Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sri Aurobindo cleanses your mind of hatred

Strategy to become PM and policy to remain PM as long as possible have obviously to be different. Modi struck right notes but Bihar pinches!
So reassuring that Kulkarni Doctrine has not run out of steam and will be of use to serious politicians of all hues. @SudheenKulkarni
Modi has just reaffirmed the oft-repeated Constitutional position on Religion whereas on Bihar imbroglio, he owes an apology to the nation.
Modi has inflicted such a punch today that many of his supporters have started speaking Greek and Latin. Modi must atone for his past sins!
@niranjan_takle On this point, speaking is enough; nothing else to be done unless actual events warrant. Even that much is being resented!
@tamhanespeaks @niranjan_takle The fault lies with President then who administered the oath of office to him. But then, each person evolves.
@rohanmintoo @Baisaaa Nevertheless, today will go down as a red letter day in the history of Hindutva movement that is groping for direction.
It's easy to accuse that Delhi verdict is responsible to bring Modi to his knees but to be fair, his Govt has been consistent on this score.
@shaidang Modi has been respectful to Gandhi and that speaks for his policy on religious diversity. His task is to occupy the Congress space.
@shaidang As you tweeted earlier, Modi is trying to win new constituencies and perceptions matter in a variety of ways. It's political march.
@shaidang The whole Hindutva focus has been misleading & younger leaders of BJP-RSS are discovering that it's counterproductive. Hence tweak.
Whether the PM attends a Christian function or joins a Temple ceremony has no distinction from the Vedic perspective and that's Indian ethos.
Those tied to form or stone must endeavor to liberate themselves from bondage & embark upon an adventure of Consciousness via Sri Aurobindo.
Sri Aurobindo explains what is best in Religion and injurious effects of Rituals & Superstition. Mythology as poetry is fine for consumption.
Intellectual lethargy has been a stumbling block for the nation but at present the challenge is overcoming prejudice against Sri Aurobindo.
Learning from Sri Aurobindo cleanses your mind of hatred and adds you to the army of Harmony that is marching towards the future Evolution.
Let your faith not stand in the way of intellectual expansion and reformulation of ideas so that one remains receptive to gifts of Evolution.
Faith is a personal property and must receive protection. Intellect is a public place and must be subjected to perpetual alien interrogation.
No better source for intellectual churning and enrichment than ploughing through the Complete Works Sri Aurobindo: http://t.co/S7aWJUVQVD
[Mr. Modi was as unambiguous as he could get] "@the_hindu: Religious tolerance should be in the DNA of all Indians: http://t.co/fbG6E3zXZd"

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