or ontology. Since I first formulated the ontic principle in January or February, I’ve been on a witches broom of thought, no longer knowing where I’m being led or am going. In other words, my basic ontological commitments might not only be surprising to others, but are surprising to me as I carry out their implications. I do not take this as a negative thing, but as precisely what a philosophy should do." Realism is not a Synonym for Materialism
Let's hope that the logic of Larval Subjects finally rams into Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine. [TNM]
Saturday, October 24, 2009
No one yet knows for certain what exactly Sri Aurobindo says
The judgmental spirit has overtaken us; a magisterial impulse. Everyone is on a spree to pass verdicts on anything under the sun. It seems that years of fear and suppression has found a vent as more and more of us are mustering courage to contribute to a discursive environment.
The difficulties are many. For instance, the complete works of Sri Aurobindo are yet to come out. So, no one can claim that he has gone through the Master’s entire oeuvre. In other words, no one yet knows for certain what exactly Sri Aurobindo says.
The publishing programme thus far has adopted an ivory tower approach. Evidently, complains and criticisms are surfacing. Involving informed users would go a long way in making the books blemish free in future.
Writings apart, the dynamics of interaction among the followers needs to be adequately debated upon and suitable structural apparatus put in place. Espousing a democratic and tolerant milieu for relating to The Mother & Sri Aurobindo at diverse levels is also a cardinal requisite.
Sri Aurobindian ontology and its socio-political implications is an unfolding story for which we need to be patient and polite without betting on any kind of finality. What all we have been told so far are just hints and allusions, and hence it would be foolish to make them prestige issues.
Public pronouncements by the followers, therefore, should be made after careful consideration of the matter. While commenting on socio-economic issues, responsibility should be assumed by disclosing full name, address and profession. Otherwise many a time, it looks like a childish hit-and-run tactic. [TNM-241009-Sat]